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Everything posted by moricky

  1. moricky

    How do I synchronize waypoints?

    Could you please write here exact steps you took when creating objects, waypoints and connections? I'm unable to reproduce the issue, but it may happen under specific circumstances.
  2. moricky

    Eden Feature Requests

    get3DENEntityID returns unique index number of the entity within the editor, not its variable name. Indexes work with any entity type (e.g., objects, waypoints, markers, etc.), not just objects. I'll investigate if it would be possible to assign variables you set already in the editor, so you could reference them for example in the debug console.
  3. moricky

    Categories in editor

    There's a detailed description of how to configure object categorization, including the list of all existing categories. As for icons, we're not planning to use them in the map to represent actual object size. You may have noticed that bounding boxes are shown instead, which is solution which requires less data preparation and is less prone to misconfiguration, although it may be less accurate than when you prepare a very accurate icon. As for boats - I'm unable to reproduce it. No matter that the slope is on the seabed, boats are always placed perfectly horizontally for me.
  4. moricky

    Independents not hostile to Blufor in MP

    Would you have specific repro steps or a scenario where it happens? When I try it, they attack with extreme prejudice.
  5. We're currently investigating what's wrong, thanks for info.
  6. It's caused by respawnDelay being configured as a string, not as a number as it should be. When scenario params system was updated in the Eden update, it started to use stricter rules, which however affected already published scenarios. I fixed it to tolerate string as well again, but I would advise to use number in future scenarios. The fix should be available in the next dev build update. Example: Not ideal: respawnDelay = "45"; Ideal: respawnDelay = 45;
  7. It will stay, there's no need to remove it. It will make even more sense once 2D editor is phased out.
  8. It's not intentional and it shall be fixed. Both issues are related, attributes placed other sections than Intel should work fine.
  9. moricky

    dedi MP broken with 3DEN sqm

    Could you please upload your scenario somewhere, so we can test it?
  10. There's currently an issue which prevents custom attributes to be placed in Intel section. We fixed it now and it should be available in the next dev build update. Meanwhile, I suggest to place it to a different section, so you can continue development. That's intentional, there's no need to save default values, because they are already present. As described on Biki: Only attributes with values different from the default are saved to the scenario file, which means only their expression will be called.
  11. How do you upload it? Using in-game Export to Multiplayer option? By manually copying unpacked scenario file to MPMissions folder? By subscribing to Steam Workshop link you shared?
  12. moricky

    Mission Starts looking top down on AO

    Could you please upload the scenario somewhere, so we I can try it myself?
  13. Could you please upload the scenario somewhere, so we can investigate what may be causing the issue?
  14. Could you please post here the whole attribute configuration?
  15. Since the feedback tracker is down now, posting issues here on forum would be the best way.
  16. Could you please upload somewhere the scenario which doesn't work, so we can take a look at it?
  17. We're looking into it. Something's not right with virtual entities in general.
  18. moricky

    Virtual Entities in Eden do not work

    Thanks for repro, seems there are some issues with virtual entities in general. We'll take a look at it.
  19. moricky

    Eden - Author problems?

    As already mentioned, author property is sadly not saved correctly, but the fix should be available soon.
  20. Could you please upload the scenario somewhere, so we could investigate the issue?
  21. moricky

    Eden Editor Switch Trigger Missing

    "Skip waypoint" is what "Switch used to be". It's just renamed to make it clearer, technical implementation remains the same (i.e., triggerType will still remain "SWITCH").
  22. moricky

    [Issue] Eden overrides module defaults

    I noticed it as well about two hours after release :) Will be fixed in the next dev build update.
  23. Here's some reasoning behind our decision to discontinue the feature.
  24. moricky

    Helicopter Not Flying at start

    Right now, helicopter and planes will turn their engines on when placed above ~20 m altitude. We're planning to add an indivual attribute which would give you full control over whether the engines should be running at the start or not.
  25. moricky

    Save our own compositions?

    Soonâ„¢ ;) Composition saving and publishing is high on our current to-do list.