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Everything posted by Goth_Burner

  1. Goth_Burner

    Spacemod pack FULL

    heya, finaly the moment is there the mod is done! »Download« rapidshare »Download« filefront and ofcourse an example mission for the capotalships: »Download« this was my last project for ofp, so there won't be any updates for this mod ( ok only the promissed space pirates ). more info @ the the spacemod website cheers.
  2. Goth_Burner

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    try this: armatools works perfect with ofp AND arma :)
  3. Goth_Burner

    New Sci-Fi Mod

    well, i've made the weapon model :) hope it's good enough?
  4. Goth_Burner

    texture trouble

    hello, i got some trouble with the urban texture on my island: as you can see, it's not straight as it should be how can i fix this? cheers. Burner
  5. Goth_Burner

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    heyaz :) nice new stuff :) are you planning to convert it to arma2 too? :) would be nice
  6. Goth_Burner

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    ahhh ok thnx i hope your full pack won't need so much other addons?
  7. Goth_Burner

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    i know, already downloaded.. now it's asking for 'JAM_magazines'
  8. Goth_Burner

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    no bad errors only these: when start ofp: Addon 'RHS_Weap_JAM' requires addon 'LSR_R109' and ingame: something with the groups class in your cpp ( no entry 'config.bin/cfgvehicles/cfggroups.scope' )
  9. Goth_Burner

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    working all here, i'd downloaded and placed all the stuff into the addon file.. only probs are some errors ingame ( missing something ) but rest is working fine  btw d@nte, can u make the infantry a bit stronger? they're so easy to kill with my spacemod units
  10. Goth_Burner

    UNICON warfare for ofp.

    wow that tank looks huge! ( *drool* ) lookin forward to the next release
  11. Goth_Burner

    UNICON warfare for ofp.

    hm.. looks like the same problem i got with one of my goth soldiers's neck.. problem was some wrong selection names
  12. Goth_Burner

    Spacemod pack FULL

    ok, one more update we're working at: - campaign - some new models - bug fixes - singel missions - MP missions couldn't resist.. soon more news about it
  13. Goth_Burner

    Collection of Mechs with animated legs

    spacemod has two mechs this is one of them (old pict) Â spacemod topic with DL links
  14. Goth_Burner

    Spacemod pack FULL

    yep that's the complete full spacemod pack
  15. Goth_Burner

    Spacemod pack FULL

    i've already send it twice but still no update i guess nobody's home at the ofp.info site
  16. Goth_Burner

    Spacemod pack FULL

    i'll see what i can do i'll post some new DL's soon
  17. Goth_Burner


    hey iam making a big static ship, and now is my question: can i add a engine sound to the static object? Burner
  18. Goth_Burner

    Spacemod pack FULL

    everything is released it's all in the latest pack you can find the ship ingame here: hunns: empty » hunn ships » carrier/ mothership goths: empty » goth ships » flagship/ mothership pirates: empty » pirates » carrier check the capitalship mission for the right gun possitions
  19. Goth_Burner

    Spacemod pack FULL

    well i added it for fun but it's also usefull, you can find easly the enemys and send some (artillery)tanks to destroy it
  20. Goth_Burner

    Spacemod pack FULL

    what's wrong woth the bombs? i've checked it again, and i didn't see any bugs
  21. really nice work downloading now
  22. Goth_Burner

    Spacemod pack FULL

    .:RELEASED:. i've completed the mod+ pirates today and fixed some bugs. here're the download links »Download« rapidshare »Download« filefront and ofcourse an example mission for the capotalships: »Download« pirate movie now the mod is completed, does my spacemod story end here. and i give permission to other modders who want to moddify something I will continue modding in ww2 stuff for arma and maybe something new for ofp ( still love ofp to much to leave it ) cheers.
  23. Goth_Burner

    WW1 Mod Expansion Pack

    really nice work prof!!