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Everything posted by Gollum1

  1. Gollum1

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Just got back from testing it. Pros with the new version: - Really, really nice effects, somehow both stylish and contained and really spectacular. - Planes are very maneuverable and not as sluggish as before. - Smoke, AA, phosphorous. - Renamed menu selections, like "engage pilot weapon control". - New NVGs. Cons, suggestions: - NSV starts with no ammo but DShK works fine, bug? - Rifle grenades are a tad too ineffective, they're almost useless except for obscuring the enemy in smoke. (!) - There is almost no difference in sound range over silenced and non-silenced weapons. I know the sound reduction is very low in real life, but in WGL there seems to be no difference at all. - At least the directional mine that the VDV use is giving me an error when I set it. - The custom sky looks too dark and unrealistic, I think I'll reinstall without it. - VDV are using the old, 1.0, ORCS model/textures instead of the new ones. - More spacious editor and sharper fonts would be nice, like used by ECP and especially FDF. Anyway, it's good pack overall, altough lots of weapons could be replaced by other ones of mods, like Marine Assault Pack M249, M4, AKS-74U, maybe RPG-16 and Javelin. TOW M60 I haven't played it that much, I'll have to get back to you...
  2. Gollum1

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Ooh nice one, very original.
  3. Gollum1

    How about a forum night?

    The time that we were without password last night, half of the people playing were strangers. If I want that, I'll go to a (more) public server. Everyone found their way there after the password was used, I don't know why that wouldn't be the best thing...? You can see the password from the pinned thread.
  4. Gollum1

    How about a forum night?

    The time that we were without password last night, half of the people playing were strangers. If I want that, I'll go to a (more) public server. Everyone found their way there after the password was used, I don't know why that wouldn't be the best thing...? You can see the password from the pinned thread.
  5. Gollum1

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    From yesterday's MP with TF: Gollum1 charges forward, and the crowd goes wild! (The Russians, by aiming their BMP-2 guns at me! But I survived, no biggie)
  6. Gollum1

    How about a forum night?

    That was a good test-run, it was nice when we had to wait for players 3 times for 30 minutes each, and then it crashed 3 times because finmod had been left on. I hope it goes better next time.
  7. Gollum1

    How about a forum night?

    That was a good test-run, it was nice when we had to wait for players 3 times for 30 minutes each, and then it crashed 3 times because finmod had been left on. I hope it goes better next time.
  8. Gollum1

    How about a forum night?

    I think I'll be able to join!
  9. Gollum1

    How about a forum night?

    I think I'll be able to join!
  10. Gollum1

    Updated anim.pbo replacement pack

    Anims don't affect movement speed at all AFAIK, and even if they did, that would be a cheat both in MP and SP.
  11. Gollum1

    Ofp 2 slogan

    I like that one, Sounds very ofpy.... I like that one, somehow...
  12. Gollum1

    Giving ofp a rest

  13. Gollum1

    Military Humor

    Heh, what's this one all about?
  14. Gollum1

    Custom faces

    Snake, you crazy man, you're turning out high-quality faces faster than I can decide which ones to use. Here's my personal mod of the balaclava face, for certain MP missions.
  15. Gollum1

    The Iraq thread 3

    Bush's Iraq WMDs joke backfires Nice to see a president joking about the number one reason to invade Iraq. Nice to see a president joking about a war that already has cost a lot of blood on both sides. Real classy...
  16. Gollum1

    How old r u?

    You're starting a thread and not saying how old you are yourself? Hm, well, I'm 17.
  17. Gollum1

    How old r u?

    You're starting a thread and not saying how old you are yourself? Hm, well, I'm 17.
  18. Gollum1

    Rock throwing addon

    That's not what he's looking for, try always reading the first post before replying. Gimbal's tossers should be sufficient, but an update for them would be very nice.
  19. Gollum1

    Sebnampack2 with jam conversion?

    That's GREAT to hear! Really looking forward to it, I and my team frequently play with 'Nam pack 2.
  20. I've been needing some good MP attack helo missions, I wondered what everyone's favorites are? Cool addons in the mission like Mi-28, Rah-66 etc is a big plus. If not, I can always convert them. Addon requirements aren't a problem.
  21. Gollum1

    Best mp attack helicopter missions?

    Thanks Turms. Somebloke, I wasn't talking about attack helicopters but missions...
  22. *Cough Cough* Ok BHD is nice and pretty but authentic? Look how there is 5 militia standing in open ground and 6 Rangers are shooting at them, 1 with a SAW, none are hit and all manage to fire off a few rounds and get into cover. On the other extreme there is rangers using semi hitting targets while standing, just after running a few hundred metres, at ranges up to 100 metres... Also the RPG seemed quite docile, the Rangers could quite easily dodge them, as well as the Blackhawk that was hovering with two static fast ropes, in a very hot climate and several rangers aboard. Authentic is not something hollywood does... Agree with Jinef, authentic!? Maybe equipment-wise, like with chopper sounds, but let's not even get into the other stuff! On-topic, you definitely need muffled sounds in cockpits, it's hell hearing what other people are talking about on TS and making yourself heard when you're a Huey or Blackhawk pilot. The BAS LB's are especially loud.
  23. Gollum1

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    It is Showcinemaborder false without the s at the end.
  24. Gollum1

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Hyk's soldiers are 1985, 1991 and 2003. Where can I find these 1985 soldiers? All I see in the Editor are 2003 and 1991 soldiers. Are you saying the 1991 era soldiers work for 1985
  25. Gollum1

    Best mp attack helicopter missions?

    Are there any? edit: SP missions are fine too, they can be converted.