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Everything posted by granQ
that happened with a boat I made, even if it was "on top" the waypoint..
for my project I have in mind (more info later on) I would very much like this, esp if there is some buddhas or something other like that.. Dont have anything I can share but got some (for memory not texture, reference) on some buddism as well as chinese tempel. Might do some later on, not this month but.. anyway great idea. Would be even nicer if it was released so island editors could include this in their pbo. Since more likely you will only need "one" culture per island
I am not a guy that makes model, I always made configs and fixed wheels, added details and so on for the Swedish forces pack.. but now since we not around anymore I thought "maybe I learnt something during all this years poking around in o2".. so this is what I made.. I am very much aware its not the super quality of ArmA.. however, if I get "The_Shadow" with me on this one, it will be released as open source (use his photos as base for the textures). Hopefully someone has some use of it. Some parts still left to get proper textures and the aimpoint looks shity right now.. might leave it like that. With sasyboy's release of the Sa80 in Open source and later on this, I hope we can start a new trend in arma editing, when its allowed to import, export, report.. whatever. To any game, mod without asking premission...
Update. Well some progress, alot of stuff left. First of all I wish to learn about shaders and get that part working, later on I will update the config, now it uses a 5.56 mag instead of 7.62.. You can download the addon, (alpha, not proper release yet), with the included psd file for textures. I am looking forward to constantly improve this model and learn more advance stuff. This is my first true weapon model I ever made. Other plans in the future is to add plain ironsights and improve the model futher. RC_Ak4.zip 9 mb
Converting Flashpioint Rifles to Arma.
granQ replied to Rambo-16AAB's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
short guide.. use mlod and add a point in memlod called "eye" if you want the 3d scope feature. Shouldnt be hard..if you got it ingame so far I will help you out about the shadows (or you just try find it by searching) -
Automat karbin = automatic carbin number 4. Unlike many nations the swedes use a very logic number and letters.. M2A2,M249, M1A1, M1 Grand.. now is that confusing? In sweden: Strv122 == Is a leo but the name means "stridsvagn 122" == "Mainbattle tank 120 mm tank type 2", Strv121 was the first tank with 120 mm.. Strf,stridsfordon = IFV. and so on.. For weapons there is bascily 3 types. KSP, kulspruta = machine gun. The m240 is known as KSP 58, (this reflect the year Sweden started using it.. kinda), and M249 is KSP 90. AK 5, is the current one, a FN FNC. PSG, Prickskyttegevär = siper rifle. Current one is PSG 90. AG = Automatic rifle, this mostly for anti material weapons. There is ofcourse more, but unless you ask for it i wont fill the thread with "military geek information"
Guess you guys using them without the aimpoint and only with ironsight, what colors? Can you provide some photos I wouldnt mind try make several versions. You guys replaced the S,P, A (swedish for safe, singel, auto)
In O2 it report 1702 points and 1630 faces
This is an discussion about "for who is the police" working for. Is it just me that getting tired that the police in some countries doesnt let you discuss their behaviour and acts and not only do they not allow the discussion, they threat people that comes up with a warning. Makes me wonder for who the police exisits, is it to help the average Joe have a good day without problem or is to make sure certain thoughts and idea arent expressed. The other day a police told me to "get a life", clearly he must thought that a discussion on the future of the country I have lived on for almost 6 years wasnt a good way to spend the day. Would it hurt so much for this country to allow ONE free thread for discussion about the police state?
bedges..I will skip the metafor for a while. When mods reply to a "why cant we discuss this" with a "Please read the rules: No public discussion about a mod's decision. " (this happened when i released the handguns for arma and invited people to talk about Resistance to ArmA imports) Then I think its just wrong, why not explain why this matter cant be discussed. Another exempel was when I got my "warning". A post that I said several team have talked alot and delivered so little made people angry, not the community but the mods and some members of Unsung (that clearly forgot I did alot of coding and structure for them), so when I answered them and also talked about the topic I got my warning based on "you talk off-topic". The real reason was ofcourse that I also had criticed CWR team.. and since their member also happens to be a forum moderator that was offcourse not correct. raedor warned me and said "lets take this in PM". Again, away from the public.. and this is not only me, not only the current mods. Remeber how Toadlife because he mention the cr-a-c-k word. This some years ago, for those that doesnt remeber Toadlife been sharing his script and knowledge, always helping out. ofcourse the rules should be fair and same for everyone, but if someone like constantly pushes and fights with the mods. A warning should be handled out.. but when the mods start to close and lock (really shocking this thread still open) threads the same second they read something they dont like or warn/threat people the moment they say "hey wait a second.." We cant always love each other, but as a moderator I think there needs to be a change in behaviour. If the thread starter or members say "lock this" then please do, but when several persons say "we wish to discuss this" and a mod close it down because.. he doesnt like it. Its just wrong.
well, the police love to talk at the station dont they? But to discuss in public is totaly diffrent, esp since that makes things more official.
