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Everything posted by Gollum1
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ June 28 2002,05:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">oh quit yer whinin.<span id='postcolor'> I think I´ll disregard anything you say about Russian equipment since, because of your avatar, I´ll assume that you don´t play as east much
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ June 27 2002,07:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">not that we have something against you.<span id='postcolor'> I do! Nah, just kidding, I just hate l33t speak.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ June 27 2002,07:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">not that we have something against you.<span id='postcolor'> I do! Nah, just kidding, I just hate l33t speak.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (The Jub-Jub Bird @ June 20 2002,21:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> the main character you play is a helicopter tour guide.<span id='postcolor'> Where the hell did you hear that? Victor Troska is an ex-special forces soldier, and (I think Marek said this in some interview, not sure bout this) retired police chief of Nogova. Helicopter tour guide...
Yes, yes! Ooooh, Americans are such hypocrites! What was Hiroshima if not murder? There were next no none military targets there, and the death toll FAR succeeds that of puny little WTC. (and it poisoned the land, an extra bonus! If the Nazis would have invented the A-bomb before the U.S had (it almost happened) and they would have bombed London and STILL have been defeated, the world would nowadays have used it as ABSOLUTE EVIDENCE that the Nazis were EEEVIL (and they must be destroyed in the fires of mount doom) Hmmm...but, of course, if the U.S did it, it was "necessary". History is written by the winner. Oh, and if there are A-bombs, there is no God.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ May 31 2002,18:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ May 31 2002,09:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is it the 21st or the 28th of June OFP:R is scheduled for release ?<span id='postcolor'> what's a few days here or there. -=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'> BURN THE HERETIC!
Damn, the lighting looked really good with my old GF2 MX, but now (Hercules radeon 8500) they flash white all the time, wtf!? Are you working on it, BIS?
There´s nothing wrong with communism on paper, but in the real world, people aren´t perfect. The Soviet Union wasn´t a socialist state, but that´s just what happens when you give too much power to your leaders, no matter how wise they seem. "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Okay, this is anti-religion, just so you know. In the Western world, 94% of those 95% who are religious only THINK they are christians. They think that there is some great guy (and he´s always a guy, never a woman) who helps everybody, and they can get to heaven if they go to church once a year. COME ON! If you would actually read the bible and follow every rule in it (which you are supposed to do, according to every priest alive) you cannot use any plastic products, think a SINGLE sexual tought about anyone but your wife (did I mention christianity is sexistic) and basically, have no life. Humans created God because humans are afraid of death. If a bomb blows up and kills some people, eeeevil terrorists have planted it and they must be destroyed in the fires of mount Doom etc. etc. If an elite police demolitions squad had disarmed that bomb: "PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! He saved us from those eeeeevil terrorists!" And two blocks away, a little girl is killed in a car crash....
Ahem...this is a joke, right?
Yeah, it´s too late for this kind of topic But artillery would be really realistic and would require a lot of teamwork in MP. Just imagine sitting in your bunker as the fist of God descends upon your position in the form of huge shells! But it would be irritating when some newbie in MP has to learn how to aim the hard way (Friendly fire, anyone?). Well, it´s too late now.
I could be wrong, but if he just wanted helo to land, he would have posted this in the editing forum. But the point is, how do you COMMAND someone to land? And wasn't the heli in your group? Then a wp wouldn't work.
I´ve had a couple of OFP dreams, but I can´t remember anything about them except that they all were infantry "missions" Damn...maybe I should play some single missions and take a nap.
I tought Red Hammer was better than 1985 (tough that was great too), with more complex missions than "go here, kill that". And psst: Lukin is SpetzNats, which might explain some of his super-human abilities The mission "Rage" was unrealistic, but a LOT of fun. The helo mission was fun too. Remember, realism is a means, not an end. And STFU about that smoke, that´s just childish. Since you haven´t seen it anywhere else, then Codemasters MUST be masterminding some grand plot to steal YOUR ideas.
And the knife...I seriously doubt that you would get close enough to use it on anythÃng else than a civilian, and even he would try to run away. And technically, have you ever tried standing next to a man in OFP? Collision detection...it would feel really clumsy.
Lamoi it´s hard to take you seriously, but you speak the truth!Collision detection in OFP is probably my biggest complaint about the whole game The engine has some compulsory need to separate everything except the ground and an object. A crashed Hind in the woods = endless bouncing...
Hmmm...I doubt that the U.S or NATO will just say: Oh you poor thing! We´ll gladly waste time, resources and the lives of our men to rescue your puny little island which isn´t allied to us in any way and where military intervention by us could cause WWIII and, therefore, the apocalypse. The U.S supported the Afghans in their fight against the Sovs, too, but only with some training and weapons (discreetly, I might add). BIS has obviously adopted this approach (cameo by James Gastovski) So there. And BTW, a BTR would be cool.
Doesn´t work for me. I always have the quality at max. I´ve got a elsa gladiac gf2mx
I first saw a preview of OFP on some PCGamer CD, and I tought it looked pretty cool, but I quickly forgot it. Then I got the OFP demo in april 2001. I played it non-stop even tough...*drum rolls* I HAD A FPS OF -1! Yes it´s true, it was on my old 300 mhz system, and I still played it! So I bought OFP around Christmas and i´ve been playing it *Every day* since then on my 1 ghz. BIS, you have brought so much joy to my life *sniff* And now, OFPR....
Hmmm...its an interesting fact that all those movies are American, with American soldiers. And they all have more or less...huge budgets, a thing that is synonomous with "Hollywood". Apocalypse now(redux) had maybe one or two good sequences, the chopper assault and...on second tought, AN sucked big-time. Too artsy. Three Kings, Top Gun and Behind Enemy Lines aren´t war movies. They´re popcorn action flicks. BHD and SPR are my favorites. SPR had a good beginning and end, while BHD was great all the way (except the last 15 minutes...god bless america, they wouldn´t understand blah blah)
Are you being sarcastic?
Uuhh...WTF!? So you think it´s an improvement that your ping went UP? You do know that you have no lag if you have 0 ping and any game is unplayable over 700? Am I missing something here?
Hasn´t anyone noticed that explosions are orange instead of yellow and tracers from AA vehicles and 30 mm cannons are much thicker and more visible? The lighting effects are pretty cool, but especially the m16 looks pretty wierd, as if someone had spray-painted it gold. Maybe I´m just stating the obvious, but...