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Everything posted by G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

  1. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

    2nd Marine Expeditionary Force

    very nice work keep it up. Yours BOSS.....:)
  2. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

    Airwolf (french version) beta

    No problem as i watched airwolf but whats with this is it a rectro thing or what ,all the same i love it sweet work keep it up. Yours BOSS ...TDMG.....:)
  3. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    lmao your a funny guy lol, yours dont look so bad either maybe if you put some cloths on them they would look better/only joking they look all right lol. Ps. if any one would like to see this flick let me know by pm only. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0837800/
  4. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Can you please stop calling it a Army Harrier. The Army does not operate them. There are Army Cooperation Squadrons though. Incidentally there are onl 2 colour schemes for harriers now. Solid air superority grey and two tone grey. The later is being phased out apparently. Ok sorry bud didn't mean to offened you, i will refrase that then,its a reskin of the green harrier,changed to the Army Cooperation Squadrons harrier in grey sorry guys lol.
  5. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Well i was not going to mention any thing what so ever about the tits, but now you come to mention it they look like there going to talk lol, On a better note they are briliant awsome work dude,& would work well with the stargate mod thats being made or the star wars mod, sweet bud. Woah, what's going on with the eye lids there. what can i say not finished & only took a couple of hours to do, the next pics will be much better finished lol. They must be night vision eye lids lol. Also ive been keeping an eye on your wII mod looks great. Hehe, it was nothing personal, just a quick notice. Also, thanks man, this mod is looking real nice too. Thats ok buddy was only playing lol, some times we are much to serious & need to lighten up & put the fun back in to the game lol hahaha hehehe. Here is another pic of wip of british hemet.
  6. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Woah, what's going on with the eye lids there. what can i say not finished & only took a couple of hours to do, the next pics will be much better finished lol. They must be night vision eye lids lol. Also ive been keeping an eye on your wII mod looks great.
  7. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Hi guys here is a reskin of the british army harrier in grey,if you dont want the green one......here's the DL link. http://rapidshare.com/files....rey.rar You will need kegetys tools,pbo packer & unpacker. And all you do is extract the TDMG_h pbo open the file called TDMG_H go in to the data file then open the file called raf copy a paste & replace the green one with the grey one ,then create pbo from the main folder called TDMG_H. And here is my new skin for the u.s.a. version of the harrier. http://rapidshare.com/files/56808821/the_new_u.s.a._harrier_reskin.rar Do the same as above only this time go in to addons extract the air pbo look in the data file & copy a paste the new skin there,then create pbo. And here is the DL link for kegetys cpbo unpacker /packer. http://rapidshare.com/files/56826239/cpbo.rar All you do is just double click on cpbo to activate it,then you can right click on any pbo and extract or create pbo. Here are some pics. British Harrier. =========== http://i60.photobucket.com/albums....rey.jpg American Harrier. ============ http://i60.photobucket.com/albums....kin.jpg <a href="http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h13/genhorseplay/usa. harrierreskin2.jpg" target="_blank">http://i60.photobucket.com/albums....in2.jpg</a> Plus also remember to save the original TDMG_H & the air pbo, just in case you screw up the first time lol.
  8. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Cheers buddy for that info on the wheel polygons as i was not sure of that ,thanks bud sweet.
  9. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    It would save ALLOT lives in training aswell. Ok if you would like it in grey: i can give you another skin all you will have to do is open the tdmg air pbo & just copy & paste the new skin to data file then recreate pdo if you like. That if i still have that skin,but i will look for you,if not ill make you one lol.
  10. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Well as for the the blank firing weapons they could be useful & could be a lot of fun , if some body made a mission that you get say thirty lives as a capture the flag type scenario, & you dont actualy die, but the game knows how many times you have been shot, then when your thirty lives are up, your out of the game untill the next round starts, & also see your thirty live at the top left of the screen to see how many lives you have left, a bit like airsoft lol. here is a pic of what one of hour modelers did.
  11. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    You will need to make a custom shortcut to your game to load the "@TDMG" mod folder, our installer did not do this for you sorry To make a shortcut, copy your existing ArmA shortcut and then add to the end of the "Target" property "-mod=@TDMG" in the propeties of the copied shortcut. I hope this helps solve the problem For more info about "Mod Folders" please see the following link... http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Modfolders Hi buddy sorry about that i was in a quandry whether to or not ,as there is two different versions english european & american. But the next update i will add the exe shortcut.
  12. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

