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About GunnerMan1

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  1. GunnerMan1

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    He says it may not work for the DL version I will try anyway...
  2. GunnerMan1

    Army Eight Point?

    Im sorry, I did use the search, I searched for 8 Point cover, eight point found nothing of relavance. It dosent bother me(the flaws) I could care less I just found it funny because of the rivalry of the sort between the Army and Marine Corps. What I dont understand is if it so old and no one wanted to hear about it why did you even reply and keep it on the front page longer? Wouldnt it make more sence just to let it die? Meh I guess we have not developed that kind of discipline yet
  3. GunnerMan1

    Army Eight Point?

    Ok this games US forces are for the most part US Army correct? because the only service that wears those gray style ACUs is the Army. So I made an interesting catch...why do some of the units such as the "Drill Instructor" (also a flaw in the army it is a "Drill Seargent" Â ) wear an eight point cover? Last I checked (last week) the Army did not wear eight point covers. I wonder why they chose to use them? I took a screen to show you, it is a slightly modified version but eight points...