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Posts posted by Horus

  1. is the profile also loaded when i start arma with a launcher or bat file? or do i need to launch arma via the profile? what if i use beta patch? i select other armaoa.exe location?

    what happens when i close arma? do i get the default settings, or better said, what I defined as default settings?

    Just make a profile for ArmA:OA (armaoa.exe) in ATT and leave it, ATT, in the background :bounce3:

    the "texture LOD adjustment" i can only set to full numbers -1, 0 , 1, 2 etc... :confused:
    Download last version :D

  2. attarmaprofile.jpg@RunForrest you need to create a game profile in ATT for ArmA OA. For Catalyst AI, if you use 10.4, use default.

    If I use Vsync Off I have tearing but with ATT you have option to use Triple Buffers and VSync On without problem with reduced/drop FPS.

    This is my ArmA OA profile settings in ATT:



  3. Hi RunForrest :)

    First about your overclocking. How you get 3.2Ghz with 8x400FSB or ... If you just raised the FSB to 400 put FSB/Memory ratio to 1:1 and your memory will work at 800Mhz.

    2048MB of pagefile is ok. About the position of pagefile read this:

    1 Drive with 2 or more Partitions - Make sure the Pagefile is placed on the first primary partition as this is the fastest partition on hard drives.

    2 Drives or more (similar speeds) - If all your drives are similar in terms of their rated speed, you should put the main portion of the Pagefile on the drive that doesn't contain your Windows installation and applications/games, e.g. put it on a general data drive. If you've already separated your Windows installation from your applications/games, then place the Pagefile on the drive which doesn't contain your applications/games, even if this is the Windows drive.

    2 Drives or more (different speeds) - If one drive is notably faster than the others,use HD Tune or HD Tach to determine, you should put the main Pagefile on that drive, regardless of whether it is the system drive or not. This is particularly important if you have low system RAM, since the Pagefile will be accessed more often, and thus needs to be on the fastest drive.

    I have VTX3D HD5750 1GB OC to 880/1250 with 10.12 Catalyst and this is my settings in ATT for ArmA2 and OA:

    AA: application controlled

    AF: application controlled with enable high quality AF

    Textures: Quality

    MipMap: High Quality

    Vsync: Always On

    Catalyst AI: High Quality (for 10.4 use Quality ;) )

    Texture LOD Adjustment: -0.4

    Prerenderlimit: 0 (also set in ArmA2OA.cfg)

    Force VSync (Vista workaround): On with Force to use Triple Buffers

    ArmA2 settings:

    Viewdistance: 3000

    Overall Quality: Very High

    Res: 1680:1050

    3D-Res: 1680:1050(100%)

    TextDetails: Very High

    Memory: Very High

    AF: High

    AA: Normal

    Landscape: Low

    Objects: Very High

    Shadows: High

    HDR: normal

    Post Processing: Disable

    Try these settings and see if you have some improvement :D



  4. I use contig


    Place in the arma 2 directory, right click>send to>desktop shortcut and add -s *.* to the target line (mines is in d:\bohemia interactive\arma2)


    "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Contig.exe" -s *.*

    run it every time you use new beta, update ace, add a new mod etc etc etc

    It Makes sure all the files in that folder are contiguous.

    +1 and I use Contig + Power Defragmenter because you don't need to put Contig in each directory/folder/partition which you want to defragment.

    Power Defragmenter is a very advanced GUI for the Sysinternals core application which takes defragmentation process to a whole new level.

    Power Defragmenter is a GUI (Graphic User Interface) application for program Contig by Sysinternals.

  5. Download

    [71910] Fixed: Scripting command isFlatEmpty did not work with non-zero third coordinate. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11704)

    [71881] Fixed: Av8 unable to takeoff from Chernarus NE airstrip (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/3240)

    [71881] Fixed: Fog and sky colors did not match when dark.

