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Everything posted by Gordy

  1. how about this one? It is supposed tobe used by USMC MEU and this.
  2. Wilco, If you need sth for the marines just say, I can do it. Helmets, glasses, weapons, etc.
  3. what's up with my signature?
  4. Wilco, my man, how I would like to make a soldier unit for OFP. The only thing that is stopping me is the O2 named selection problems. Anyway, It looks early so I'll wait until it shapes up to be more juicy.
  5. Gordy

    Mi-8 pack - work in progress

    modelling and texturing 75% of work:) edit: maybe highter:) Well, maybe for U, but for me it's like that.
  6. Gordy

    Mi-8 pack - work in progress

    modelling and texture is like a 10% of work which is easy and fun. Functionality is what's makes a good helo and that's pain in the ass.
  7. Gordy

    Mi-8 pack - work in progress

    I know nothing about Helos so It must be true. Cool helo. Finaly.
  8. Gordy

    Mi-8 pack - work in progress

    Agreed, Too bad my model is still somewhere in the shelf. It'd be nice competition. Anyway, the first screen shows MI-17 if i'm not mistaken. MI-8 has its rear rotor on different side.
  9. Gordy

    M4A1 Pack

    I haven't said anything because you said it was still WIP.
  10. Gordy

    M4A1 Pack

    I haven't said anything because you said it was still WIP.
  11. Gordy

    Texture PSDs

    What I would suggest is to find a high res cammo pattern on a cloth (if you don't have one, I can provide a sample) then play around in photoshop with burn and dodge to make creases and bumps. Try to learn drawing rather than depend on textures-to-go. It is time consuming but it's worth it. That's the difference between artists and regular addon makers.
  12. Gordy

    Texture PSDs

    I believe there are some textures and actions for clothing included with PSP9 so it would be likely that it would also be included with Photoshop or any other program  Keep dreaming. I have recently upgraded and haven't found anything like that. Still, I may have not looked hard enough.
  13. Gordy

    M4A1 Pack

    Hey Wipman, Aimpoint is a 1x optic therefore it doesn't have a scaling ring, but it goes with or without safty caps.
  14. Gordy

    M4A1 Pack

    Hey Wipman, Aimpoint is a 1x optic therefore it doesn't have a scaling ring, but it goes with or without safty caps.
  15. Here is a sample work with Zbrush2. The advantage of it is that you can take a 2K-3K poly model and transform it into this over 1 mln polys. It works flawlessly with that amount. It's just a beginning so don't sweat. When you finish this, creating all the material bumps and cool stuff, you'll be able to export it to ANY modelling soft there is. I use Max and I can "project" it onto an old model (2K-3K polys) making it look like a 1 mln model with all bumps and shadows. And that ain't textured yet. So, please BIS make a proper export/import pluggins for Pro tools like Max.
  16. The easiest one is Zbrush. It is brutally simple and so effective especially for organic modeling.
  17. Gordy

    European Politics Thread.

    I don't question the reasons. I question its place in constitution.
  18. Gordy

    European Politics Thread.

    well nice selective facts.. but please read the entire article Article III-56 (ex Article 87 TEC)  1. Save as otherwise provided in the Constitution, any aid granted by a Member State or through State resources in any form whatsoever which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods shall, insofar as it affects trade between Member States, be incompatible with the internal market. 2. The following shall be compatible with the internal market: (a) aid having a social character, granted to individual consumers, provided that such aid is granted without discrimination related to the origin of the products concerned; (b) aid to make good the damage caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences; © aid granted to the economy of certain areas of the Federal Republic of Germany affected by the division of Germany, insofar as such aid is required in order to compensate for the economic disadvantages caused by that division. Five years after the entry into force of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, the Council, acting on a proposal from the Commission, may adopt a European decision repealing the present point. 3. The following may be considered to be compatible with the internal market: (a) aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment, and of the regions referred to in Article III-330, in view of their structural, economic and social situation; (b) aid to promote the execution of an important project of common European interest or to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State; © aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas, where such aid does not adversely affect trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interest; (d) aid to promote culture and heritage conservation where such aid does not affect trading conditions and competition in the Union to an extent that is contrary to the common interest; (e) such other categories of aid as may be specified by European regulations or decisions adopted by the Council on a proposal from the Commission. It still has no place in Constitution. It is irrelevant. So, whole Eastern europe should have special EU aid because they were parted from civilasation for 50 years? Should articles like that has place in document like constitution? Why? Why Germany must be any better or special than any other state?
  19. Gordy

    European Politics Thread.

