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Everything posted by hund

  1. Hey dude, welcome to the forums. You FOB is technically a mission file, if I am not mistaken, so you'd probably be better off putting it in the user mission section of the forums. Also, if you want a nice aerial shot of your creation, try adding the following into the init line of your beret man: this exec "camera.sqs" Keep up the good work!
  2. hund

    CiA co-op night

    I am afraid Mr. Metalcraze is right, ACE and ACRE will indeed be works in progress until pigs can fly - such is the nature of the beast. They do work very nicely nowadays, with very few serious errors. However, I sometimes miss the old days where I didn't have to fiddle around with all sorts of gadgetry to do the simplest little things. :D
  3. hund

    Making AI patrol loop.

    Use the "cycle" waypoint.
  4. hund

    CiA co-op night

    That would indeed be a hoot. Maybe we should look into a joint op or somesuch, might be fun. I was looking into getting your ofp mods a while back (and got em) but these days I'm running CWA, so no dice there. Some day soon tho :D
  5. Yeah, you're missing an option in this poll: "Buy two extra monitors". Problem solved ;D
  6. hund

    Arma 2 display errer

  7. I prefer the term Cadet, since I am not an amateur anymore. In fact, I do believe I could slap your ass and call you Suzie in any game of arma, my good fellow! :D In any case, I am not quite sure which difficulty settings allow 3rd person and which don't. Are you sure there is 3rd person in the veteran diffculty?
  8. I believe he means people who play with veteran settings.
  9. It is what it is, Mr. Bitt. The online flow and ebb of the arma community is a strange and wonderful thing with a will unto itself. That, and BIS sees a lot more players coming into the game the more mainstream it gets. My best suggestion would be to roll with the punches and enjoy whatever arma gives you. Changing games isn't really an option, since there is no game like this out there, now is there? :D @DM: Yeah it should definitely be optional, maybe in the player profile or whatnot.
  10. OK, so I gather that you're having difficulty finding a server that suits your specific needs. I am not going to tell you to go buy a server and run it as you want, because those things are expensive, you know? However, if the majority of servers aren't doing it your way, wouldn't that suggest that you're in the minority on this issue? Assuming that be the case, would it be considered fair for the minority (you, in this case) to dictate the majority (all the servers, apparently) how said servers are run? just sayin' :D And I vehemently disagree that the use of reticules, viewpoints and what have you, has anything whatsoever to do with how "seriously" you play the game. EDIT: As far as I know (and I might be wrong), the veteran and above difficulty settings already disallow 3rd person and a lot of other stuff. And even if it does not, the setting can be altered to do so. The reason why this is not being done must be because server admins are either unknowledgeable about settings, or they choose not to disallow 3rd person for whatever reason.
  11. Yes, OTS would be nice, BIS *hint*hint*nudge*
  12. Why you so angry Mr. Woore? Just take a breather, find a server that suits you and play the game how you like to play it. I'll do the same and everyone will be happy. I don't think most PvP servers even allow 3rd person, so I don't see the problem you're having?
  13. That is correct. Nothing an addon can't fix tho. :D
  14. What you've drawn a cute little picture of there is called OTS (over the shoulder) view. That's what I use in arma right now. It is nice but it has certain drawbacks.
  15. I am by all accounts pretty ancient, and I'm crazy about 3rd person. You get to look at your cool little dude doing cool little stuff, much better than watching your gun go "bang" for the gazillionth time. I was devastated when they didn't include 3rd in the pc versions of the GRAW games. I've meet a few peeps who say that even in coop, 3rd is cheating. I'm not sure who I am cheating in that case, but hey-ho. Arma is great because it gives us options, why anyone would wish to limit those options is beyond me. If anything I think BIS should expand upon their 3rd person system and include the new-fangled stuff that other games have (for instance, when you lean left, the camera moves over to compensate. Very helpful if you have an over-the-shoulder view).
  16. Hehe, thats funny, its because my name means dog, right? Well, I guess thats the end of the thread, or nearly so. I hope to see a lot of you fellas in a game of PR once it gets released, rules or no rules. We are all still buddies, right?
  17. Damn galz, when the hell did you start making any sense?
  18. I was actually a mod maker at one point - boy, did that suck ass.
  19. I was assuming Bn8190 was Bn880. My bad :D How many Bn's can there possibly be?? Anyhow, am I wrong in my previous assumptions?
  20. Traditionally modmaking is part content (your tank or your dude or your M4 carbine) and part gameplay (you campaign, your mission). Our community has always been much more focused on the content side than on the gameplay side of things. We would have an astounding amount of content but little if any gameplay to go with it, because it was expected that the user would provide gameplay himself. Or am I wrong? And as for my credentials, don't knock just because you don't understand it. PS: Tell Bn that he is a pederast :D
  21. I don't think people are all hyped up about the content, but rather they are excited about the actual game modes that come with PR. That is actually one of the arma community's largest failings: We make lots of content but when it comes to creating gameplay we are worthless. That being said I think you guys should really tone it down. Nobody is being forced to play the mod, so I don't see why you feel the need to get all angry about it. I am of a similar persuation as Mr. Dux above, but I don't feel personally offended by the mere presence of the mod. And for your information, Mr. Bradley Simard, I have released content, you just don't fucking know it, now do you?
  22. I wouldn't take it too seriously tho, dude. It's internet people being internetty.
  23. Hehe, Dslyecxi is getting all nasty. I never knew you had it in you. :D (I'm kidding. I knew).
  24. Ain't so such thing as a friendly match, noob. ;D
  25. I can help you with that. See ya on the servers ;D I would however beg to differ that PR is the ultimate combat experience. It has too many systems to ensure that everyone tows the line. Surely that game Arma is the ultimate combat experience, at least when everyone tows the line (which happens rarely because there are absolutely no systems to ensure such a thing).