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  1. No, I though the links in the first post were broken but it was by google chrome browser that caught me out ;( Using IE the links worked. But as you can see I found the sounds anyway on armaholic.net. So sorry for my mistake mate.
  2. Sorry, It was my rubbish google chrome browser not knowing what to do with the ftp:// link that was posted. Anyway awsome new sounds ;)
  3. First post link are broken, found the sounds hosted on armaholic.net ... http://www.armaholic.net/argentina/misc_utilities/UH1_interior_128kbps.mp3 http://www.armaholic.net/argentina/misc_utilities/UH1_exterior_128kbps.mp3
  4. HAILO

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    Cool, thanks for clearing that up. I had no idea you had to press "V" on the binocs thats been bugging me for awhile now, silly me
  5. HAILO

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    Hi, I have ACE mod 1.02 and the WACO_v116c_ACE.Saralite.pbo, I have some issues with the binoculars have you had this problem? I think I read in another topic that the game thinks it is a launcher Â
  6. HAILO


    The modeler making these has left us due to RL issues and we have not made any more progress sorry
  7. HAILO


    You will need to make a custom shortcut to your game to load the "@TDMG" mod folder, our installer did not do this for you sorry To make a shortcut, copy your existing ArmA shortcut and then add to the end of the "Target" property "-mod=@TDMG" in the propeties of the copied shortcut. I hope this helps solve the problem For more info about "Mod Folders" please see the following link... http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Modfolders
  8. HAILO


    That camo pattern was an experiment we did to see what the experimental HDC camo looked like. You are right that it is not in use in at the moment, Steve will have some more info on that one.
  9. HAILO


    if you can provide pictures and more information I can pass that on to someone who can do modeling. Could be possible. we shall see You can leave the info at totaldamage.org in our forums would be nice. Thanks. Edit... Public forum created for the UK Forces Pack on totaldamage.org
  10. HAILO


    Cool Good job on wrapping up the loose ends on the pack steve. I like what you have done. Big thanks to Soul Catcher, UKF and the rest of TDMG
  11. HAILO


    Hi, would you be able to contact me on my website totaldamage.org? I would like to consider using your work in future releases if that is ok, please let me know. Thanks
  12. HAILO

    KP CTI Released

    Very nice work. I like the idea behind this CTI. Its no longer focused on HQs and "find the base" senarios
  13. Its the same license & disclaimer as Kegetys. I thought I should follow a master at work so thats the only reason for it. I am happy for anyone to learn from what I have made and use if for non-profit
  14. v1.1 released, just some minor fixes....
  15. The script is designed as a simple framework for join in progress. It simply unifys the way someone might want to re-run custom scripts they have for a player then they connect or update server public variables when someone disconnects. Here might be an example... I have a custom smoke and flares script that replaces the smoke effect of smoke granades and flares. When I add my script init code to a missions init.sqf or init.sqs file i would get the following issues... Player connects after mission start: No special smoke or flare effects can be seen. As you can see from the above example the init.sqs and init.sqf will not execute my custom smoke effects as the mission has already started. So to solve this problem the above "JIP" framework lets me use the "onPlayerConnected.sqf" to execute my effects code for the newly connected player. So now when a player connects and throws a smoke granade they can see my replaced smoke effects. I hope this makes some sence now Nice ideas bravo 6, I can certainly consider introducing that later on. The more ideas peeps have the more I can try to make something you will find usefull. Let me know if you need further help Edit: For more info on the smoke stuff mentioned above here is the topic link signal.sqf (smoke and flare signals)