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Everything posted by GimpyBassturd

  1. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    actually i suppose its exaggeration lol duh
  2. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I dont even understand what the clear sky is so important anyways, im just happy that you can now see far ahead enough of your aircraft that you can really bomb something without coming straight down on it and killin yourself.. frankly i wish AA didnt look as good as it does, the better it looks the harder time im gonna have with performance and view distance i wish it looked like total crap and you could have 600 players in one server (thats sarcasm for the itchy trigger-finger scolders out there)
  3. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    So i posted about how happy i was about the release date, but i was scolded for being such a fool, so how many release dates has AA missed , i dont mean the quarterly disappointments, but a real number release date
  4. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    OMG the video had a date 30-11-06,, im so happy "wipes tear"
  5. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Due to bad care, my OPF disk went bad about a year ago, recently i saw the whole set on sale for 10 bucks, i should have bought it, just cuz Arma would have certainly released the next day if i had.
  6. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    So the interview you just quoted , im assuming just happened recently?
  7. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Ok so a few days ago someone wrote that some german publisher had picked up Arma,, but then later someone discredited it by saying that 5 other publishers were also supposed to pick it up in the past,, so is it time to start holding our breath now or what?
  8. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    OH MY GAWD ,, could this really be it??!! FALL 2006, Damn,, i hafta get clean shorts now
  9. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    OH man the black smoke looks unbelievable, hope it doesnt lag That reminds me, i remember back when i played OFP , when we would do RTS2 you couldnt really bomb to well with A10's cuz of the short view distance, the target would appear only for a moment and you would pass the target with no time to drop,,, is it going to still be that way?
  10. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    uh Germany , i hope you not still holding a grudge about the series of carpet bombings and ship sinkings back in the forty's and will be a pal and send that game to the US as quickly as possible ......please?.......guys?...........hello?
  11. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I was wondering, is AA gonna have real way to aim and call artillery strikes? ,, oh speakin of that, i never was able to get the laser designator to work in RTS2 , the A10 wouldnt get any target to drop while we used it was it just not working?
  12. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Dammit , i wanna get in my little bird heli and strafe some bastards with a glorious spray from the side minigun and it is friggin killin me. i havent done that since my opf disk went bad on me, complete the damn game
  13. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I just saw one of these AA update sites, said that it was 75% complete in may, but i saw an interview with some AA guy saying were probably be done in june. what the hell? are they just telling us we'll be done next week over and over again so we dont lose intrest?
  14. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Ok , im getting confused.....Game 2, Arma, OPF2 Vbs1, Alright , so how many are scheduled to come out? , and if OPF2 is, when is that scheduled to come out?, i mean, lol when is the first date of disapointment
  15. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    what makes you think there will ever be a game 2 , certainly the big french company could have finished it by now, maybe they dont think it will sell. last time i was on OPF2 site that last update was like 3 years old
  16. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    are we there yet?
  17. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Oh about the script, i could do basic things with the editor, but how did anyone know how to use that other complicated stuff for it, i remember combing through the manual but the instructions seemed to assume you already had a scripting degree from college Oh another questions, one time a friend of mine and i tried to use the laser designator and a A-10 on a RTS game way back when OPF was still on gamespy but no matter what we did the A-10 wouldnt get any target reticul from the laser , anyone can shed some light on that?
  18. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I dont unerstand what you mean by A.I is most important, do you mean the AI , where they are complete mongloids but they can see and shoot a roach at 5 km
  19. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Ok meymoti 1. The games was supposed to be out as OPF 2 in 2004 2. They have been disapointing us quarter by quarter ever since 3 the forum is called Progress updates of course people are going to gripe, why dont you stop griping about gripers. do you think they are gonna send you a free copy of AA for defending them?
  20. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Like i said, im new to the forums and i have no time to go through years of forum to get caught up but when i saw some demo i saw something that made me kinda sad, One thing that really bothered me about OPF was that annoying little menu you operated with the mouse wheel on the bottom right, i was sure they would have devised a better way to turn on helicopters and open crates by now, is that annoying little box gonna be there in AA? One thing im also concerned about , what if AA falls to the wayside like flashpoint did, it really was a masterpiece but sadly hardly anyone played it, 250 people was about max on Gamespy was all i knew about. honestly im a little worried ill have a hard time finding it when it does get published in the U.S
  21. GimpyBassturd

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Hi , im brand new to the forum, im a OFP player from back when gamespy had OPF servers after they died off i thought OFP was dead so for years ive had nothing , i recently found karrilions server and started playing , but my disk was damaged and so ive been starving for the fruity goodness of flashpoint and have been choking down BF1942 and BF2 as a sorry replacement ever since, every time they say Armed Assault is just about to come out i get so excited i nearly pee myself only to be dissapointed again by another delay, i just read that june 06, was probably the month , im starting to wonder how long these extensions will go on .does anyone know what stage the game is at? maybe there should be a website with a percentage bar displaying progress, is there like a support group or a 12 step program for us OFP obbsessives? i think im starting to crack up.