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About Gandalf21VB

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  1. Gandalf21VB

    Mp target lock w. helo's

    Gunner/Pilot targetting/locking is most difficult, if not impossible to do when flying AH1 and APACHE in MP with 2 players as crew. If the pilot is targetting a vehicle, TOW or Hellfire, the missile is prone to miss the target if the gunner fires it, and vice versa. Almost all the missiles is overshooting their target. Did Any1 else had the same experience or maybe a sollution how to fix this prob?
  2. Gandalf21VB

    Mp target lock w. helo's

    Gunner/Pilot targetting/locking is most difficult, if not impossible to do when flying AH1 and APACHE in MP with 2 players as crew. If the pilot is targetting a vehicle, TOW or Hellfire, the missile is prone to miss the target if the gunner fires it, and vice versa. Almost all the missiles is overshooting their target. Did Any1 else had the same experience or maybe a sollution how to fix this prob?
  3. Gandalf21VB

    Joystick throttle reversal

    I could'nt agree more, that a collective does'nt work like a jet/prop throttle, but my throttle is situated on my desk (like most others i think) not on some kind of piedestal to my left. If it was, the motion would be correct. I'we played lots of flight/Helisims for years and i do, like many others, feel awkward to gain power by pushing the throttle backwards.  It causes a lot of crashes when my instinctive reaction pattern refuse to believe that back equals more power  What a joy it is  to fly those planes now  What a joy it could be flying the Heli's with "reversed" thrust Â