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Everything posted by Gux

  1. Gux

    The REAL Sounds

    That's something I've always wanted in a game, especially flashpoint. Different sounds depending on your location. Real recordings of gunfire reverberating over a long distance would sound really immersive. Creative's EAX tried to that with onboard dsp effects but in games like Rogue Spear it sounded like everyone was firing guns in a cave. A cave that was located within an even larger cave.
  2. Gux

    No Anti-Alias?

    I've heard(might be talking out of my ass here) that HDR and AA has trouble coexisting because the final image is composited together. Maybe that's the reason?
  3. Gux

    New title for FLASHPOINT2

    Original Flesh Pants? Otter Funk Party? Ortogonal Fight Princess? Oh Fuck, the Pricks at codemasters stole our title?
  4. Gux

    two operation flashpoint 2s?

    I disagree, it will work. Yes, regular consumers want the cd nowadays and that's what most publishers do. But the profits from that aren't that great. If you buy directly from the developer they get a whole lot more of the cake. When Steam was announced I thought "no way in hell am I buying a digital copy of Half Life 2". I've had the dvd in my drive maybe three or four times since I bought it on launch. I don't care about my disc or case. The only thing that's valuable to me is the cd key. Â Now of course buying a disc is much more practical for most people without broadband. That's why you have to do regular distrubution as well as digital. They would make a lot more money on the latter.
  5. Gux

    two operation flashpoint 2s?

    The state of the game industry today is totally fucked. Let's pray that in the future digital distrubution becomes the norm so that the money actually goes to the creative people and not the franchise brandname crazy publishers. Personal(and pretty cynical) prediction based on usual practice in the game industry: Codemasters will release a hyped budget(they're not going to spend years in dev on this) title to milk the franchise for all it's worth. Doesn't matter if the reviews stink; the game will sell based on it's name. Â Really, no one's "evil" here, it's just the way business are conducted today. I hope BIS sets up or joins a digital distribution system for their upcoming titles. This is the future for "niche" titles.