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Everything posted by Hardliner

  1. Hardliner


    I don't do THAT kind of moaning anyway
  2. Hardliner


    I guess someone called me Moaning Rasputin for a reason then
  3. Hardliner


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shabadu @ June 20 2002,18:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hardliner @ June 20 2002,17:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh I see! So you believe everything you see on the news? Do you know anything about Islam? You believe Islam is a suicide religion because these people do and say it? From what I have heard Islam is not suppost to be like that. People use it as an excuse. If you only get that from the media then it might be wrong. I have heard muslims say it is a peaceful religion.<span id='postcolor'> Oh dear... So how come this woman becomes a hero because she was so happy foe her son to go off and murder innocent civilians? Of course muslims say it is a peaceful religion, christians say there is nothing more sacred than human life and yet you still had the crusades etc...<span id='postcolor'> Not all are the same. The post you first made seemed to put them all into the same suicidal boat. Thats why I posted about it. I was just stating or trying to that its not all the same, thats where I said you were wrong. I guess there are muslims who see it that way and there are others that use it as a peaceful religion. And yeah you get christians that fight wars or whatever and you also get christians that just go to church every sunday. They aren't all in the one boat tho I think.
  4. Hardliner


    NO NO I'm not being a bastard here, altho unfortunatly sometimes it may seem so. Just being passionate about my opinion
  5. Hardliner


    Oh I see! So you believe everything you see on the news? Do you know anything about Islam? You believe Islam is a suicide religion because these people do and say it? From what I have heard Islam is not suppost to be like that. People use it as an excuse. If you only get that from the media then it might be wrong. I have heard muslims say it is a peaceful religion.
  6. Hardliner


    I'm sure not every Muslim would think like that. And yeah I don't know much at all about Islam. What source did you get this information from?
  7. Hardliner

    Need cheap good car

    If you want something nice and cheap just get a Trabant No need for fuel! Just don't bump into anything!
  8. Hardliner


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shabadu @ June 20 2002,14:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">To the Al-Qaeda geezers and the palestinians it is honourable to kill yourself and take others with you simply because that is their religion. Many people simply don't understand this very simple concept.<span id='postcolor'> You are so wrong I believe if the palestinians where allowed to have their own state and the Israelis left them alone they would have no need for it. But seeing as how they hate each other it probably is too late to stop it. Rather sad I think. But of course you are not affected by this so of course you would say that.
  9. Hardliner

    What game should i get next?

    World War III: Black Gold ain't bad. Nice graphics for a real time strategy. USA invades Iraq, Iraqi terrorists in USA, communist coup in Russia. Its great! All a possibility too in the real world. I always wanted a game where you can be an Iraqi for once.
  10. Hardliner

    What is your most favorite era of war

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InRange @ June 19 2002,20:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">WW2, the European theatre of war. I don't know if any of you who voted for WW2 experience the same thing as me, but it's frightening sometimes how much I actually know about it. Must be cause I read books about WW2 out of interest and therefore remember a lot of it.<span id='postcolor'> Yeah when I was not so much younger I was nuts about WW2. Watched movies, documentries, read books, I couldn't get enough of it. I have settled down now but yeah the more you know about it... I have always been interested in the Germans and the Russians.
  11. Hardliner


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Duke_of_Ray @ June 19 2002,19:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Suicide bombing is cowradly and is completely stupid. America,like it or not, is the most powerful nation on earth and it is not cowradly to fight from the air, but extremly smart.<span id='postcolor'> If you believe in something strong enough and you have nothing to fight with then suicide is not cowardly. Its more honourable than nuking 2 entire cities killing supposed "innocent" civilians. I read a page on the effects it had on those people and i was deeply angered by it. Japan started lossing the war in the pacific and started its "Kamikazi" runs becuase they were defending against increasing odds. They used human torpedos (human guided) because they had greater chances of taking American warships down. Are they cowardly for defending their country? You said yourself that its ok to fight for your country. Killing yourself to take some of the enemy with you would require great courage in my opinion. It is also cowardly to strike down an unarmed opponant. Thus making it cowardly to strike someone when they can't fight back. It is basically smashing the shit out of someone while their hands are tied behind their back. They can't defend themselves. This might give you victory but its still cowardly. But even I know war is not fough on even terms and it never will be.
  12. Hardliner

    American bravado test

    You are 25% GAY! That's less gay than average for someone of your gender and supposed orientation. The typical straight guy is 39% gay! Here's how you compare: people less gay than you (18%) people just as gay as you (4%) people gayer than you (76%) Anyone beat that?
  13. Hardliner

    What is your most favorite era of war

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ June 19 2002,19:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">WW1 is clearly my favourite, the absolute horror and carnage of millions of young men needlessly being sent to their deaths by inept leadership is something that always excites me <span id='postcolor'> WW3 should be VERY exciting
  14. Hardliner