    British Royal Marines  By Plasman

    They are sweet buddy realy like them very nice, & now as you have incorporated the ukf weapons i can now use yours & mine together, sweet. But yours look great,awsome dude nice work.
  13. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    Totally mind blowing addon wicked work guys top stuff. And a big congrats for this awsome release it's truly magic.
  14. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    I loved some of those vids "wika_woo" pretty cool. Plus does any one know this, Need help:Im not completely sure of what acceptable poly counts are for arma. I've seen some that are 7k for a tank for instance but im not sure myself. If you guys could give me a basic exceptable poly count for different types of objects: 1. vehicles. 2. buildings. 3. aircraft. 4. people. that would be great. I know they're fairly high so thats good for me but I would like to keep them at a reasonable count to help reduce lag/ lockups on servers.
  15. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

    USMC 2003 style

    Cool man would love to see pics & also your welcome to show them here hehe.
  16. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Yes absolutely "Hailo's" 100% correct as i had not seen any british digital patterns round any where,not even on goolge,but i found a pattern thats used for the european terrain , called hdc pattern in green only. And the green version i turn it in to the desert style ,just has an experimental project to spice things up with some thing a bit differant & was just for fun . But for me i like the desert digital one i did, cos totally made up.
  17. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Yes it is '& as far as i know some bugs were ironed out as far as the replacement is concerned.
  18. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

    USMC 2003 style

    cheers im ok buddy & you have just cheered me up:D just was saying thats all,& did not mean any thing by that im well chilled out sweet any ways
  19. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

    USMC 2003 style

    Yeh buddy your right , but the next one's will be more like what some people have & are requesting And that will be np. Being totally honest the usmc was just fun for me & only took a week to do lol, but seeing that every one O i correct my self some people are so serious about there mairines ,the next one's me & needer do will be nearer to what your looking for i hope, & was realy trying not to offened any one by it.
  20. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

    USMC 2003 style

    on the not enough gear we are working on that, just to get that far took quiet some time & a lot of work,& there is only so many hours in a day lol. As im doing so many projects at one time its a head fluf. lol Like i said ive been working on these & the uk british foces pack for the last seven months, & other than the odd day ive been doing a 14 hour shift each day, i shit you not lol. But the good thing is i know cs3 so well now, like the back of my hand lol.
  21. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS

    USMC 2003 style

    Just would like to say that these were based on marines of 2003 & not on resent usmc marines,& as i said in an earlier post i would take the flag of if it pleased every one lol. As it would be no problem to do this.
  22. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Im going to well look in to this,& see what i can be done for the next update. Also have you tried to open the exe & right click properties & then in the target just add the @TDMG like this. "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" nosplash -mod=@TDMG & just arma & my addons kind of thing ,& if it works ok then there must be some in your directory thats conflicting with it,if not & you are only using Arma & just my addons, then im not sure. I use the arma launcher method And have many mods going at one time & it works for me perfect,but i will get to the bottom of this. Also thanks buddy for pointing this error out. Plus as any one else on this community experiencing this type of problem ?. Also on the british vest,do you mean like this. I will say that the vest could have been much better but had a dead line to keep,as it was a last minute thing And only took me a week to make & finish. But the good thing is that, at least they are not american now which for my money do the job far better for the british soldiers lol. And i based my vest on these. http://i60.photobucket.com/albums....ack.jpg http://i60.photobucket.com/albums....rit.jpg
  23. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Cheers buddy: i did this for the community, & as specailly for tdmg. thanks bud,things can only get better.
  24. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Well said.
  25. G_H_Play_AKA_BOSS


    Hi, would you be able to contact me on my website totaldamage.org? I would like to consider using your work in future releases if that is ok, please let me know. Thanks Hi buddy glad to see you ,& yes its ok just use them. And william1 big thanks for the replacement skins nice 1,& you got another tdmg team mate on here sweet. I Felt all alone lol