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Everything posted by Hitcher

  1. Hitcher

    Space invaders mod released

    On resistance side Space invaders: E.T gauss E.T plazma E.T needler Space vehicles: FLY77 Mothership Manta XZ06 Empty side Space misc: Force shield Space landvehicles: Sectank OFFICIAL MOD MISSION INSIDE I was hurry to make this mod, then i make it simple but not least. I began this work 2 month ago after carwars 2.5 release. Big Thanks to Al simmons
  2. Hitcher

    Space invaders mod released

  3. Hitcher

    Space invaders mod released

    Be patient my friend take a look http://teohitcher.free.fr/images/a2.jpg http://teohitcher.free.fr/images/a7.jpg edit: image file size over 100kb
  4. here are some screen from "space invaders mod" Â preview. They are coming on earth... Soon Mod by Al Simmons and i Mod by Al Simmons and i
  5. Hitcher

    space invaders mod

  6. Hitcher

    space invaders mod

    Lord we are Damned!!, they 're not like a fucking spielberg 's ET but seem more like:
  7. Hitcher

    space invaders mod

    I saw them last night, do you believe me?
  8. Hitcher

    space invaders mod

    after an intensive work, all is done soon. Couple of days and you will live a new adventure with OFP, believe me i'm not joking. The space Invaders mission is done and i'm testing it. That 's a great battle on nogova opposing aliens vs US. You are a war leader and i put some IA script very dangerous. Thank u Al simons for your Force shield cause i have modified and that is
  9. Hitcher

    space invaders mod

    is it a config.bin modification?
  10. i have made a ufo and AI doesn't want to fire on him, i'm not sure of it but my vehicle is a big same as a LST and if you know LST have the same problem, it ' s not attacked by AI. is it cause of scale of ship or something?
  11. Hitcher

    ai doesn 't fire on my ufo

    is it an helicopter class? i think if LST is not attacked by AI it 's cause of size and not armor. armor LST is only 1000.
  12. Hitcher

    ai doesn 't fire on my ufo

    ok that 's my config but i think if my model is more large than a value AI doesn't fire anymore,i tested a lot of time with different size. I tried with armor very weak too. here s my config: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class vais3 { units[] = {vais3}; weapons[] = {oxw2}; requiredVersion = 1.90; }; }; class CfgModels { Â Â Â Â class Default {}; Â Â Â Â class Air: Default {}; Â Â Â Â class vais3:Air { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]={"zasleh"}; }; Â Â Â class Weapon: default {}; }; class CfgAmmo { class default {}; class BulletSingle: default {}; class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {}; class AT3: Default {}; class Hellfire: AT3 {}; class Zuni: Hellfire {}; class CarlGustav: AT3 {}; class AA : CarlGustav {}; class Bullet30: ExplosiveBullet {}; class Bullet30W: Bullet30 {}; class oxb2:Bullet30W { cost=10; hit=220;indirectHit=80;indirectHitRange=8; minRange=20;minRangeProbab=0.20; midRange=500;midRangeProbab=0.5; maxRange=2000;maxRangeProbab=0.05; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; class MGun: Default {}; class Riffle: MGun {}; class LAWLauncher: Default {}; class CarlGustavLauncher: LAWLauncher {}; class AT3Launcher: CarlGustavLauncher {}; class HellfireLauncher: AT3Launcher {}; class ZuniLauncher38 : AT3Launcher {}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun {}; class MachineGun30: MachineGun7_6 {}; class oxw2: MachineGun30 { displayName="anihilator"; displayNameMagazine="oxw2"; shortNameMagazine="oxw2"; ammo="oxb2"; count=10000; reloadTime=0.07; initSpeed=980; soundContinuous=0; flashSize=1.000000; maxLeadSpeed=450; optics=1; autoFire=1; aiRateOfFire=0.500000; aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; sound[]={"\vais3\sons\gunner.wav",db30,1}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All {}; class AllVehicles: All {}; class Air: AllVehicles {}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class Helicopter: Air {}; class vais3: Helicopter { scope=public; side=2; Â Â vehicleclass="Space vehicles"; Â Â crew =et; Â Â displayName="KY77"; maneuvrability=60.0; Â Â maxSpeed = 700; Â Â accuracy=0.5; Â Â armor=100; Â Â transportSoldier=5; hasoptics=1; driverOpticsModel = "optika_empty"; icon="\vais\mag.paa"; Â Â picture="\vais3\vai.paa"; Â Â cost=10000000 Â Â model="\vais3\vais3.p3d"; Â Â hasGunner=1; driverAction = ManActuh60Pilot; gunnerAction = ManActuh60gunner; Â Â Â soundEngine[]={"\vais3\sons\xlbn25.wav",db+30,1}; soundEnviron[]={"\vais3\sons\xlbn25.wav",db+30,1}; Â Â weapons[]={oxw2}; Â Â magazines[]={oxw2}; Â Â Â Â fov=0.5; type=2 threat[]={0.8,0.9,1}; extCameraPosition[]={0.01,5,-60}; class Turret { gunAxis="osa hlavne"; turretAxis="osa veze"; body="OtocVez"; gun="OtocHlaven"; soundServo[]={"",0.05,1}; gunBeg="usti hlavne"; gunEnd="konec hlavne"; minElev=-25; maxElev=30; minTurn=-100; maxTurn=100; }; }; };
  13. Hitcher

    hard driving

    i have made a big ufo ship config as an helicopter but i have a problem to drive it cause turn to left and right is very hard. How to make it turn easy please? is it a config part or lods parts to change?
  14. Hitcher

    hard driving

    thx i'm going to see that
  15. Hitcher

    hard driving

    maneuvrability is bad. i need to know some config value working for heavy and large helicopter please.
  16. Hitcher

    ai doesn 't fire on my ufo

    That s my original value.
  17. Hitcher

    ai doesn 't fire on my ufo

    it's a class helicopter
  18. Hitcher

    ai doesn 't fire on my ufo

    i rescaled my vehicle and nothing has changed , i need help.
  19. Hitcher

    space invaders mod

    yea Al simmons gave me p3d from his project. i finished that work Big thanks to him Â
  20. Hitcher

    space invaders mod

    This space ship is using a double laser (rocket config) and a canon (30 mm config but more power). A troop ship is comming , but is it possible to replace the parachute effect by something more SF?
  21. Hitcher

    carwars 2.5

    i think a simple script works: ?fuel unit==0:unit setfuel 1 But is it realist?
  22. Hitcher

    carwars 2.5

    RPG mission was updated by Harvey but i don't think he fixed the fuel bug. ftp://www.gamepark.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/CarwarsMission.zip