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Everything posted by granQ

  1. granQ

    IR sight

    "Everyone" wants this feature but my suggestion how it should "work". Pretty simpel idea really. Like the hitpoint lod, you make a lod with diffrent selections. Leg, track, wheels, hands and so on. Then you can also define the lightning in the IR sight and how bright it shoudl be lit. Those textures will then be handled kinda like "shining" is working now. But only seen in those scopes. Make it simpel to include in custom addons (unlike steel beasts that use diffrent textures for everything).
  2. granQ

    WG Coop Missions

    just played Interdictionv, nice with some "simpel" fast action ones. Perfect, maybe the sound wasnt that great. And a "skip intro" option in the description.ext would rock.
  3. granQ

    OFP2 = Poor Graphics?

    rather see "functions" then grafics.. like some guys firing from a chopper, stuff like that really shows "this been fixed guys, dont worry"..
  4. granQ


    nope, clan selection is all fine, but think i forgot to fix in cfgmodels.. anyway, its free to everyone to improve, rework and include in their stuff. I know its alot of stuff thats not 100% but i will NOT release a new version of it.
  5. granQ


    many errors.. the mass is not devided good, make the front dive totaly in the water.. There is some clipping error, some transprant bugs and shit. But like shadow says, i started on it yesterday. Released it today and hopefully someone will fix it/make something better tomorrow ;)
  6. granQ

    Paatool 1.1 released

    http://www.edgefiles.com/files/14083.html the others seems to only have paatool 1.
  7. granQ

    graphic improvements ...

    also need consider that "most" pictures on ofp.info is faked.. what i mean is that they edited in photoshop and stuff.
  8. granQ

    Real life photography/photo editing

    blame supah, he told me to post here ;) anyway, taken in "dalarna" sweden, not top quality (should have made it with less exposure (spelling?))
  9. start to think that those tanks are super because they got some special sightning system.. unless you doing a WWII tank you should know that tanks can spot people pretty good, even att 600 meters.. thermal sight is the super..
  10. granQ

    will ofp2 be as pretty as this?

    when it comes to compare gfx there is actually only one you can really "compete" with, and thats steal beasts. Dont forget that the area between Montingac->Morton is bigger then most BF maps ever will be, and then you all know how big Nogova is..
  11. Since there is 2 swedish mods, one from norway and i guess nobody has missed FDF's great works.. too bad we don't have any nice island that suit for that. So i wonder if there is any skilled island maker that would like to work together with SFP and create such island, we can do the houses, roadsigns and other custom objects but we lack knowledge in the island creation department.
  12. I thought it was a good idea to inform some of our work. First off, we probaly will release in "addon" shape and not "mod" shape. This since we want our stuff to work with others, let say FDF mod. But i say probaly, since there still is a chance we do a total turn around in the question, wouldn't mean so much work. Second. Right now we are mostly working on making true sights for all weapons and ktotte is working on our delayed grenade. works perfect in singelplayer but some bug left in multiplayer. The pack will probaly feature diffrent handgrenades, smoke.. We are also working on some vehicles but the progress seems to halted some, but they are almost made. models and so. Now for the pictures.. Urban Infantery AK5 Sight Carl Gustav m48 Desert SSG UAV - Sperwer swedish name Ugglan de Haviland Mosquito mk.XIX(J30)
  13. granQ

    Drop commando

    never mind, this should probaly go to editing anyway, but i solved it.
  14. granQ

    Drop commando

    i know you can make drop that goes up, drop that goes down.. but what if i want to fire something fast up in the air but then it falls back to the ground, possible?
  15. granQ

    Targets of at-weapons

    i think they aim at the "zarmary" memory point.. so in that case, yes.
  16. granQ


    okey i think i understand it now.. i had the wrong code that i looked in. (didn't know until now that the plates are diffrent from on the diffrent bis islands) if someone else wants to know $ = a letter # = a number and then you can write you own letters if you want to.
  17. granQ


    I can't see how it should work.. this is the defualt: plateFormat=" $ #### KA " and returns "MLO 5677".. or something like that, but when me want 3 letters and 3 numbers, how should i change that codebit?
  18. finland is not so special.. norway is hard because of the mountains, Sweden is good to make a island from since we have more diffrent landscape to choose from and like finland we have real nice archipelago.. and what is that Norway,Sweden and russia is neighbouring?? I mean finland is right between us. You sure you not mixing stuff up now? Anyway, can say that antaris has started with this project and we hope to finnish a swedish island "soon". What we could need is mostly nordic looking houses.
  19. how do i make my own custom objects for the firing range.. what i am looking for is what memory points/selection in the model do i need?
  20. granQ

    Danish recon units

    it is the land that a true warrior comes to after his death... hmm, nice when denmark forces, now i just have to find a download link.
  21. granQ

    Join group and colour

    RED d format is [letter,color,picture]... picture??
  22. granQ

    Swedish mod

    sfp makes addons OWN will make a mod.. thats like the biggest diffrence what i know, and based on what they said.
  23. New screens are up, check our front page Swedish Forces Pack
  24. yes i would really like it. SDN has done some really nice roadsigns, atleast thats a start, then we need some houses, textures and such can be used from nogova, looks good.
  25. granQ

    Robot 56 bill by own

    ohh has it? what bug is that. works perfect for me.