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Everything posted by Hjaldar

  1. Hjaldar

    Trinity 2.0

    Download doesn't seem to work. Any mirrors?
  2. Hjaldar

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    Great work! But we need mirrors for all the 300kb-Files! ;-) Does someone know a mirror for the new Dynamic Range. The download rate from OPFEC is just ridiculous.
  3. Hjaldar

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    What shall I say, goldmember? You're the Man!!!!!!
  4. Hjaldar

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    A stupid question maybe: How do I combine INQ + Blood + DR + GMR 1.48? Do I need a special config.bin? What is the tree structure of the mod folder that I need to use? What has to be where?
  5. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    I did it somewhat easier: Create two layers with the same image, blur the top one and erase the parts of the image you don't want to be affected.
  6. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    MiGs scrambling for an intercept mission over Everon, January 1987.
  7. Hjaldar

    Sea demon mig29 v2.02

    Very good work, Sea Demon!
  8. Hjaldar

    Sea demon mig29 v2.02

    Sweet! Our "bunte Kühe"! ("colorful cows")
  9. Hjaldar

    Real world

    25, living in Germany not far from the Dutch border, student of medieval and modern history at Essen university, freelancer at a local newspaper, core member of a norman medieval re-enactment group and therefore reported to be seen occasionally in chain mail, wielding a sword.
  10. Hjaldar

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    Recently, I took a look at "classic" OFP ... and I couldn't stand these explosions any more. I love your work, keep on!
  11. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    @Acecombat: For the MiG, look here: Forum Thread
  12. Hjaldar

    Sea demon mig29 v2.02

    Well, this sounds more polite than your earlier posting, reconmercs. See, it's good to have different opinions and criticism, but what I don't like is offensive language. In German we say "Der Ton macht die Musik" what means something like "It's the way something is said that determines how it will be recieved". No need for an argument here, you agree? Btw, I agree with you: The D&M MiG looks VERY nice... Peace!
  13. Hjaldar

    Sea demon mig29 v2.02

    I didn't mean you, Wonder. I like the rational way you put the things. I was talking about reconmercs who might reconsider his posting what was everything else but helpful.
  14. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    German Luftwaffe MiG 29 and USAF F-18 Hornet during NATO maneuvers over Malden, late 90ies.
  15. Hjaldar

    Sea demon mig29 v2.02

    I think this is helluva nice plane! Anyways, I don't think that these flamings on Vit are justified. I appreciate his work as well and don't think that anybody has the right to throw crap at him. By the way, the planes of BOTH authors have trouble getting the landing gear down when landing automatically.
  16. Hjaldar


    A friend of mine has the same problem: OFP 1.94 + Radeon 9800 + Win XP + Addons-Folder above ~900 MB = Crash! He now plays OFP in Win98SE again, no probs...
  17. Hjaldar

    Allies in arms ww2 fighters released

    Very(!) nice planes, but there's a little bug on the Messerschmitts. When you land by using the landing autopilot, the plane gets unstable when touching the runway and usually smashes its nose into the ground. Maybe you can fix that in a later version?
  18. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Ok. Where did you get these WW2 Planes?
  19. Hjaldar

    Everon with resistance objects

    Seems like the download for FWs Hi-Res Desert Island doesn`t work - the path leads to a HTML-File. Can somebody fix that or put the file on a mirror?
  20. Hjaldar

    Unit action list

    Sorry, doesn't seem to work. The reason why I'm asking is because in real life, drivers would turn on their headlights even during daytime in winter or in rainy weather. This would make the traffic look better imho, especially on the winter islands. Could look like this (the Volvo's headlights are faked): If anybody has another idea, please feel free to help.
  21. Hjaldar

    Unit action list

    Okay, but how do you tell an unit to turn on the headlights of a car? "this lighton true" does not work.
  22. Hjaldar

    Redressing the balance

    Great work, Footmunch! Is it possible to give us some codes for different loadouts? For example, if I want to have some napalm attached to my Sandy, I'd just type something into the init-line? I'm asking because I'd like to see some Sandies with Napalm, and some Phantoms throwing Rockeye bombs... you know, this Nam kind of game.
  23. Hjaldar

    Redressing the balance

    Seems like the Phantom's file is corrupt... Could you check it please?
  24. Hjaldar

    Redressing the balance

    Very nice! I always liked your work, especially because you manage to put so much plane into such small files!