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Everything posted by GBee

  1. GBee

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Well Placebo has asked that I play nicely, so I've got to be careful how I respond Firstly you accuse BIS of "choosing this lameass company 505". In case you hadn't noticed BIS have been looking for publishers for months. What gives you the impression that they deliberately chose 505 instead of bigger and better publishers?? You say 505 couldn't care less about PCs - then why would they agree to publish a PC game? You complain that there will be a 2-3month delay between the release in a few selected countries and a europe-wide release. Well did you consider that the reason for that is because of the increased complexity involved? Sure it takes less time to market, localize, produce and distribute to a single country than it does to twenty! Don't forget the other publishers have a 1-2 month headstart over 505 as well. Do you really think 505 can do it much faster? You mention the "continous delays" then go on to say BIS should just pick another publisher. Did you not realise that the delays were a direct result of BIS' inability to find publishers? Publishers are not queing at the door to sign up Arma, we've waited several months for them to finally find one willing to distribute the game.
  2. GBee

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Edit: As Placebo asked so nicely I'll remove my reply to ZNorQ - but I will argue that it wasn't a flame, but rather an accurate observation
  3. GBee

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Sorry, but everyone who is whining about a Q1 release is being stupid. Unless you can actually step up to arrange the marketing, localisation, certification, production and distribution of the game to a dozen or more countries in under 2 months you should shut up.
  4. GBee

    Latest screenshots available

    The 'weapon' isn't actually a weapon but a laser designator for laser guided weaponary (bombs, missles etc). Those aren't magazines they are grenades. Grenades are frequently marked with different colour bands to quickly distinguish the type - e.g. HE, Smoke etc
  5. GBee

    Latest screenshots available

    Aggghhhhh - This subject should be dead and buried, the question has been answered a hundred times. If you are lying in grass you will be hidden (invisible) even if the grass is not rendered.
  6. GBee

    Wildlife & Civilians

    Or the "Gerr'off my land!" mod, where you play the farmer tracking down the sheep-slaughtering trespassers with your double barrelled shotgun and trusty sheep dogs.
  7. GBee

    release over steam

    Even if Steam did work perfectly and 100% of the time I still wouldn't want to use it. It's a heavy handed and intrusive approach to online distribution. The fact that it doesn't work 100% of the time just makes the situation worse. If the steam system were applied to the real world, no-one would put up with it. Imagine walking into a store, purchasing a game and then being followed everywhere by two big security men as long as you own that game. They'd take up room in your home, report on your actions to their boss, occassionally prevent you playing your game until they had 'upgraded' it .... You never wanted these idiots, yet you can't use what is lawfully yours without them around.
  8. GBee

    William Porter's Blog

    I'd rather they worked on the game than updated the blog.
  9. GBee

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Furthermore, they should realise it's too late. Arma is in it's final form and requests here are pretty pointless. In fact, Placebo, isn't it about time that this thread and other request threads were closed?
  10. GBee

    Ironsight ?

    It's centred because it simulates closing one eye when taking aimed shots.
  11. GBee

    Latest screenshots available

    Being pedantic, but it's not a river. How would you call it? Inlet - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inlet Sea water, not rising above sea-level. A river is flowing fresh water and almost without exception above sea-level.
  12. GBee

    Hind in Arma

    Can you explain why you need a Hind for multiplayer? You can argue that BIS should include thousands of additional vehicles to prevent users having to download them, but that is clearly ridiculous. So what's so special about the Hind that BIS should include it, but not for example a Challenger 2 MBT.
  13. GBee

    Latest screenshots available

    Being pedantic, but it's not a river. Doesn't look like flats to me, more industrial than that. I do agree that it looks odd though. It would be fine with me if it were flats, but where are the details like parking space, roof top arials etc? If it is a more industrial or commercial building, where is the fencing, ancillary buildings and exterior lighting etc
  14. GBee