I said that it looked lowpolly and that's what matters. If you make a weapon with 50 000 pollys that looks like shit it's not very good is it? you right.. not much more to add. Just trying to encourage more because people that put up something here they made and not just a cs import get to hear so much "ahh low poly, that sucks man".. of people that never even figured out how to put a endtrigger in their mission.. sorry, just frustration i guess.
great work sasyboy.. (makes me think about the movie "my sassy girl") anyway, dont bother by the "general". People that complains that a model isnt too high poly "but not sure, could you post a wireframe" is so way off. The goal for a model is to have enough poly to fool the eyes thinking this is exact copy, yet so little points its playable. If people even cant point out if its too low or not, then its good enough. Sure you can make 10 000 poly ass kicking weapons, but whats the use of that if 2000 is enough to make it look like sweets. Also, love the idea behind the open source. Thats how I release my own addons.. keep going man.
wow this board just gets more and more like a big family and less of a "I am a mod, admire me or get banned" place for everday. Keep it up. alpha125rbf, problem is that OFP/ArmA ai goes from "dont know a shit about your postion, incoming fire" to "I can snipe you with my machinegun". Would be awesome if you succed in what you want to do. First step would be if ai could just "sound comes from the south part" and return fire without actually firing on you.. and run for cover like you say. Good luck and sorry cant help.. but have you checked the wiki for FSM? Biki FSM, read about ai At the bottom of the page there is a link to a editor that you can use for edit the ai behaviour. Dont ask me how, havent tried it myself.
Couldnt see any policy in this thread about edited pictures.. http://www.granq.se/private/behind-the-scene.jpg EDIT. A big thank you to sole who gave me the idea..
Working with my model, did turn out, the guy was sitting like "on the roof" (Trail and error), but looked like his ass was down the hatch, and then i notice the fingers.. made me smile so I share it
Article about the swedish embassy Stupid misstake, or is Sweden showing the way how to reach out to your citizen. Would you rather visit a 3d world for information and talk with a "live avatar" then to surf to a homepage to get the information... Saw there was an discussion about second life that is the game for the embassy, but I didnt want to discuss the game specific but rather the thing with a goverment moving into a computer game..
love korea, hope that will be my next trip. Your addons are great, hope you find someone to turn this thing into a mod, because it would be a shame just play this in normal ArmA.. i want to hear some korean music and stuff made for a feeling.
Article about the swedish embassy Stupid misstake, or is Sweden showing the way how to reach out to your citizen. Would you rather visit a 3d world for information and talk with a "live avatar" then to surf to a homepage to get the information... Saw there was an discussion about second life that is the game for the embassy, but I didnt want to discuss the game specific but rather the thing with a goverment moving into a computer game..
i tried making each of them their own animation, still didnt work. Part of the turret animation, didnt work. However it works to change the placement (like where the mgun is), but to make it follow the moves of the turret i havent got to work yet.
Since I am faithful to the czech I used the following: gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; Put under the "turretclass", but the weapon still firing from "center of mass" straight forward and doesnt follow the points, my turret turns but the bullets keep exit infront of the vehicle. The selection for the mem points seems correct. Any suggestions?
just release on steam and everyone is happy.. then you can release as many patches you want. I dont care about if there is 1 or 20 patches if its done automaticaly.. Lets say a normal gamer, not the OFP/ARMA/BIS fans that will defend into their death but a normal gamer. He plays lets say 5 games during one year kinda regular. BF2 ArmA Red Orchestra IL-46 Now what would happen is: Red Orchestra is on steam, always up to date.. he can play anytime he like, just press the icon. For the other games he just "bought" for playing, not being part of the community he needs to first find officiall homepage, download the patches need and figure out what is needed, then he can play. So he probaly cant bother with one of the game, maybe he stops with BF2, maybe with arma.. who knows. This is not about me, i am a dedicated ArmA fan that will keep track of teh community, but we have to see a bigger picture then that. Join the mainstream, release on steam. Free "marketing", people dont whine if there is bugs/patches because they are used to the concept. Low cost.. i know you made all this rocket shit with IDEA game.. but why be so damn independent, I love to buy online but wouldnt use your stuff because you not good on it. Steam are good on online distrubution.. i trust them to be there when its 2012..
oh this is for arma.. second time. Bis NEEDS to do somethign about this i think.. ofcourse many things same but so stupid when you ask something for arma and someone deliver a perfect good answer but for OFP.. thanks mate but not the problem. The model works fine in OFP..
thank you for taking my time..
good idea, nice to see someone doing stuff instead of just sitting and waiting.. but if you wonder how many would actually download this. Then I wouldnt.. ofcourse i probaly wont download UKF stuff either, not saying they are bad or anythign but I am not the type that test everything.