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About Grymlok

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    Private First Class
  1. Grymlok

    WGL Mod 4.12 Update

    Hmm I'm getting a 701kb file instead of a 3mb one, is this right? Also the veg pack link still doesn't seem to be working: http://ofpc.de/files/wgl_vegetation_replacement_pack.rar Thanks for your vigilance! lol Grym
  2. Grymlok

    WGL Mod 4.12 Update

    Nope, I saw that fine. Unfortunately the thread linked to by the big red text doesn't provide the veg or texture replacement packs, which is what I was asking for. Or did I miss them there somewhere? Grym
  3. Grymlok

    WGL Mod 4.12 Update

    Thanks for the fast response! There's still a few problems though... http://ofpc.de/wargames/download.php?list.2 Clicking the "Get" link for the veg pack on this page is still broken. http://ofpc.de/wargame....acement The title of the download link says texture pack (this is the veg pack page). http://ofpc.de/wargames/download.php?view.2 Downloading this only gives a 701kb file (it's supposed to be 129mb). The site looks great though and I appreciate any help. Grym
  4. Grymlok

    WGL Mod 4.12 Update

    Thanks for the help all. Next question... I can't seem to find links to the CWC texture and veg replacement packs. I see the following pages on the ofpc.de site: http://ofpc.de/wargame....nt_Pack http://ofpc.de/wargame....acement ...but I don't see any download links. Am I blind and the links are there somewhere? Or does anyone have an alternate link for these 2 packs. I checked out the download folder at ofp-zeus.com but I don't see them in there. Thanks again. Grym *edit* Ok I found where the files are on ofpc.de and am downloading the texture pack, but the link to the veg pack seems to be broken: http://ofpc.de/wargames/download.php?list.2 Anyone have an alt link please?
  5. Grymlok

    WGL Mod 4.12 Update

    Hey all... New guy here, trying to track down WGL 5 beta. The wglcti.com website is gone and I haven't been able to find alternate links. I found 4.12 here but 5 beta sounds like it's got a lot of improvements. I'm running FFUR right now but I can't stand the crosshairs/ironsights as they seem radically inaccurate. Thanks in advance. Grym
  6. Grymlok

    Question regarding mouselook

    Hmm I tried it with the crosshairs turned off and while it's not as disorienting overall, the big dead zone before actually being able to mouselook is weird. I'm not sure if this is what you meant by "dead pan", jantenner. Kernriver what I'm saying is that the crosshairs in OFP act like your mousepointer in Windows. In Windows I don't think *anyone* in the world inverts their mouse. It's a 2d desktop, forward=up and back=down. Inverting the mouse only makes sense in 3d space: some people think of it as foward=look-up, and some people think of it as forward=pitch-down. As inverters, we're the latter. The problem is that OFP does a hybrid where your crosshair is like a Windows mouse pointer until a certain point, then switches to mouselook. If you invert it, your "Windows-style" crosshair now goes down instead of up. I don't know how to explain it better than to say, try turning your mouse upside down in Windows and using it. This is what the OFP crosshair-pointer feels like to me if I use invert mouse. Anyway, it's a neat system and all, and I've eventually just learned to deal with leaving invert mouse off and barely ever using optics (yeah, I know, weird). Honestly though I'm baffled that there's no way to disable it and just use the classic FPS mouselook. Another thing to look forward to in ArmA I guess. Grym
  7. Grymlok

    Question regarding mouselook

    I gave it a shot but those values seem to work a bit differently than I thought. MinGunTurn and MaxGunTurn actually deal with how far off center the crosshairs can go left and right. It defaults to 5 degrees either way and the horizontal movement in OFP feels almost like a "normal" fps mouselook unless you increase this value up a lot. As for vertical movement (which is where my problem lies as a mouse inverter), the values that affect it are MinGunElev and MaxGunElev. However, zeroing out these values simply locks the crosshair to the *horizon*, rather than to the center of the screen. In other words, your head still looks around, but now the crosshair doesn't follow up or down, it just stays pointing out straight ahead. It looks like I'll be learning to cope with the standard OFP interface after all. Grym
  8. Grymlok

    Question regarding mouselook

    Thanks again, I really appreciate the help. I'm going to try it out, and yeah, if it feels too strange I'll revert back to the regular system and just beat myself to death with it until it feels somewhat normal. Grym
  9. Grymlok

