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Posts posted by G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

  1. I would also like to take time out and thank every one concerned with getting sounds to pauliesss, as im sure you will agree they are going to be kick ass and well needed for the arma community ,& once again big thanks to armaholic for all there amazing support & thanks to foxy & big cheers guys, & also to the arma community in general nice one guys you are all stars and a big help keep it up.

    O and pauliess congrats on getting permission for sounds wicked.

  2. Yeah modEmMaik that sounds cool, although im only the texture artist but at the same time these issues should be resolved,but this might take some time as i know the other two regarding this project are very busy, & maybe you should have a chat with vilas on the subject of getting an unbinarised version in order to deal with these problems.

    But i can say, any thing to make arma models perfect & better for in-game im well up for it, as its all ways a shame when there are minor issues with good models ,but hey im sure these will be sorted in the end .

    Plus modEmMaik could you pm with your changed config as i would not mine in trying it out cheers lol.

  3. Awesome buddy they are the best ive seen to date regarding camo skins for weapons lovely work indeed, and as the other guys have mentioned some woodland camo skins would be totally amazing & hope this is now on your mind lol,any ways they are smackass.


    O and the subject of replacement here is my target and it works for me.

    "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" -nosplash -mod=@ArmAEffects;@ECS;FSM_SOUND_MOD;@voice_quiet;@No_Clouds;AMP_DesWeapons_1.2;Replace_Weapons

  4. Ok cheers vilas np on what you said cool for that m8 your a star.

    And yes pauliess is right lol, i do have major amounts of work on,so also big thanks & cheers to pauliesss for dealing with getting some nice peeps to add more stuff and updating the bradley model well cool.

  5. If the Bradley faces heavier armor like MBT's and some IFV the commander should rely on TOW. With the 25mm Bushmaster cannon he may suppress/confuse the other side but it takes more time to fully destroy such armored vehicles. Main mission of the Bradley and other IFVs like BMP-2 is to provide mobile protected transport of an infantry squad to critical points on the battlefield, to give direct fire support and to perform some cavalry scout missions.

    Cheers buddy ill pass this info on to vilas

  6. By the way there will be no early release of a woodland version untill vilas releases it,as while making this with pauliesss i asked vilas if i could make at least two versions ,but im sorry but he stated deffenatly no, only desert one that i was allowed to make and release.

    I will also say big thanks to vilas for allowing us to use his amazing models thanks buddy.

  7. Sorry to say this but maybe spelling add-ons which is i this mod folder to be all in lower case rather than throwing the odd upper case letter in for good measure it might work lol ,it was not a problem just noticed and only an observation of course.

    Plus after all this it still not working and looking for some else that it needs from QG could some one help in this area. thank you


    and this is my target.

    "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -nosplash -mod=beta;@zGuba;Boss_NEEDER;@imwm;v;irish

  8. The only thing i have to say on these is i like the vest lol.

    What i mean is i have no problems in you using my vest just don't recall being asked ,but as i am not like every one else or should i say a small number people on this site, im going to let you run with it to see where it goes good luck & thanks for using my vest rather than any one else's cheers.
