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Everything posted by Heatseeker

  1. Heatseeker

    read out classnames

    Put it in the editor, save mission and read the mission SQM?
  2. Heatseeker

    New ARMA2 OA Beta Patch 72418 Available!

    Its much better in the beta.. if you drive at full speed the tank still slides a little. And the way the a.i. slided with the tanks was one of the most annoying things since the days of CWC, if you can improve that go for it!
  3. Heatseeker

    New ARMA2 OA Beta Patch 72418 Available!

    Some really nice aditions/fixes, good job!
  4. You could use a repeating trigger with !(alive officer) or a killed EH and make a new one (a.i. doesnt respawn). Create and place him. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit_array Give him his old name back. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVehicleVarName And if you had anything in his init line.. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVehicleInit The classname for the officer should be on the sticky in the top of the section.
  5. Its important to make these games work, but its also important to make the games not suck, DR worked but it sucked so.. whats the point? If the game has bugs the developer can fix them and release a patch but how can they fix suckage? BIS: "Our game has bugs, lets fix them, test them and release a patch!" CM: "Our game sucks.. lets rush the *DLC out before everyone finds out!" OA = good times mate :cool: .
  6. Heatseeker


    Its always good to have a few corpses lying around, i like the aproach of having a max number of corpses better, like 20 or 30, but its just an idea, thanks for the script shk :cc: .
  7. Switching a dead 8800 gtx with a "skinny" gtx 460 768 was really awkward, it felt like taking a lambo out of the garage and replacing it with a punto.. but the tiny, cheap looking 460 really is a tiny monster, even crippled by a beaten, low end dual core, no wonder i couldnt find the 1 GB version anywhere.. Almost as small as my sound card, low temps, low power consumption, nice performance and beats the crap out of my old 8800, cool little thing :cool: .
  8. Heatseeker

    civillian conversation feature

    I'd like it if you could make a specific character speak more than 1 language... a translator would come in handy.
  9. Heatseeker

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    After all the controversy that led to the cancelation of 6 days in Fallujah im surprised this game is slipping away, afterall people are dying in Afghanistan all the time. COD in Afghanistan, obvious profiteering?
  10. Heatseeker

    Takistan/Zargabad Points of interest

    The OPF style bases look a bit out of place in some of the towns. Most of my favorite towns are near the edge of the map, i hope BIS will figure a way to stream objects into the "infinite land" some day, even just rocks and bushes would remove the impression of reaching the end of the map. I like it how they built some towns on the hills, with crop fields in the middle of the valleys, quite realistic looking scenes. I dont have any specific favorite spot in Takistan, just prefer some areas over others. A river would have been nice although water and bridges are always problematic ;) .
  11. Nice job, BIS have this annoying tradition of combining acog's with grenade launchers so if you want everyone to have these sights available you end up with a full squad of grenadiers... wich sucks.
  12. Heatseeker

    Do you want upgraded Arma 2 content?

    Did they even fix the lod bugs with the A2 character models?
  13. So, friendly is injured, medevac is in place, medical staff is waiting at the hospital but... i have to drag/carry the guy all the way uh?
  14. Heatseeker

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    I dont see anything new there :confused: . EDIT: Nvm that, im blind...
  15. Battlefield clearance.. shouldnt i be able to put a body in the backseat of a vehicle? :confused: .
  16. Heatseeker

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    That doesnt even qualify as a myth.. so it cant be busted. LAV 25 vs BTR-90? AAV vs BMP3? UH1-Y vs Mi-24? MH-60s vs Mi-8 MTV? Afaik the russian military is not equiped half as well as it is represented in A2 so the Russians are actually overpowered (they might have the hardware but not produced and fielded in great numbers).
  17. Heatseeker

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    Its a perfect example because the unit was a harmless civilian so i wasnt even reporting it. My conclusion is that if 1 element of a group has LOS with a target all other members of the group are able to pinpoint the target regardless of having LOS or not. I remember making all kinds of tests when i suspected that ballistics were responsible for bad performance when you fight a.i. in towns.
  18. Heatseeker

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    That is more or less a valid situation, what i described is totally diferent.
  19. Heatseeker

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    Its very simple to test and witness the a.i. "seeing" thru objects and buildings, let alone bushes and trees.. I ordered an a.i. squadmate to stop and target a civilian who was walking back and forth behind a large building (F2, 2, 0..), he had no LOS but as long as i could see this civ he could target and follow his movement precisely. This is how the a.i. "cheats" and sometimes you get shot the moment you step 1 mm behind cover, grouped a.i. can "see" and target you thru eachothers "eyes". Not a myth...
  20. GTX 460 1GB or HD 5850 sound perfect :) .
  21. Heatseeker

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    That was part reason why i decided not to reinstall A2 when i installed OA, i dont like double standards. I cant help to see OA as a new start and i welcome new content BIS makes for it, wouldnt even mind a OA USMC upgrade DLC with new USMC character models, ugraded weapons, new helicopters and mrap's :) .
  22. Heatseeker

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    MYTH. The AI Cheats and can see me when it shouldn't and when I would not be able to see it Well that really depends.... If you see a civilian car 1 km away and you dont have binoculars or a scoped weapon can you identify if the driver is friend or foe? :p .
  23. So... http://wccftech.com/2010/06/04/gigabyte-reveals-gap67aud7-lga-1155-socket-motherboard/ Intel has new sockets/cpu's/chipsets for early 2011 or just speculation? :confused: .
  24. Heatseeker

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Solve what issue? If people who run or rent their servers like the new DLC content they will use it, if you dont like the content you are free to find other players and servers to play. The DLC is not being shoved down anyones throats, if people are going to use it its because they like it and find it worth the 9€. There is no issue.
  25. Heatseeker

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    FFS, its only 9 €!.. and its not like every single server out there will host missions with the BAF content all the time.