    Question regarding mouselook

    Thanks a lot! Where do I find those lines? I checked in all the .cfg files but didn't see them. As for losing the typical OFP feeling, I may in fact turn it back to normal and just keep trying, but I'd like to see how it feels the "normal" way for me. As much as I respect innovation in UI's, I just want to enjoy OFP for awhile without struggling with an interface that feels alien to me. Grym
  10. Grymlok

    Question regarding mouselook

    That's too bad, I was afraid it was something like that. I'm trying to get used to just using it like a mouse pointer as much as possible with invert mouse turned off. It's definitely not what I'm used to for a FPS, but if I just avoid looking up or down as much as possible I can cope with it. Oh, and I completely can't use ironsights. Pretty rough, but I'm coping. Luckily it sounds like ArmA will address this: linkGrym
  11. Grymlok

    Question regarding mouselook

    Hi all... I'm new to OFP but I'm already a big fan. I love the scale of the game and the high level of realism, and I'm really looking forward to ArmA (and OFP2, whatever it ends up being called). My only problem with OFP is that I'm one of those weird guys that enables "Invert Mouse" in every FPS I've ever played. I don't know why, it's kind of like being left-handed (which I'm not... go figure). Inverting the mouse in OFP is a very strange experience though, due to how the crosshairs behave in "normal" view. As you all know, OFP gives you a little crosshair "mouse pointer" that you aim with, until you move it to a certain point out from the center where it actually kicks in mouselook and rotates your whole view. It's an interesting feature, but as many people have stated, the ironsights are a much better solution for aiming most of the time, and I agree. To aim well in ironsights, I *need* to invert the mouse. But inverting the mouse makes the default "mouse pointer" crosshair actually invert too! It's extremely bizarre to try to use... when I'm in Windows using a mouse pointer, I use it the same way you do. I don't invert my mouse for a 2d pointer in windows. Mouse inverting is for those of us who imagine ourselves in 3d space a bit differently (more like aircraft controls, forward means pitch down). Anyway, my question is: is there any way to "lock" the crosshairs so that the "mouse pointer" effect is disabled? Is there possibly some variable in a config file that determines how far from the center of the screen mouselook kicks in, and I could just set it to zero? Or perhaps an add-on that addresses this? I searched for "fixed aim", "mouselook", and "invert" but I didn't come up with any posts regarding this, so my apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere. Also sorry for the long post, this is just the only issue that is keeping me from properly enjoying the greatness of OFP. Thanks for any help. Grymlok
  12. Grymlok

    P3D MLOD Format Description

    Did you not see what I posted about recovering your site? Or it's not helpful? Some sort of reply would be appreciated since I'm just trying to help your group out. Grym
  13. Grymlok

    P3D MLOD Format Description

    Hi... I'm very new to the community and though my head is spinning trying to figure out the Dance for OFP add-ons, I came across something that might help you out. I noticed that your OFPEC website got lost when I was looking for ECP stuff and the links were broken. Not too long ago I discovered an amazing site that documents a ridiculous number of websites (to a limited degree). It's called The Internet Archive Wayback Machine and if you know about it already then excuse my post. If you haven't seen it, a large amount of your site is stored there and can be recovered if you wish. Before you get your hopes up too much, the system seems to pretty much completely ignore forums and images, unfortunately. However, there's still a large amount of stuff there preserved in it's original format (sans images). Just pick a date, usually the newest is best but you may mine stuff you want out of older archives as well (e.g. front page news). Links are all clickable and will either work or give you a "not archived" message. You can also directly append path info to the URL in the address bar (i.e. typing in a link by hand). Anyway here's a link to your site's archive: OFPEC Site (sorta) I hope this helps you folks get your site back on your feet. Grymlok
  14. Grymlok

    Turning OFP into your favourite game!

    Nevermind, I diddled with the url and got it off gamepark.cz. Here's a working link: Material Properties addon Grym
  15. Grymlok

    Turning OFP into your favourite game!

    I've been looking for an hour for the Material Properties addon but every link in the thread seems to be broken. Google turned up nothing as well. Anyone know where the LOCKE_OrgobjMatDef.rar file can be found these days? Thanks in advance. Grymlok