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Everything posted by Hjaldar

  1. Hjaldar

    Bush vietnam service record released

    Well, does it matter if a president was in the military, if he gets blowjobs from another woman or if he is a christian? I thought his job was political business, not shooting, "relaxing" or praying... Btw, anybody is better than Bush. Except for Cheney, maybe.
  2. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Continued: Russian special forces arresting russian drug dealer in his refuge in south east asia. (Page 58, 59) ************************* Bat Seven: "Shit, this will be a hard landing..." AA Gunner: "He's down!" - AA Commander: "Pray to the Lord that Sergetow is alive, man! Let's go and pick him up!" AA Driver: "Roger, kicking the pedal to the metal." Meanwhile at the crash site... The chopper hit the ground hard... ... both pilots are dead... ... and Sergetow needs a new bodyguard as well... AA Gunner: "Look, there he is. Seems like the boss is okay!" Sergetow: "Who's laughing now, comrade?" ************************* To be continued...
  3. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Continued: Russian special forces arresting russian drug dealer in his refuge in south east asia. (Page 58) ************************* Cat One: "I am glad that this mission is over. I hate the swamps out there." Cat One: "Look at this. Nothing but dirty water and mosquitos. And other creatures that bite." Creatures that bite? AA Gunner: "There he is." - AA Commander: "Remember, hit him at the tail. We don't want our boss dead, you know. Who shall pay our bills then? Go for it!" "What the... We are under fire! Base, this is Bat Seven. We are... damn... we are under attack! Repeat, we are under attack!" AA Gunner: "There you go... Hope he can land that thing." - AA Commander: "I hope that for you. Otherwise, Sergetow will raise from the dead and kill you personally." Bat Seven: "Holy Shit! Hold tight people, we're going down!" ************************* To be continued...
  4. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Did I say, the story is over yet?
  5. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Continued: Russian special forces arresting russian drug dealer in his refuge in south east asia. ************************* Meanwhile, Cat Team has reached the LZ with two prisoners. "Cat One, this is Bat Seven. We see you at the LZ. Landing now, over." - "Confirmed, Bat Seven. Our guests are waiting for a ride, over." Bat Seven: "Okay, guys, this will be a soft landing." Cat One: "This time there will be no champagne on board, Mr. Sergetow. Face it." - Sergetow: "Bastards. Who do you think I am?" Cat Two: "Well, a murderer, drug dealer, illegal weapons trader... shall I go on?" Cat One: "Here's your taxi, Sergetow..." Cat Two: "Move on, Sergetow! The judge is waiting for you!" Bat Seven: "Move in guys, we don't have all day." "Base, This is Bat Seven. We are moving out. Over." - "Confirmed, Bat Seven. See you at home. Base, out." ************************* To be continued...
  6. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Russian special forces arresting russian drug dealer in his refuge in south east asia. ************************* "This is Cat One, Listening, over." - "This is Base. Mouse should be at the trucks at 10 o clock. Proceed with mission, over." "Base, this is Cat One. Suspect in sight. Mouse is at the trucks, out." "Cat One, this is Base. You are clear to catch the mouse. Do not shoot, repeat, do not shoot until fired upon". "Surprise, Mr. Segetow!" -"What the..." "Don't try to be smart, Mister. Seems like you'll be counting trees in siberia soon. Base, this is Cat One. Mouse is in the trap, over." "This is Base. Good job, Kitty. Get the suspect to the LZ, Over".
  7. Hjaldar

    Csla 2

    That's right. I hope you didn't get me wrong when I asked how to depbo your files. I do not want to destroy your work, which is a outstanding one. Neither I want to "rob" anything for my personal 15 Minutes fame. I think the main reason why people ask for single parts out of your mod is just because they love the aircrafts, the vehicles etc. and would like to use them in their missions or enhance their OFP with it (for example, your beautiful BMPs for the CWC campaign). Everybody loves what you did (at least I do) and isn't it a compliment for you that people cannot resist to use your Addons all the time? See, there are several people who have problems with such huge files who may just want to have your great HINDs or HIPs. Some may not want to play any campaigns at all and just like to put these vehicles in their missions. I don't think that it's always lack of respect... it's addiction to your Addons. Don't rip my head off. I really love what you have done. It's awesome and you have taken OFP a big step forward. But an enclosed MOD has some disadvantages.
  8. Hjaldar

    Csla 2

    Because your textures are so wonderful, I want to replace the standard BIS ones by them.
  9. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Thanks, Doc!
  10. Hjaldar

    Csla 2

    GAZ, how did you do that? I tried it with dePBO, but without success.
  11. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    A fuel convoy's nightmare becomes reality... PS: No, that's no CSLA Hind...
  12. Hjaldar

    Csla 2

    Ok, I think we all agree that you've done a superb work! But - please! - we need these fantastic choppers in a seperate .pbo! I really want to replace BIS choppers by yours to enjoy them in the standard campaigns, but I weren't able to unpbo the choppers (for taking over the textures). I run OFP with a heavily modded Data.pbo (most of the textures changed) and I fell in love with your great helicopters! To be honest, I use the Hip textures from your old release in my Data.pbo... PS: You guys rule! And, yes, I will play your campaign. Would be fun to always use your stuff, though.
  13. Hjaldar

    Csla 2

    Very good work, I especially like the choppers. Unfortunately, I only can use them when loading the whole mod - that's bad. Would it be possible to release the vehicles seperately? *Hoping to soon have a new Hind for CTI*
  14. Hjaldar

    Redressing the balance

    It's been silent around here for quite a while. Are you still with us, Footmunch? Remember, it's already Tuesday!
  15. Hjaldar

    Ecp released!

    Any mirrors for the Dynamic Range update file to 1.7 ?
  16. Hello, I've been searching for a while but with little result. I am looking for retextured or remade trucks to replace the 5t Ammo, 5t Repair and all Ural Trucks. MAAC & MARFY released this beautiful truck below some time ago, this is what I'm looking for - nice (and working) replacements for those old trucks. I know that there are desert, jungle and winter trucks out there but that isn't really what I need. Just regular camo. Thanks for help!
  17. Hjaldar

    Alternative trucks

    I know, and I won't release it. I just changed some textures in the data.pbo, every monkey can do that ;-) I hope somebody makes some new trucks (besides that nice Ural) for the East side.
  18. Hjaldar

    Unsung sky addon

    Okay. Give it to me! My preciousss! No really, looks great!
  19. Hjaldar

    Unsung sky addon

    Well, show pics then.
  20. Hjaldar

    Alternative trucks

    Nope, I did it the stone age way by de-pbo'ing the AJS jungle trucks and M&Ms truck, then put in all matching textures from M&M to AJS. Bang, that's it. Where can I get this "texture tool" you are talking about?
  21. Hjaldar

    Alternative trucks

    Thanks for the Ural, it's a nice change. I now personally got rid of the old US trucks by borrowing M&Ms and AJS's great texturework. Looks like this: It's just for personal use, of course. I won't even think of publishing it.
  22. Hjaldar

    Alternative trucks

    This would be great! I'll send you my email-address per PM! Thanks!
  23. Hjaldar

    Alternative trucks

    Strange that nobody should have thought about this. I mean, everything else has been replaced / retextured / remodelled since CWC came out. Still hoping for the best...
  24. Hjaldar

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    The second pic is actually a Pulitzer Price picture that made it into history. Sad, but that's war.
  25. Hi guys, just found this over at http://www.opflashpoint.org/ : Looks pretty good!