    If you were a game designer?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Oligo @ June 19 2002,09:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">8--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ June 19 2002,098)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And to not drop your soap in the showers  <!--emo&<span id='postcolor'> That too! Anyway, think of all the possibilities. Your race selection and previous affilitations would of course affect which "interest groups" you'd be able to join. Game difficulty would be dictated by what crime you were sentenced to prison for (no lame beginner, hard, impossible): Murder One would be the easiest because of the respect you would get from other inmates and Rape of a Minor would be the hardest, because everybody would hate you. Weapons would have to be painfully manufactured from bits and pieces stolen from around the prison. Any kills you make you would have to cover up in order to avoid Death Row. Deal drugs to other inmates to get some dinero or use drugs yourself to boost your stats temporarily for that important fight-off-the-gang-rape ocassion. Infect your enemies with HIV with dirty needles. Start affairs with interested guards to get some special treatment. Convert to a religion in order to snake your way close to the leader of the sect, then off him and become the leader yourself. The possibilities are endless.<span id='postcolor'> This sounds alright! But yeah alot of games are pretty much the same thing. Wouldn't mind a game where you can choose any nation in the world be the leader of it, then start interacting in a living world with different countries having different policies, wars diplomatic relations, basically having a game that portrays the world as it is. A thought anyway.
  15. Hardliner

    What tis thy profession, young rogue

    Currently unemployed but doing part time computer course. Have next 3 weeks off so I guess I have time to *cough* look for work.
  16. Hardliner

    American bravado test

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Renagade @ June 18 2002,22:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">U live in the UK ??? <span id='postcolor'> Nope But where I am if a ciminal breaks into your house and breaks his neck on something in YOUR house you get in shit for it! Tripping on stairs an example. Also your not really allowed to defend your house because I think you get it shit for that too. Law always protects the guilty. The innocent lose out.
  17. Hardliner

    What game should i get next?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SFG @ June 19 2002,02:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Jedi Knight 2 is good if you like star wars.<span id='postcolor'> Only played the demo, but the lightsaber duels look great! Would be good to have a saber duel where once you get cut thats it (oh great there goes my arm...) might make it short but would be ok to try, more realistic.
  18. Hardliner


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Oligo @ June 19 2002,08:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1. Why was is cowardly? Is it cowardly to perform a suicide strike? Doesn't it actually take a lot of guts to do it?<span id='postcolor'> I think it takes courage so I don't think it is cowardly, those who drop bombs from a safe high alltitude on people that can't shoot back, that is cowardly, especially when you claim to be a powerful nation with all its little technologies. Performing a suicide strike is all some people can do because they have nothing else in the way of an army, tanks and planes. How else are they suppost to defend themselves? Very true. Just my thought on it.
  19. Hardliner

    What is your most favorite era of war

    That for me would have to be WW2 Europe. I know more about European WW2 than the Pacific war but I know about that too.
  20. Hardliner


    Kind of like a Light Jedi thing, knowlage, helpping, defence. The two are SO alike. But these Muslems and Christians... I doubt they were fighting for defence of themselves or others. Out of hate it might have been, I wouldn't know. Isn't hate suppost to be a sin? Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering as Yoda put it. Hell some stuff from Star Wars sounds right. I'm not talking lightsabers and shit but some of the lines.
  21. Hardliner


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ale2999 @ June 18 2002,20:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">God gives u the right to defend ur country. In the old testamnet God was by the israelite side helping them to win many wars. in the nu testament Jesus said" Give to Caesar what is of Caesar" in that case he was talking about taxes but that was for all cases including serving ur own country in war time. u can bring up as many point of view u may believe, but they r all false. U might think that its true but it isnt. During WW2 german ppl thought it was right  to kill jews, they were 110 % sure and would argue sure about it like u guys argue about God not existing. its so frustrating, I know that u r all good men and I wish that u would know the real truth as well.<span id='postcolor'> Really? I didn't know that God allowed you to slay others for the sake of your country. Bringing up points that I believe... I don't post most of them. As for beliefs being "false" I really can't say what is right or wrong, I have only what I "think". I'm not really arguing or debating anything I'm merely "chatting" about it. I know about the Germans during WW2 they thought themselves as christians (well I think they did) and yeah the christian thing for them to do was kill jews, shows how there are many different versions of the same religion. As for the "real truth" you can't really prove that, you only have that "feeling" that its right. Alot of people don't get that feeling or they get it about different things. But why is it frustrating? If you think you are right then you are safe yes?
  22. Hardliner

    Animated series

    Damn it feels like ages since I watched any of these shows! I liked them ALL! Some of the Japanese ones were good.
  23. Hardliner

    American bravado test

    I always get the feeling something will happen everytime I go out the door. Hell I been called a "fucking c**t" by strangers for no reason. Got to be careful what to say these days, freedom of speech really is a bad thing at times. The joys of a democratic system. Maybe I should do what a friend of mine does and carry a blade for defence from any punks but I ain't been directly threatened yet (close tho), altho where I am it is illegal to carry one. Hell it is illegal to defend yourself!
  24. Hardliner


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Duke_of_Ray @ June 18 2002,19:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When God says not to kill, I believe God means do not commit murder like the guys did on 9/11 or like a killer woul do to his victims.<span id='postcolor'> Errr yeah ummm... commiting murder... even in war it is still murder, it is no different. Only its on a larger scale.
  25. Hardliner


    No! During war you do NOT have to kill. Stay out of any wars. In some countries this means imprisionment if "required" to fight for your Government ie conscription, but the choice is still yours. And as for the September 11th thing... you get people that are thanking Allah and stuff like that. This is one reason why I wouldn't mind understanding Islam because some people just go off their rocker about how evil Islam is when they really have no idea (nore do I). They just "assume" that its Islam because of what these guys say and do. While I am not into religion, I wouldn't mind knowing about Islam and knowing that it is not part of a Jihad like some other fools think. Altho I might be wrong as I said before I don't know.