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About HXC

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. HXC

    SLX MOD public release

    I get this errorright at teh beginning when I click the 'Start SLX.bat' file. I placed the '@SLX' folder in C:\Games\Arma Update Problem solved.
  2. HXC

    SLX MOD public release

    When trying to install I get the message "ca.pbo not found". I have the latest beta patch 1_12) installed.
  3. UberSoldier? It's more like Rambo 0,5 (Can't wait till Rambo IV enters the cinema )
  4. HXC

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    I started thinking that EDGE rating of a 5 out of 10 was right. If only I listened and didn't pay attention only the positive reviews.
  5. HXC

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    OMG seeing that vid really pissed me off . That does it I am going to sell my game. There is absolutely no reason at all why bis is denying us some features of VBS2. VBS2 implements features casual gamers don't want or need. Like After Action Report for example. And recording simulation sessions for reviewing purposes. However there are features we casual gamers do want. Like proper realistic sound effect instead of the recycled garbage from OFP. Motion caption movement instead of these mindless zombies in your squad. And what up with the price? An increase of 1800%?! Are they nuts??? The best tanksim (Steel Beasts Professional) in the market in use by several armies costs only $125. Update Tried to sell ArmA but the price offered was to low. I guess I just put this game away and install it again in a year or so to see how it has (or hasn't) evolved.
  6. HXC

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Well I just gave up Armed Assault. As a former OFP fan I am very disappointed about the current state of ArmA. I don't even know where to start complaining. But here's a try: -The sound effects suck. They sucked in OFP and they have used exactly the the same sound effect.\s which in 2007 suck even more. -The A.I. or horrible dumb (mostly in case of your teammates) or insanely clever (mostly in case of opfor). -Voices while better then in OFP sound stil mechanical -Dull storyline (who gives a fuck about sagrani?) even worse the island layout is almost identical to to OFP. -Stupid unrealistic 'lone wolf missions'. -Overall the gameplay feels overly mechanical and immersion is hampered by unrealistic soundeffect, dull mechanic voices, stupid uninspiring storyline. -It's a Windows only title no Mac or Linux. Come on it's 2007 for crying out lout. Fortunately there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's called: Combat Mission: Shock Force http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmsf/index.html I can't wait to sell ArmA to some poor sucker in order to finance this game.
  7. They certainly market ArmA as a realistic military simulator Atari Ships 'ArmA: Combat Operations'â„¢ - New Realistic Military Combat Game Available Now - Atari, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATAR), one of the world's most recognized brands and a third-party video game publisher, today announces that the realistic combat simulation, ArmA: Combat Operationsâ„¢ has now shipped to stores nationwide and is also available for purchase on Atari.com/us. Developed by Bohemia Interactive, ArmA: Combat Operations is available for the Windows platform for the suggested retail price of $39.95. The game is currently available in Europe under the name ArmA: Armed Assault. ... "ArmA: Combat Operations is an engaging and realistic PC combat title," said Jeremiah Cohn, Product Manager, Atari, Inc. "Atari is thrilled to publish and distribute, both online and in stores, Bohemia Interactive's next game since Operation Flashpointâ„¢." ArmA: Combat Operations offers the ultimate realistic combat simulation experience in a modern day setting. With unique freedom of movement, actions and tactics, the game takes immersive strategic battles to a whole new level.
  8. Good to hear I am not the only one. Time to fill in a bug report to address this flaw.
  9. Not unrealistic??? What soldier would start on a solo mission to take up a convoy without ammunition . What kind of commander would allow such a mission? .... John Rambo :P LOL!
  10. Not unrealistic??? What soldier would start on a solo mission to take up a convoy without ammunition . What kind of commander would allow such a mission? Don't you agree that is weird to start the mission without ammunition, but there are enough supplies lying on the streets . This totally screws the immersiveness and makes it just another military themed fps.
  11. I just tried the mission again (1.5 patch) but I couldn't find a way to choose my gear
  12. Destroy Ural convoy: remember they said there is someone helping us in the town? go to church and you'll find enough weapons that can destory all truck in 3 sec.. Thanks for the tip . Sill I feel no soldier would even consider takingen up two bmp's and 2 dozen armed soldiers all alone...
  13. I wonder if I am the only one that finds Armed Assault's lone wolf missions very unrealistic. In the campaign I am stuck thanks to these mssions. I coould choose between blowing up a bridge and between blowing up a Ural convoy. Lets look at each mission and the gear you get: Blowing up a bridge You start with a few satchel charges A gun with no ammo  I mean come on; every soldier would refuse such a mission. Considering you have only a few minutes to place these charses you  would at least nead a spec ops team considering of a spotter a sniper anti-tank etc. Enough ammo to supply a small army, a clearly marked extraction point, a plan B when blowing the bridge fails etc tec. The truth is most modern armies higly value the lives of their soldiers and place their safety first. Sending 1 soldier on such a mission would be suicide. Destroy Ural convoy You are supossed to detroy the ural convoy wiht 1 satchel charge  and a few anti tank rocket all alone. Again, in the real world this at least takes a specs op team of a sniper an a spotter and a few other special forces operatives. Or to deploy lots of satchel charges with a time limit when the spotter signals in the convoy. Staying within a range of a few 100 meters in army clothes is plain suicide. Besides which backward army doesn't notice the sachel charges lying in the middle of the road? They miss these but can kill you easily when lying in a hideout afer these charges blow . Am I the only  one who finds these mission very flawed and unrealistic? How can we help Bohemia  to improve them?
  14. HXC

    Ugly texture bug

    Nope I haven't. I do have an AGP card. I will search for the thread. Edit: I have trouble finding it, can you post the link?
  15. HXC

    Ugly texture bug

    I replaced my 1 GB memory with a 2 GB dual-channel kit. Disabled the Windows swap file and now Arma is running fine