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Everything posted by granQ

  1. granQ


    first alpha version released, check first post for url. I want your help, this is mostly my first "technical release", imagine a "cti" all over using this script, gives you alot more action since you can select your respawn and defend your towns faster and quicker.. or just make small maps. Unlike the real bf2 we got alot more options to shape the gameplay.
  2. granQ


    thats a goal, but kinda hard. Atleast i try to make all the "addons" related stuff to one file, but it will be alittle editing if you want more classes and stuff. but it support "unlimited" classes.. edit because of OFP engine, it only change your weapons, not "class".. hopefully i will make a new version of it when armed ass comes.
  3. granQ

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    looks really nice, cant wait to build a base =)
  4. granQ

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    ooh, looks so nice. cant wait for xmas =) Btw, will there be any coc music, or inspired music from COC?
  5. granQ

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    why arnt you releasing when you seem to have everything already
  6. granQ

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    you got a mrls yet? because i started on one know its not looking that great, textures is just for me so its easier to see then the "grey" default. But I think what i done sofar is pretty good.. for a one sunday night work atleast. EDIT. And got it ingame today
  7. granQ


    got anyone that works on it yet?
  8. granQ


    Sen†ry, dont take it like i wanna try say "what you should do" because i do. anyway, i think many could help out, maybe good maybe little, and this include me with fixing the soldier for your beta. And dont see why you cant release it, just a mlod, nobody can "whine" about it, play with it (unless they fix their own config and stuff).. so for "normal" people it wont be "playable", and for modmakers can give it a go. Really looking forward and want to play this on xmas, but think you would get more help by putting it online. and then all "skinners" can post screens about their progress and people can maybe learn or find the best from two. Instead of this "behind closed doors" work.. maybe its too much nordic "leadership" style, but doing "open source" isnt bad at all..
  9. granQ


    As someone that has tried a similar method, I can tell you that such a strategy carries a high risk of failure guess that depends on what you release and how much work and so on. I think pretty many could want to try make a soldier.
  10. granQ


    why not Put up the mlod online, ask people to texture (what path to use?).. and the best one gets selected?
  11. granQ

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    animation? could probaly have it good mapped pretty fast and fix some stuff. Textures i am not that good with.. ;/
  12. granQ

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    2 team members answers, i take that as you already have a jumperjet.
  13. granQ

    bf2 alike mod

    this sounds like "mature kiddos" screaming "i hate fags".. come on, dont make it a flame war about how much you hate Bf2.. its not like you gusy are FORCED to download anything or need to work on people ideas. Should i start flame all wwII addons threads about "play Hidden and dangerous if you want soldiers and realism"..? I think its a great idea..90% of all mods/addons in ofp doesnt change the gameplay really, it only changes the "visual" quality and some aspect more realistic then default bis ones. I am really looking forward the CoC mod, the halo one (if not dead), star wars mod.. because they are really using the engine to make new "games" and not just "new stuff in ofp". Also, wouldnt it be great to just buy OFP and get "bf2" mod for free, so you can have that 20-40 mins fast action with lots of tanks, choppers, diffrent classes before the nights session of serious coop. If i find the time, thats the kind of stuff i will make when armed ass is released.
  14. granQ

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    have you guys done the jumpjets yet? If not i might do them next week, no promise, but if i do it I will ofcourse "donate" it to you.
  15. granQ

    It's A Girl!

  16. granQ

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    question about gameplay. Will the soldiers be more "detailed" when it comes to weapons.. like reloading, mag count and stuff.. Or more like Coc with unlimited rounds per mag? And the discthrower. .gonna do that? Wish i could help little, but time isnt on my side.
  17. LoTekK. its for making sure AI doesnt see you. so it puts up a object we dont see. Killage, have to check that with airmobile. could be a config error, to be honest we havnt had time play/test all units really. The sniper scope could be that its too heavy textures. In flashpoint preferes, try lower them some. Shouldnt be a problem really.
  18. granQ


    Mission designer.. if have to choose one. Lets say in description.ext respawn=base respawndelay=4 and then just JIP= enabled and it will copy the same as default "player" are, would be good enough in most COOP.. but also give the tools for more advance stuff by a script like: onJIP.sqs server admin stuff (this if more energy is put on cti, ctf type of missions) should be like.. LockAfterGameStart = true AutoTeamBalance = false the "goal" should be that a mission designer can do a "battlefield" mod, you can choose side, class.. alot of stuff and at the same time that with little to no codning outside the editor can make a coop with join in progress. Like todays mission, one trigger and a few units you got a mission, or put alot of scripts and you got a very dynamic mission. Provide the tools/options for advance stuff, but dont make it too hard. thats how i want it.
  19. granQ

    cross hair

    why running in third person to kill.. i mean, okey that ofp is played by "n00s" that doesnt want the game realistic (why they bought it is another story).. but even if you always play in cadet, want bunny jumpy functions like counter strike.. why do you want to be able to run around in third person and fire? thats like the über last thing i would like the dev's to put energy on.
  20. 4.0.3 has been released for all of you that dont keep track but i was about to ask is if there is anyone that can make a "script" (okey several) to get a UAV working like the same way COC UA do with their artillery when it comes to take control over "resources", this would be so good, making it possible to have several UAV's and diffrent people using them in like a cti game. Now our UAV is using the same "system" that kegetys first wrote, and personally i dont like this so much. so we looking for you help..
  21. granQ

    YPR-765 PRI by Lowlands Warrior

    looks good.. but one question, did you drop the hawk project?
  22. granQ

    Sound problems

    I am using "50" for rifles right now (during our test period). It can be heard 2 km without any "trouble", and if you not running, no trucks driving and everything totaly silent you can hear it at 3 km. I think that value is okey, anyone has suggestion on it? Trying to find values/ranges..actually ranges.
  23. why dont you fix us some stuff and submit? you got the skillz thats for sure.
  24. yo yo yo..its granqUist.. not with V... =) probaly none, think its a dummy so it should work with sfp3.0.. or something.
  25. My favorite bug is still in there i am so sorry to say, but this bug has been killed today. What a shame. It was so entertaining agree.. actually knew about when we released.. but ...it is fun to just create more and more ejection seats =)