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Everything posted by Gollum1
AI scripts? Sounds good. I hope they will work in MP coop. The units are a great replacement for the old UCE OMON, I like the masks, and especially the weapons, familiar from before, are top-notch. Good job once again for ORCS team.
Haha...sure Farmcoot, how can you know that it isn't worth reading if you haven't read it, or have you read it even though you knew from the start that it wasn't worth reading? Quite the conundrum we have hia. You could always point out what is wrong with his post, but are you capable of doing that without resorting to one-line, pointless replies as you have done in the past? Personally I believe that Michael Moore raises some very valid points and questions and is concerned of the course his country is taking, and simply saying that he hates America for it instead of taking a long, hard look at these matters yourself is a coward's way out.
Finnish Defence Forces Modification 1.3
Gollum1 replied to feersum.endjinn's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
$33ker, that is an OFP bug, nothing can be done about it, same thing with glasses. The campaign is messed up in a few places with 1.3, yes. Haven't seen you around for long, welcome back. -
I know, I, too am frustrated at the lack of missions for addons, and since I can't make addons myself I make missions instead, thus filling a gap. God knows we have enough addon makers. The last mission I made, at FDF mission repository, was an FDF peacekeeping mission on Tonal, I think it's unique in that way. The roles you mentioned for the TMCM are present in this mission, basically the Communist guerrillas on Malden (FDF:Maldevic) want the General of the Finnish peacekeeper forces dead, and the TMCM are strapped for cash. Other factions are involved beyond that, too. However it sounds, this isn't a really serious mission, the going is very light-hearted and sarcastic. Again, think GTA. I don't claim it's the best ever either, but I think it's fun. @SpeedyDonkey: It does work in SP in the way that you can host the MP mission on your own and play through it, it isn't that hard and I have done it with a few retries. Just make sure that you're Jim the boss. It wouldn't be too hard to convert it into SP, but the AI don't really handle the vehicles all that well, at least in the start. It isn't really an AI mission, overall, urban fighting is involved and quick vehicle handling is essential. If you want it SP, just unpbo the mission file, remove the line <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">disabledai = 1 or was it enabledai, from the description.ext file, copy and paste the contents of intro.sqs to the end of init.sqs, change Jim the Boss to "player" in the editor instead of "playable" (he is near the starting point), change everyone else in the group to non-playable, and...save it as SP. That's all there is to it, you don't need any mission editing skills if you follow the instructions, and it should take about a minute. Ooh, ahahaha, you don't know how much that made me laugh, related to an inside joke among me and my friends. If you want to play it MP you can join #ofptf on Quakenet (IRC) some evening and we might get a game going.
It looks good, I wish you success in this.
What the hell are you talking about?
Well so did you.
Used Addons and Mission
General, try this page Unpacking RAR files, there are links for two other RAR unpackers than WinRAR. Also, try installing the newest WinRAR if you don't already have it. Lots of files are in RAR so it is important to have such an unpacker, I bet one of those will work. It would be complicated to start sending 10 mb of files anyway. edit: Can't use Winzip ATM, it makes the archive just a little bit over 1 mb, thus unacceptable to both my team page and the FDFMR. RAR compresses it better. Ja, det finns ju faktist mĺnga finnar och norrmän här pĺ forumet ocksĺ, men jag är kanske mest uppseendeväckande pga min flaggsig.
3 and 4.
Troublemakers Campaign thread
I think they're good enough. Motorcycles are just a bonus, anyway.
Eh? And your sources are? At least 4 SAS members surrendered to the Iraqis during the Gulf War (Bravo Two Zero anyone?) Special Forces have also been captured or forced to capitulate in other conflicts as well. B20 alone proves that it is not as "close to nil" and a "KNOWN FACT" for them not to surrender. Unreasonable Spec Ops idolatry? edit: Ending OT on my part.
miles. great idea, i will ask to add a m60 as door gunner, that will be the final toutch "Get some! Get some! Anyone who runs is a VC! Anyone who stands still is a well-trained VC!" "Do you shoot women and children?" "Sometimes." "How can you shoot women and children?" "Easy! I just don't lead 'em so much! Hahaha! Ain't war hell! Hahaha!" Sorry
Well, the head is f***ed up, shrunk, but it's a good idea and it would bring some fresh air into OFP, like Keg's graphics thingy coming out.