    Hind in Arma

    Would you care to provide a source for this statement? All my information indicates that quite the opposite is the case - Russians are selling used MI-24/MI-35 out of their military stocks along with the new ones. Unfortunately I don't remember the source of everything I've read I did read it recently but the article itself may have been older. A quick google search shows up the following: http://www.asiatradingonline.com/russianhelicopter24.htm Although it only says "great demand in Russia" and not specifically what I had read about the military itself buying them up. Interestingly according to that site the figure I suggested for the refits was on the high side. They say 500,000 _up to_ 2 million. I should make it clear that I was saying they _were_ selling the older (read broken) stuff but replacing them with working models on the second hand market. Given how broke they are it makes some sense that they may also be selling the new ones too but still buying cheaper ones back at second hand prices. Without being able to cite the original source I guess you can choose to dismiss all that though
  15. GBee

    Hind in Arma

    Yes, it is a different helicopter for different tactics but then those tactics have been subsequently re-thought, hence the Mi-28 and Ka-50 projects. The only reason the Ka-50 hasn't replaced the Hind in the Russian military was the sudden realisation that they'd no money left BTW on the issue of cost. Whilst there is very little info on the market value of the Hokum, ten years ago the Turkish Army were offering a $4 billion contract for 145 aircraft, in which Kamov (the makers) were serious contenders. Although that was a bulk order, that's equivalent to ~$28 million which is quite cheap for what you are getting. It's likely with order books empty that today they will go at this price or even lower. Mi-24 by contrast, well the current situation is that the majority in the open market are in dis-repair and require $2 million refits just to restore them to their original (70s/80s) condition. To bring them up to date with current tech would cost more. That's _if_ you can find any, apparently Russia has been buying back many of the functional ones just to maintain their own numbers. This buy up by Russia will drive the price higher than normal. Edit: Almost forgot one of the most important bits, Kamov would give these things away to any nation which were about to enter combat because they have yet to be battle tested. If the Kamov performed well and proved itself in a real conflict then they would likely start selling well. So with that in mind, giving/lending a few to NS is good publicity.
  16. GBee

    Hind in Arma

    Swear some people only want the Hind and T80 because they were in the original game, rather than for any real reason I'm pro-realism, but honestly there are more worthy realism goals than having Hinds instead of Ka-50s. In fact I have and will continue to argue that Ka-50s instead of hinds is _not_ unrealistic - unusual maybe. It's not even like the Hind had a stunning record, they were designed as a dual assault/troop transport platform but weren't suitable in either role and rarely used at all in the troop transport role. They lacked the maneuvrability of the US Cobra etc and the rotors had a habit of hitting the tail causing crashes. There is a Hip in the game for transport, and they are well suited for that role. The Ka-50 is a far superior assault gunship. So the North Sahrani military have chosen two capable aircraft in place of a poorer compromise of the Hind.
  17. GBee

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    That could be easily solved by having two name fields - one for an abbreviated form which would be limited to a max of around ~6-8 chars. So you could choose to use "Av Joe", Messiah could be "Mess" etc
  18. GBee

    ArmA Progress Updates

    The year could be 2050, adding such features still takes time - so unless you want to wait until 2050 for the games release some limits have to be set.
  19. GBee

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but how was being able to walk up a steep hill diagonally a bug?
  20. GBee

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Actually, if it's supposed to be published somewhere near the end of the next month it is not WIP (at best some bughunting) or it's going to be.. delayed. No everything we have seen is from WIP versions of the game. Even the latest videos were created from a press demo that was put together several weeks ago.
  21. GBee

    ArmAs Cover Art

    Bravo, you may be right ... 18 might be more appropriate.
  22. GBee

    Germany 1985

    Edit: Decided not to re-open the assault on Martinovic.
  23. GBee

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Yes view distance is a technical limitation, but it is implemented/disguised in-game through mist/fog/haze. It's not realistic that a person standing on 10 storey building with a pair of binoculars 1.1km away can see you, but you can't even see the building. That is why your idea is flawed.
  24. GBee

    Germany 1985

    That's all you had to say in order to get my attention. I've long wondered why no-one mentioned that novel in relation to an OFP mod, although it would be even better for Arma. If anyone else is looking for ideas for a new mod - Russia v China (The Bear and the Dragon by Clancy) is also a good scenerio.
  25. GBee

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Well it isn't actually that realistic. You cannot see through mist/fog with a pair of binoculars. Binoculars/scopes only allow magnify what is already visible even if it isn't recognizable. Incidently and a little off-topic, the magnification on weapon mounted scopes or binoculars isn't even as good as most people think it is. I blame the movies for the perception that the face of a person standing a kilometre away will fill the field of view.