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Everything posted by Georg.B

  1. The motion blur is one of the best additions to the game and easily enhances the immersion ten-fold. So I say keep it in forever.
  2. Georg.B

    Command structure?

    Then it's basically as I described. It all depends on the mission you play and the people you play it with. Apart from that, there is no official ranking apart from ranks you can give units that governs their skill and automatic grouping.
  3. Georg.B

    How to create a dedicated server

    Now, I'm sorry for sort of taking this a little bit off topic, but say if someone hosts a game personally (ie basically just hosting a game through the multiplayer menu), are they able to use this method to customize their hosting options? Ie set maximum players, checfiles, equalmod, etc.
  4. Georg.B

    Command structure?

    Well it all really depends on what exactly it is that you mean. I'm guessing if a mission uses High Command module then you would have a commander, who then issues orders to squad leaders, who then manage the squad members. Maybe, just maybe you can have a commander who commands other commanders, who then command squads, and so on and so forth, but I haven't tried this. Is this what you mean?
  5. Georg.B

    Will AA model the feel and fidelity of armour

    I don't know how armour is supposed to "feel", but even after playing this game for four years I still pee myself every time I see a BMP and don't have a LAW or RPG. And that sound...that sound...
  6. Georg.B

    VTE open beta 09-13-05

    I wonder what posessed Snake Man to release the mod? It's not like he is a hooligan, infact he is a pretty cool person. He is, by the way, the creator of the PMC Fury campaign - one of the greatest ever created. Perhaps it was a mis-communication? In any case, before you start flaming him, just consider what I said above.
  7. Georg.B

    New DNA-Force 2.0.7777 Drivers

    I'm currently using Omega drivers based on 69.93 which give incredible performance over the new official ones, especially noticable with DXDLL. However, I'm tempted to try the DNA drivers, but they are based on 77.77s. Has anyone tried them with OFP? How do they perform?
  8. Georg.B

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Woohoo! You probably get this a lot, but I love you man!
  9. Georg.B

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Grrr. Oh well...sometimes I just load up OFP and fire that M1A2 a few times. That sound is just like therapy.
  10. Georg.B

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Oooh, can you include the new SJB weapons into EECP? Pretty please!