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I often follow my network cable, too bad I havnt really find out much. This is as far as I can follow it. If we all help out maybe we can find the location of this internet..think there is a big reward if we find it. *stops quest on holy grail*.. Are you with me or not!
Question, this was armor movie.. what should we present next before release.. Air, soldiers, ground vehicles (boooring ), or boats.. or like someone said, a combat video.. little from everything? EDIT: fixed spelling
Strf90 family The Cv90 family is a family of vehicles, covering many roles on the battlefield. SFP has made some of all versions. Strf90, or CV90 is the ground vehicle. A ifv armed with a 40 mm cannon (Same model as bofors 40 mm guns used during WWII), it has 3 versions. Adam = Alpha, is the first, wont be made. Bertil = Bravo, better systems (computer, optics) for the ability to fire on the move. Ceasar = Charlie, 5 tons extra weight, mostly for the extra armor. This version is primary made for peacekeeping missions. Strf90 Bertil Strf90 Ceasar Strf904056 Armed with "robot 56", anti-tank missile, this is currently a prototype, the cost to buy them wasnt worth it our goverment said, but OFP is a game so we dont have to worry about such stuff. =) Lvkv 90 Another version that will be made is the Lvkv 90, even with its low rate of fire and singel barrel, the smart 40 mm round is very deadly, the system is designed to explode near the chopper/plane and small fragments will then go thru the plane and kill the pilot. This system means, even in ofp, that you dont need a direct hit to destory a enemy chopper, in theory you could even kill a chopper behind a visual cover by firing above it. Stri90 Stri90 is were you find the commanding officer for the brigade and other officers. The cannon is just a fake one so it should look like a normal strf90, the machingun looks abit diffrent even if its the same (diffrent placement). The turrent itself is diffrent. It has more antennas then the normal strf90 and no sight on its faked cannon. Its only armed with a machinegun. A execellent "MHQ" in CTI games.. ? Strv 122 A German leo but with extra armor and communications equipment. The name, Stridsvagn 122 refers to its a 120 mm gun and its the second tank in Sweden that used that, Strv 121, that was first tank to use 120 mm, won't be made and isnt really used today anyway.
Not from the movie but let me present armor vehicles in SFP4.0 First off, how the Swedish army names its vehicles. Its: Type of vehicle number the number comes from diffrent reasons,and have no real logic but higher number is in often a sign for more modern. Also, sweden use the words "vagn" for more tracked vehicles, and "fordon" for cars, trucks and "lighter", both means vehicle, but vagn could probaly be translated to "carrier". Pbv = Pansarbandvagn = ArmortrackedVehicle, basicly APC. (like M113, MTLB) Patgb = PansarTerrängbil = ArmorTerrainCar, like the LAV, Stryker, Btr80 Strf = Stridsfordon = Combatvehicle, basicly IFV. (like m2a2,bmp3) Lvkv = Luftvärnskanonvagn = AirdefenseCannonVehicle, like the vulcan, shilka. Ikv= Infanterikanonvagn = infantryCannonVehicle = Light support tank for infantry. Strv = Stridsvagn = CombatVehicle, but in this meaning MBT, (like M1a1, T80) Ikv91 Light tank armed with a 90mm cannon and used before to support soldiers on assault, with helping out destorying enemy machineguns and other hardtarget. The ikv91 is very mobile and can swim but its armor is weak and even during its days (No longer used in swedish army) it didnt have a chance against a tank. Pbv302A Has served with the swedish armored/mechanized units since the late sixties. Are being fased out by different versions of the CV90-family. The Pbv302A is an APC armed with a 20mm automatic cannon, and can carry 8 combatequipped soldiers except the crew. Ambulance version: Pbv 501/Pbv 401 This two vehicles arent new for the ofp community. Both Pbv 501 (Bmp-1) and Pbv401 (Mtlb) was bought cheap from Germany sometime in the 90's. The BMP-1 got its autoloader removed and doesnt have the antitank missile on its roof. Today its no longer used, just one or two that is used to keep the skills among the officers how to train and use it. Mtlb on the other hand is a real workhorse in the Swedish armor, not on any frontline duties but in the rear as diffrent support roles (communications, commandvehicles, repair, and to carry diffrent weapon systems like Bofors RBS 70). Patgb203/180 The patgb180 was implemented by the Swedish armed forces during the late eighties to be used as wheeled APC:s, primarily on the international arena in e.g. the Balkans. The Patgb203 was ordered in the late nineties to replace the ageing 180. The patgb203 is equipped with the same automatic cannon as the Pbv302A, and the Patgb180 is armed with a mounted 0.5 cal HMG, covered with armored plates. The 203 can carry 7 troops.
