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Everything posted by hund

  1. After reading through most of this thread, I must say that I am thouroughly entertained. The amount of childish innuendo and general douchebaggery is staggering to say the least. Why don't you all just agree to disagree and then go make me some addons? Failing that, everyone take a breather and then get back on track. This community is supposed to be mature, try to act accordingly.
  2. hund

    Pound of ground?

    Good investigative skills.
  3. hund

    Pound of ground?

    Well, Steve, you just had the first post and you didn't go: "First". My hat is off to you, dear sir. Now, I would also like to know what the hell all the ruccous is about. EDIT: Well, I googled it and there is indeed a game by that name in development over at a company called Akella, not sure why we have a forum section for an Akella game over here tho. http://en.akella.com/Game.aspx?id=37
  4. hund

    ZEUS Nam

    We usually run it at 600 meters, everything above that is kinda wasted anyways, and it looks very nice with the jungle and all. Another benefit is that it keeps the fighting nicely condensed into a tight area, just what you want for the Nam. Must be some kind of psychological effect: If you can't see it, it doesn't exist.
  5. hund

    ZEUS Nam

    We played Operation Dawn Breaker four times tonight, still haven't beaten it. Good job on the mission JW and good job on the island mondy.
  6. hund

    ZEUS Nam

    I don't know, but I think Mr. Mondkalb is trying to keep this project independent, so any fan of vietnam era warfare can enjoy his island, no matter what 'nam mod they use.
  7. http://imageshack.dk//viewimage.php?file=/imagesfree/Cva11962.jpg Proof of concept: if you're not using a pack, you still have the normal pack that comes with the model, no changes there. If you don a pack you can't carry a LAW (for obvious reasons) but you do get all the benefits that come with the OA pack system. And with a bit of retexturing the new pack "merges" with the old one, making it look like you just have a bigger pack.
  8. We are running it with various home-brewed additions (sounds, configs, model tweaks and the like). It is hard not to rummage around, but we will keep it private so no-one gets hurt.
  9. On that note, the "red" in red ground mud is a tad too strong in my opinion, it could do with a bit of toning down. They do have red dirt down there, but when you're standing in it, the colour is quite hurtful to ones eyes. So maybe a compromise between realism and sanity could be reached. I know its knit picking, but I thought I'd mention it.
  10. We have been messing around with it on dedicated servers as well, and what we found out is that you need to manually add UNS_traps and UNS_weaps to your required addons in the mission sqm. The pbos should do this themselves, but for some reason they don't, and then you can't load yer mission.
  11. hund

    ION, Inc.

    Why would we contrast them? Both groups are mainly composed of arsehats. I'd almost say they complement each other in their arsehattery... But no matter how we feel about the subject matter, mercs have and will provide a good backdrop for any armed scenario you can make up.
  12. Right then, the mod is out and no kittens got hurt! We have been having some games over at Zeus and it has been sweet so far. The plan is to have 'Nam nights on saturdays (you're always invited warrior, as is anyone else for that matter I suppose). You'll need ACRE tho (if ever there was a mod that screamed for ACRE, this be it). One thing we were missing a little bit was backpack functionality, but at the same time we didn't want to ruin your spiffy models. So how about this: You put on the backpack proxies so the models can carry a backpack, and then create an invisible backpack (just a config job really, as I understand it). That way we get to have our cake and eat it. Whaddaya think?
  13. hund

    cant run Arma 2!!!!! need help

    wow, thats a sucky situation. However I must applaud you for making video of your error, first time I've seen that. I guess you'll have to get some extra work hours in so you can get a new CPU (I'd recommend a new gfx card as well, but that's optional I guess). You should be able to get some bargain bin parts pretty cheap - how long they will last is another matter tho. Good luck matey, hope to see ya on the servers soon.
  14. hund

    The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War)

    You're right Dr@gon, I'll have to never ever use any copyrighted music in any of my missions. Ever. Did I mention that I wouldn't ever put copyrighted music in any of my missions? I'm being serious...
  15. Yeah, it's like a damn soap opera in here sometimes. What a world.
  16. hund

    The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War)

    I am impressed. A good read and excellent reference material.
  17. this is arma, anything is possible. But you will have to go and do it for yourself. I am not saying it is an easy task, but if you have the time and the inclination, you can edit the campaign to be whatever you want.
  18. hund

    The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War)

    Smartypants ;) Now get to it, I am getting blue in the head from holding my breath here.
  19. hund

    What is BAF light?

    BAF light means that you don't actually have BAF, just the "light" version that came with patch 1.54. However, you can still play BAF stuff, only your models and such will have low quality textures. So yes, you should be able to download and play any BAF mission. EDIT: Dang!
  20. hund

    co10 Valley Sweep

    Alright, I tried it again this morning, and the error I am getting is bon_settings\bon_settings_init.sqf not found. I got my copy from armaholic, so maybe something is borked in that version? This was the old version by the way, not the new one you've updated.
  21. hund

    co10 Valley Sweep

    BAF, on a dedi server. Tried with AI on and off, same result. Didn't look into it too much, just thought ya might wanna know.
  22. hund

    co10 Valley Sweep

    tried it out and we all spawned as birds, the Ai was on. Clicking the respawn didn't seem to work.
  23. hund

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I think the main reason is that Arma/OFP requires an active effort from the player to get the best out of it. That an some patience. Both these things do not correspond very well to the casual gamer market, which seems to be the main market for the games industry today. So it remains a niche game, but what a nice niche it is!