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About GiN

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  1. GiN


    I prefer the Frogfoot over the Warthog for OFP. The loadout is more preferable for my needs, outside of that, not much of a difference for me. In real life however, I would take the A-10 over the SU-25. But above all, the F-22, yep.
  2. While it wouldn't be true paintball, I would like to see a slight variation where you just keep respawning--making for some very intense firefights. Thanks.
  3. GiN

    1.40 patch sucks

    Personally, I think this is the greatest patch ever made. I haven't been able to play a multiplayer game until today, and I have owned the game since it came out--everytime I got the "Session Lost" error. Codemasters sure did do something right recently.
  4. GiN

    Session lost

    I have been getting this since day 1...has yet to work once. I don't think there is a fix for it...well for me, yes there is, kick Earthlink in the ass. Thanks.