First off, big "thank you" to Reaptor, Zimbo and Henk from moose for the game. and here is the recoilless rifle as promissed. (they beat us after 1 hour and 23 mins). http://swepack.game-host.org/files/SCWC_PvPjas1110.zip SORRY. FILE IS DOWN WHEN OFPEC IS DOWN..! USE THIS VERY SLOW CONNECTION INSTEAD..! 0.5 mbit connection temporary server Includes one demo mission and the addon. could some mod fix the subject line?
added temporary link since our host is down.
Got problem with a animation on a vehicle, the static living one works perfectly but when i kill the gunner he doesnt play the "dying" animation. Code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgMovesMC { class Default {}; class DefaultDie: Default {}; class States { class Driver: Default {}; class SCWCPvPjGunnerDying: DefaultDie { actions = NoActions; file=\SCWC_Pvpjas1110\SCWCPvPjGunnerdie.rtm; speed=-time; looped=false; soundEnabled=false; connectFrom[]={SCWCPvPjGunner,1}; }; class SCWCPvPjGunnerDead: SCWCPvPjGunnerDying { actions = DeadActions; file=\SCWC_Pvpjas1110\SCWCPvPjGunnerdead.rtm; speed=SPEED_STATIC; terminal = true; connectFrom[]={Name##Dying,1}; connectTo[]={DeadState,1}; }; class SCWCPvPjGunner: Driver { file=\SCWC_Pvpjas1110\SCWCPvPjGunnerstat.rtm; speed=SPEED_STATIC; looped=true; variantsAI[]= {SCWCPvPjGunnerV1,0.7,SCWCPvPjGunner}; interpolateWith[]={NSCWCPvPjGunnerV1,0.5}; equivalentTo=Name; interpolationSpeed=1; connectTo[]={SCWCPvPjGunnerDying,1}; }; class SCWCPvPjGunnerV1: SCWCPvPjGunner { file=\SCWC_Pvpjas1110\SCWCPvPjGunner.rtm; speed=-vartime; looped=true; }; }; }; class CfgVehicleActions { SCWC_PvPjas1110Gunner = "SCWCPvPjGunner"; }; And of course i use "ManActSCWC_PvPjas1110Gunner" in the vehicles part (thats why the living one works)
they won! so check this thread for download and small info.. =) Pvpj 1110 released
After some work by SFP and SCWC we now got a fully working and ready to release addon. The swedish Pvpjäs. But we dont release it until someone has won over us at a wgl game. Tonights game will be played 21.00 CET (local swedish time) at the following IP: or if it doesnt work: granq.game-host.org Addons needed is "just" wgl 4.12. The mission is a "capture and hold" one without timelimit, first one to capture the 4 points wins. In east team: granQ and the shadow, also other members if possible from the SFP and SCWC team. In west team: This is were you get in, its open for all. If west beats east then we release the addon. Welcome to the party Ohh and we start 21.00.. not 21.04, or something like that. If you not connected and got a spot 21.00 there wont be any restarts.
yeah you dont seem to start it with wgl.. if you do have it make sure you got: -mod=wgl in the shortcut..saw you tried join some time.
well it will be released public anyway, but thought this is more fun then a "countdown" or "coming soon".. Now you get a "coming as soon you win the game".
no no.. check so not geolod is below the contact lod. I have a very small unit (defined as tank) and it works perfectly.
i think not, never seen anything in code that defines it.
ROFL - The Addweaponcargo command
granQ replied to Rommel's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
not that strange if you read the config.. -
i dont see the problem?
and who will fly it?? thought it was like: US army VS "terrorists"..? even if it will be good if they try to do balanced games, for CR CTI and stuff..
just to inform you that i will take care of the night hours..making sure all "soldiers" sleep in their or mine bed.. esp the asian girl
more like disney goes army? anyway, this picture was a tricky one, did a couple of shots but either over exposure or under.. but this one got best balance (even if you see the white is very overexposed) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v188/sfpcrew/lovely_sky.jpg Somewhere in the middle of sweden this midsummer (saw the sky, lake from the road..so no idea what the place is called) EDIT: Above link is at 150 kb, that broke the rules. Totaly respect that and have adjusted: The above shows two diffrent pictures, first one at 93 kb and second at 70 kb. According to the rules.
maybe time to start a page for people that want to donate p3d models. atlest alot better to release it and someone can maybe fix it or just look on it and learn.
I hate using folders in "addons", so is there any way at all i can make it with a pbo?
Itweas movements video <- trying to take credits from Locke? check: www.ofp.info