LOL...u honestly believe that...if by chance they were SBS or SAS, the news would be talking about a BUNCH of dead iranians in a border clash with unknown forces LOL yes I honestly believe that, unless they were on a mission to start a war with Iran. We're not at the movies.
Finnish Defence Forces Modification 1.3
Gollum1 replied to feersum.endjinn's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Wait, look what I found at the FDF mission repository. Return from Darkness -
Yes Colonel Klink, all other motorcycles in OFP can be picked up, but not these. Try it yourself in the editor, just brake quickly, turn a little and step off and it should fall over. When you get in you pop out immediately. No damage involved. This really hurts gameplay because you have to remember to baby your bike, when you stop you have to caarefully break, make sure the bike is straight and step off. It ruins the action-packed mood and if you make a mistake your bike is basically destroyed. No other bikes have this problem AFAIK, I hope you fix it. edit: It might be too heavy in real life to pick up alone, but in real life you could also ask help off a fellow biker or use some kind of pole, chain or car to vault it up again. Not so in OFP. The sounds are fine IMO.
Finnish Defence Forces Modification 1.3
Gollum1 replied to feersum.endjinn's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
The SP mission 'return from darkness' doesn't work, after I had cleared the town (1 axe, 1 remington, 1 jatimatic, 2 shotgun men), I couldn't capture the commander. He just stands there and nothing happens. Btw, the commander, the axe man, and the Remington man are all half inside walls. The axe guy was easy to shoot through the wall and the remington man could shoot my guys without me seeing anything of him, he could shoot me through the little ledge on the roof so I only saw part of his hair but he was slaughtering me. I saw no "heavy MG's" around the town and even though I told my sniper to fire, he didn't fire a shot. Later I walked to him and noticed that he was behind a bush and looking north, so it was impossible for him to shoot anything. -
Now, I think this addon has attitude, and that is why I have decided to use it for an MP campaign, of which part 1 is already complete (not released though). Things I have noticed is that 1) They lag a LOT. Even just 3 bikes on the road in MP slows the FPS down just too much. 2) You can not pick a chopper up after it has fallen onto its side. 3) The skin colors do not match the face colors. 4) AI seem to be reluctant to fire at them? They only seem to fire at certain small angles. 5) A bit too armored. Also, one or two other bikers would be nice. I just love doing really tigh turns with the choppers, so tight that you are hugging the ground. Keep up the good work.
To have these sweet units in FDF would be a dream come true.
Probably because the IDF are trained to make accurate shots because of the constant threat of being court-martialed for indiscriminate use of force. They aren't supposed to discharge their weapon unless they are looking down the sights. By comparison, that was never explicitly stated as a rule or policy when I was in the U.S. Army during the tail end of the Cold War. Personally, I'd prefer some sort of HD weapons for the Isreali side mostly for gameplay reasons. I want fire fights to last longer, and with the super shot AI of the game, they make it really short. Posting on the forum about it and waiting for an update is much more hassle than adding HD ammo manually... The new camo looks good, but a side-by-side comparison is really needed.
I discovered this the first time I played OFP after coming home from the store. Winter 2001.:p
You're funny. Anyway, I play coops EXCLUSIVELY, either on FinP server, CiA, our OFTF part-time team server, or just host to test my new creations.
Finnish Defence Forces Modification 1.3
Gollum1 replied to feersum.endjinn's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
There's a workaround, just pust "FDF_parachutesquare" to normal soldiers and set them high up in the air. Thank you, I will try that.