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Posts posted by G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

  1. Love the pack. Why is the harrier canopy open?

    Well thats a first lol can you explain in more detail plz.

    As when your about to take off doesn't it close?

    Update: Well i have tried it out in game & yes its open,but as far as i know its all ways been like that,& also for me when taking off it closes ,so it seems ok with me.

  2. Yeh that would be no problem ill make the new marpat marines soon, but need a little rest & will start on making them in a few days cool bud.

    So needer buddy m8 you could start making the new configs for these if you like.

    Im also going to help make better navy seals as well.

  3. I was just giving some input about the work. Didn't mean to anger anyone, I hope. I'm a former Marine here, so I gave some input.

    The part that looks photoshopped is the sleeve starting with the "Doing The Work of" and the 3 country flags.

    No worries here, you guys can do what you want with your mod. Good luck! smile_o.gif

    GD Mast

    Hi buddy its ok im not pissed about what you said at all,& yes your proberly right did not mean to get on one as its well late here like 3:20 AM in the morning & still working on it.

    And yes ive looked hard at the marine site & yes its hard to find any of them with the stars & stripes on there arms, your comment was well accurate & i know was well ment, also sorry if i seemed to get of on the wrong foot & being a real noob on the subject of american soldiers & i guess who would know better than a former marine sorry bud.

    I just thought i would leave it up to the general public to diside weather or not they wanted me to leave them on.

    And needer plz get on msn man need to give you some thing lol.

  4. Just a bit of heads-up. Marines do not wear anything on their sleeves (no flags). The picture of the soldier with the cloth rank of Sgt. on the helmet is a U.S. soldier (looks a bit photoshopped too). Plus, somebody already mentioned that the pictures from militaryphotos.net are from the beginning of the Iraq war when everybody was wearing chemical suits. At that time, the U.S. military was worried that Saddam would use chemical weapons.

    I would go with a mix of 3 color desert and desert Marpat. Hey...even put in some Marines with MOPP gear on (chemical suits). Like in the photos you posted.

    Semper Fi!

    GD Mast

    Firstly a little bit photoshoppy well i am afraid thats the tools of the triad.

    secondly you give a far comment, but we meaning needer & BOSS like that mix as it is, as thats why we made them in the first place, & if you prefer the camo mix that you mentioned above well thats fine too.

    I would suggest though that you make your own usmc marine to more to your liking & taste.Which is also ok & fine by us.

    Thirdly lets all vote lol on weather or not to keep the u.s.a. flag on the the arms, as i dont realy mind either way,& ill add up the yeses & no's at the end of this week & then we will make our decision, thank you guys

    Yours BOSS.....:)

  5. old glory always flys facing forward, i.e. imagine that the soldier is a flag pole, and the us flag on his arm is flying from him - if he runs forward, the stars side of the flag remains tethered to the pole.

    as jackal said, otherwise its a sign of retreat or something along those lines:

    Cheers buddy your a star,& on the next up date i will change that,& sorry guys well spoted & thanks, oops lol.

    Ps Messiah i love your weapons, they truly rock & to my mined the best thing since sliced bread.

  6. Doesn't the US Flag on the right sleeve need to be reversed? (the whole thing about it being unfurled the wrong way and it making the unit look like its retreating etc).

    Sorry buddy as being british i dont know much about that ,but if you can help me with some pis on this i would be well greaful.

    Just thought it looked right lol.HELP

  7. and what of just taking a standard soldier (Blufor) and changing out the textures for DPM styles Boss? Is that feasible rather than making a whole new model soldier from scratch?

    Yeh but have you seen one of these models in the o2 tools,i have & i shit you not it will be one hell of a job to convert & yes it is possible but would take quiet some time to do.

    But of course you know me,as im deffenitly going to work on it trust lol.

  8. I also would love to see the british kevlar helmet but dont know much about the o2 tools but am working on it lol.

    But if in order to make it i:you some one would have to either make a completely new model, or maybe alter the existing one either way is a nightmare i can tell you.

    But then again there are people out that know these tools like the back of there hands, so hurry up guys out there we need kevlars quick lol.

    I would say that im as good in the art section :ie cs3 as any one is in using o2 tools ect..but that still does not give you the helmet lol.

    Plus it was hard enough changing the vest to be more english & less american as plasman would tell you,its not that simple.

    And on the subject of showing the "ukf" weapons thing i feel that its not my right to do so,as im shaw that "soul catcher" of the "bsf studios" or the "ukf" will make a competely new thread for them, i hope you can understand & thanks for asking any ways.

    And to my mind there weapons are best thing to come out for arma so far mind blowingly briliant, but thats just me.

    I think they well rock & are totally awsome, big respect to you guys i love them.

  9. Thanks plasman but it was all down to you in the first place in giving me the idea for the british vest,as that was one step nearer to a full british kit.

    So big massive thanks plasman as your one cool dude & in my eyes your the first to make the british vest for arma & i want forget that cheers buddy you rock as well notworthy.gif

  10. Yes the ukf weapons are with this pack, as these troops have soully been tallored for the ukf weapons.

    I could upload them using rapidshare if you guys would like in fact im uploading them now will give you guys link.

    And if william1 would like to make my skins as a replacement i would not mind its cool with me.

    Also wika_woo ill sort out a filefront DL link for you as well np.

    Here is a rapidshare DL link.


    And this is the filefront DL link.


    Also big thanks to all the posative comments from you guys cheers, plus dont forget to thank the ukf & soul catcher for their mind blowingly wicked british weapons, as my addons would be nothing with them.

    So remember when you are thanking me plz pay comment to them also as they are truly outstanding. notworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

  11. Hi guys hope you like this, & a big sorry guys that it has taken so long but there was a massive amount of work to do & needed to be as perfect as possible.

    Here is the download link to my new version of the british forces pack,but they still need sorting out with the new wounds textures but will update them soon.

    this pack comprises of the uk british forces & the ukf weapons.

    there are range of assorted british units.

    Twelve british land rovers.

    Eight british harriers.

    ukf british weapons.


    And here.


    And here.


    Updadate: here is the latest version for william1's uk british forces replacement skins.


    And here.




    The legal Disclaimer, plus the big thank you list which is a bit to big but can be read in the installation as this is an .exe executable. enjoy.

    But will say massive thanks to the tdmg team/Soulcatcher/& the ukf for there amazing weapons.

    Also to the amazing members & admins of the bis forums your the best.

    update: here is the thread link to my american & british harrier replacement skins.


  12. Help plz why is it when i manage to save the normal map as a nohq.paa then reopen it in cs3, its much darker than the original, how can i save it so it comes out like yours plasman ,sorry to keep asking you bud but i have a dead line with my part of this addon,but would like to show them with new vests.

    so plz tell me how you did that, what is your secret formula, pretty please with a cherry on the top,i need to know as it seems your the man on this subject, as ive looked & asked every one & getting know where fast .

  13. Heres a closer look at the TRF


    you will need to photoshop the name out it should be OK.

    Heres a pic of the colours (taken from from wikipedia)


    This is the correct way up with the dull cherry colour the top (as per their stable belt)

    This badge is worn by all RAMC as a Tactical Recognition Flash which ALL units of the Army will wear (not just members of 16AAB). The thing that makes 16CSMR stand out is the maroon beret on completion of AA P coy

    Cheer's buddy that was well needed sweet.