    [71881] Fixed: Moon rotates when moving camera (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/8051)

    [71881] Fixed: Stars no longer visible through terrain with low view distance (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/8374)

    [71881] Fixed: Improved game stability with a small page file.

    [71881] Fixed: Gun recoil in ironsights view was missing kick-back (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/4401)

    [71843] Fixed: possible crash after mouse click to Prev/Next button in DisplayConfigureAction

  6. Namalsk island Version 1.10 is out :yay::yay::yay:

    Thanks Sumrak :bounce3:

    Details about 1.10 update..

    New big patch for Namalsk island. Finally, after months of working on my mod i get some time also for island.

    Included couple of changes (particullary based on reports by community). For more details, please, see changelog below..

    New patch also changing appearance of underground, which have now also next floor. Mission makers are able to use module, which can spawn approximately 100 misc objects into underground.

    For details about modules, included in this version, you can find more in MODULES section.

    Details about 1.10 update


    New big patch for Namalsk island. Finally, after months of working on my mod (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=87625) i get some time also for island.

    Included couple of changes (particullary based on reports by community). For more details, please, see changelog below..

    New patch also changing appearance of underground, which have now also next floor. Mission makers are able to use module, which can spawn approximately 100 misc objects into underground.

    New section on official website of the mod was also added - MODULES. Check http://www.nightstalkers.cz for more information about modules and their functions.



    *Added: AII underground spawn module (spawns misc objects into undeground, you are also able to control lights there)

    *Added: Extended underground of AII object, now with other floors (see details with release)

    *Added: Added some objects to some locations, entrance to the AI and vehicle entrance to the AII object,..

    *Added: New entrace in AII object into underground

    *Added: Destruction animation for railroad bridge

    *Added: Ambient sounds for Namalsk (global settings, local for island was buggy)

    *Added: More penetration materials added onto parts of objects (glass, wood, iron..)

    *Changed: Changed to a better structure of Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk mod, which is used by Namalsk

    *Changed: Walking on objects have now a proper sound based on type of material (wood, plates, etc..)

    *Changed: Namalsk is no longer default island

    *Changed: Namalsk config adapted for further ArmA II patches (new cloads parametres)

    *Changed: Rail-tunnels models reworked

    *Changed: AI object have now geometry and better roadway lod

    *Changed: Changed color of snow on satellite map (little)

    *Changed: Improved color filters for Namalsk, now also with priority (def, defgray, cold <=> 1501, 1502, 1503)

    *Fixed: Better bump maps for ground textures (particullary removes strange effect with old textures)

    *Fixed: Issues with not working property "damage = no" in models, fixed by destrType="DestructNo"; in cfg

    *Fixed: Tall grass model issue

    *Fixed: Strange white artifact in lowres lod in small spruce model

    *Fixed: AII underground is now darker and with shadows you get even better result

    *Fixed: Improved configs (Thanks to Kju)

    *Fixed: ArmA2.rpt related warnings to the Strange convex component

    *Fixed: ArmA2.rpt related warnings to (class=house) missing object class

    *Fixed: ArmA2.rpt related warnings to the updating base class

    *Fixed: ArmA2.rpt should be now without any other warnings

    *Fixed: Some object positions related issues (barrels in AII object, etc..)

    *Fixed: Some issues related to the roadways on some objects

    *Fixed: A lot of another tweaks in models (based on reports, thanks to reporters)

    *Issue: There is unfor. still triangular poly bug on low terrain detail (engine bug), only solution is set to bigger terrain detail (normal settings is enough)

  7. With this last beta patch i have this entries in .rpt file


    == K:\ArmA 2\arma2.exe

    == "K:\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=2 -noFilePatching -noPause -showScriptErrors -mod=beta


    Exe timestamp: 2010/05/03 20:51:39

    Current time: 2010/05/04 00:07:03

    Item str_disp_server_control listed twice

    Item STR_USRACT_ZEROING_DOWN listed twice

    Item STR_USRACT_ZEROING_UP listed twice

    Exe version: 1.05.70054
