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Everything posted by granQ

  1. granQ

    Whats up with the community..

    "Everyone" whines about addons is nice but its mission we need.. So, i did a very crappy MT-LBu, the thread even told about all the faults and it was pictures on it, so you didnt have to download to see it if you just wanted to see the model.. I also have made a very good MP mission, many hours me and my friends played it. Its from way before resistance and we still play it. I published both on the forum, the MT-LBu soon pass 200 downloads and the mission is not even close to 20.. So if people dont download, comment missions but download any crap addon out there. Why should people bother with missions? Mission thread.. 1 reply Addon thread.. 11 replies So next time I hear the community wants mission not addons I will not belive it..
  2. granQ

    Whats up with the community..

    i am not giving up missions.. because I do still play, alot with my friends, but i wouldnt be arsed to do a proper release anymore since it seems like you say people dont play, they just check addons out.
  3. so you mean if there is some car site out there that writes about volvo and let say... BMW, they would go crasy if both cars was named on same site?? i dont think so
  4. granQ

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    what/who holds up "combined arms" ?
  5. granQ

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    combined arms is a kickass name.. and on the other side of the box it has to say something about the community and how extreme much you can download...
  6. So what.. Operation flashpoint 2.. isnt a good name, infact it sucks, sounds like a crap sequel like: delta force II, half-life 2, Scream 2, I still know what you did last summer.. Flashpoint 2 So much fresher, its neat, its so simpel its a beauty, and CM doesnt have that protected (what i know).. when it comes to distrubution, when the game is done someone will most likely take care of that without problem. I wonder is there any good distrubation company, like a Codemasters, EA, Ubisoft but it doesnt do a shit with the game, it doesnt buy the rights or anything.. all they do is to sell the game to stores and do the marketing and stuff? Anyone intrested on starting a company.. because I see a need for those independet game dev's..
  7. granQ

    C&H South Control

    Use your vehicles (apc, jeeps,tanks) to take control over the valley on south Everon. The team that first can control the four victory locations and hold them for around 1 min will win the game. Vehicles respawn (when destoryed, so if you just kill the crew a good tip is to leave the vehicle), there is no money or building. Just assault over and over again. Download: Download as a ZIP (11 kb) Download as a PBO (12 kb) A very old version of this one has been reviewed at ofpec: (For page att OFPEC click here, but dont download file since it is old version that doesnt work so good in resitance) Changes from above text is mostly that you now can select time of day and what viewdistance you want during the game. It isnt a advance CTI that requries a manual, and it isnt a basic death match that doesnt requries team tactics. Its is a perfect blend between action and tactics. Hope you guys will enjoy it..
  8. Lets say same engine, same possibilites when it comes to mission, addons and so on... BUT would you rather see OFP1's huge land or areas like in Hidden and dangerous, that isnt so open, not so big but offer alot better grounds for inf battles? dont think this subject been up, I personaly belive the seize for maps is already set and decided by BIS, but maybe there is a empty place in our gamer hearts for something like OFP but at a much lower map seize?
  9. "Everyone have answered 'Nogova' or 'Bigger than Nogova' but I am sure most of the people who have answered Nogova do want bigger islands but the 'less detail note' makes them choose Nogova" "makes no sense. a modern pc would be able to handle big detailed islands." It do make sense.. the more objects, the more to the engine to keep track on, even if you do "duplicating" objects.. Lets resources on your computer is 100 object. A) you spread 100 objects over big area.. B) you make a small area.. Why do you think you got higher fps on everon then on Nogova? If you remeber the demo days, we had a very very limited area to work with, just around houdan on malden. Still alot alot of mission was done, and pretty many was really good. BUT, it seems most people want bigger maps. Even if i really only see use for that with airplanes/choppers.. Personaly Everon feels more then enough, fightning as a grunt and riding in M113 is OFP for me..
  10. granQ


    thats the spirit.
  11. granQ


    something like this: Download: Stank.wmv 2 mb
  12. granQ

    OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

    awesome work.. will/can you make so the "head", or the playerview i should say, also go around when you roll? Now it keeps level.. would me be nice to see the sky and so on..
  13. granQ

    Most Amazing Kills

    Kill: m203.. was playing against "rasputin", he ran behind a hill, so lost visual.. Thought "if he keeps running at same speed, maybe like this".. and got a kill.. so nice ;) Death..: way to many to remeber ;)
  14. granQ

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited 1.2

    any nice long dynamic coop missions out?
  15. granQ

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    i want more screens on features.. not just gfx, but ofp soldiers swimming, more pictures on fights from vehicles.. stuff like that and the issue was june 1999?
  16. granQ

    Soldiers of Short Stature?

    tunnel rats..
  17. granQ

    OFP 2 Release

    same day as ofp 1 was released, but in the year 2006. and of course we need to talk about this...we need to go thru everything. How many ammo slots will it have, 10 like before. Some special ones for like bandage.. the less you know, the funnier discussion..
  18. granQ


    almost had 150 downloads so far.. and like zero good comments, should we say this one is a "ugly fucker without quality" or should we (not only me since of time) try to make so this one comes in next wgl and so? Even if its a bit ugly, some bugs (mass and clan logo. 30 sec to fix those), i would say it looks better then use a MTLB and call it MTLB-u like wgl do in 4.12? what you people says?
  19. granQ

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    hello there ;) [im]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v188/sfpcrew/ofp_cs.jpg[/img]>100kb just tested the multiplayer beta, this is my first screen from ingame. Same gfx engine as ofp1, same worlds, but diffrent gameplay. EDIT: Korax, love the OFP2: Victor Troska Rally! We all know that codemasters game sooner or later turn into a car simulator/rally game. So why not.. Race all the classic like "Morton-Provins-Montigac-Lamentin-Le moule and Morton".. or Troska memory race.. the desert race that starts/end at the place Troska was murdered... could be alot of nice races, and i want guba to my co driver.. "4 Right!..you american bastards.." "2 Left!..winged goverment shall rule".. "Narrow!..but my scud will make it"
  20. granQ

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    lol, that gave me a idea for another screen.. tomorrows quest to make that one, you will see ;)
  21. granQ


    that don't make sense i mean all those that stop doing missions, scripts, addons for free to ofp community and instead try to make money in VBS.. "its all about the money.. its all about dum dum.. i dont think its funny".. or whatever that song went..
  22. granQ

    New Mi-24 Pack v1.0

    nice work, love the mi24.. boring with all those guys requesting more and more versions of same thing, its alot of work to do 4 russians types.. even if the Angolan camo looks cool. ;)
  23. granQ

    ECP version not Released!

    i better like what www.ofp.info done.. thats funny.
  24. granQ

    Custom Road?

    my roads are in mlod and working perfect (of course not in wrptool) All you need is the memory lod with the points. LB,LE,PB,PE.. and name the textures like how you want it, like sil.paa If you name it like "myRoad.paa" it wont behave like a road, you wont drive faster on road then off road.
  25. granQ

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    Sorry for the bad quality, no scanner so had to use my digitalcamera to take a picture of it ;) From swedish pcgamer. The text mostly talks about how they made it possible with firing from vehicles and same stuff that been bought up before. Also talks about the www.flashpoint2.com homepage and that we should expect some new stuff on it soon. Around E3 maybe? Too bad its all fake right? ;)