    That's what I say. We don't need any constitution. UK doesn't have one. US have one and it consists of 54 (?) states. US wasn't a nice place just after the Constitution. But it stated that it is a land of free, etc. This layed the ground for creativity and what a US is today. Anyone can go there being a regular Joe and with great effort of work and dedication become a rich monkey. The state wouldn't interfere unless you break the law. In EU Before you even begin anything you get stroke, heart attack or any other bureaucracy trauma. What EU needs is another treaty-like document and that should be of our concern. EU is clearly not ready to be a United States of Europe , without divisions, all of its fears of "Polish plummer" or "Turkish muslim". The problem is that it became too socialistic.
  20. Gordy

    European Politics Thread.

    now, laws can be simple and effective. It is very European to have a complicated, misleading and very vague laws. The simpler, the better. Less bureaucracy, lower costs, better economical efficiency. What we have now is State within a state. Thank you, no.
  21. Gordy

    European Politics Thread.

    I am very "No" as far as EU constitution is conserned. This is why: Constitution is a Document that states basic laws that should be undeniable and written in straight forward language. 1. It states things like:freedom of speech, religion, etc. 2. All the basic laws are no more than 3 A4 pages (here 265) 3. It must be comprehendable for every EU citizen 4. It must be interpretation free. What we have here? What EU convent prepared for EU members is a vague pile of law articles that is very difficult for a avarage lawyer to understand. Sample: One sentence read Wishfull thinking!!! Constitution states the rights that you have, not you might have sometime in the future. This extract contradicts what we already have. WTF is this? How this effect a regular EU citizen? Now, that's hilarious. What a usual UK (or any other) citizen would think, reading this extract from a EU constitution? Constitution or ? Next set of BS I could do this for the whole day. It covers all things that happen within EU. Why? WTF for? Constitution is THE LAW above other laws. Economy, politics, social life, customs, defence, imigration are things that are based on basic rights but MUST not be included within this document. It consists of many contradictory matters. It also creates new bureaucracy monstrosity that is given unlimited power. It says that all decision making, according to EU Constitution, should go to lower instances (decentralisation) if it doesn't consern EU Integration in any way. Every decision made by any EU office consernes EU integration by default. The last word. Do you think that people should vote "YES" for EU constitution if they don't understand it? Based on reason, none of you wouldn't. Why? Because none of you knows what you will get in the end run. Also, The fact that there is sth we might call a EU constitution, doesn't mean we have to accept it without any doubt. Would any of you take an aspirin for a finger cut? It is a medicine, right? Just because sth we have is called a medicine doesn't mean it's the right one.
  22. Hey Laser, Can you perhaps do that helmet for them. It is pretty much a standard helmet for Seals.
  23. How about stoping yack about BS? Who said what and why. Mods will resolve if any rule of conduct has been broken. I think anyone can offer some valuable data for Laser to produce some Hi-Fi stuff. I can donate my TC-2002 low-cut Helmet + basic texture for Laser only if he wishes to have it.
  24. Here ia a Rav modification. Care for a little frag?
  25. We don't know that guy but I post my view based upon some discussion with operatives, army & force men. Glasses with yellow are very important as they increase contrast of view so you can basically see them for pilots, drivers and Soldiers. They also provide some ballistic protection which is very important. read it. About the pouch. It is not a matter of perspective but a combat efficency. They are a part of "Second Line Tactical Gear" which provides "The main line harness that executes the fight". I don't think "looks" plays any role in rig or any other equipment choice of soldier. Now, I strongly believe Laser creates Seals based upon very detailed and proven sources. Ok Here are the notes on the subject by: James Yeager President Tactical Response www.TacticalResponse.com Training At The Cutting Edge!