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Posts posted by Horus

  1. Hi, 

    I am here to clarify some stuff. I am not aware of anyone mentioning Altis buildings on Malden being placeholders, can you please pinpoint where this was mentioned?

    Also it's not true, no new buildings are planned for Malden, so please be aware of that!

    Thanks everyone :)



    Sorry petkka/BIS but this has nothing with the original island...only the name and shape... and if you think this way to mark the anniversary would be a complete failure.



    Project Argo is TAC-OPS DLC right?

    This is a problem with the BIS directors/managers since they don't explained the new/young colleagues what Malden and Everon mean to old OFP/Arma players :thumbsdown:

    • Like 4

  2. I am a bit confused to see some of the reactions here ...Malden always has been a dry ( more brownish and yellow) island with spare more Mediterranean kind of vegetation and even a small desert/ sand part in the north.and since I would locate the OFP islands somewhere near the old Yugoslavian coast, the look of Malden 2035 seems perfect to me. Would be of course cool to mix in a few some old cold era buildings though :)




    Croatian Coast ....

    ..and this is Sveti Stefan Montenegro :ph34r: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sveti_Stefan

    • Like 1

  3. Just to clear some possible confusion: yes, Malden used by Project Argo is the base for terrain we are going to deliver for free in Malden DLC, as it was described in the Roadmap. The terrain is still in progress even by Project Argo crew, the final terrain should be a full fledged piece :icon_twisted:

    Sorry petkka/BIS but this has nothing with the original island...only the name and shape... and if you think this way to mark the anniversary would be a complete failure.



    Project Argo is TAC-OPS DLC right?

  4. Ok. I  grabed TFAR 0.9.12 from ArmAHolic and there is no radio_settings.hpp file inside (for the userconfig folder) ? Is it still needed?


    No https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/releases/tag/0.9.12


    Added CBA Settings implementation to replace userconfig. (#1099)

    Added Teamspeak 3.1 support (#1100)

    Teamspeak Plugins are now packed in a ts3_plugin installer.

    Fixed dead people could hear Zeus (#1048)


  5. Try this


    @echo off
    set arma3=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3
    ( set IP=999.999.999.999
    set PORT=9999
    set PASSWORD=something ) <- use this lines with correct IP,port and PW only if you want to directly connect to server

    set MODS=c:\arma_mods\@oldmod
    start ""  "%arma3%\arma3battleye.exe" 2 1 -window -skipintro -noLogs -noTexHeaders -noFilePatching -noSplash -world=empty -mod=%MODS% ( -connect=%IP% -port=%PORT% -password=%PASSWORD% ) <- for direct server connection





  6. --------------------------------


    Launch Parameters:

    CPU Count: 4

    ExThreads: Enabled

    Hyper-Threading: Enabled

    Malloc: System

    MaxMem: 20480

    MaxVRAM: 6144

    No Logs: Enabled


    Also changed these lines in Arma3.cfg:



    You can use only one of this -cpuCount or -enableHT:


    Enables the use of hyper-threading CPU cores which might slightly improve performance in certain scenarios. Note that this option may be overriden by -cpuCount so if you want to use maximum number of CPU cores use -enableHT without -cpuCount.


  7. If you are buying an overclockable K series i7 CPU, you should buy a Z170 based motherboard. See http://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/2099-intel-chipset-comparison-z170-h170-h110



    ok so I changed my Motherboard to a Asus Z170 Gaming and overclocked the i5 6600K to 4.6Ghz and the FPS is now better. I still have some FPS hickups especially when zooming but I guess this would be off topic.

    Now you have right setup ;)
