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FIST 506th

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About FIST 506th

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  1. FIST 506th

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    wow..i have all these problems too. First when trying to apply 1.07 I get an error with the ca.pbo campaign file... When I try to trick the patcher and say my original is from Logic Base..the patch installs flawlessly well..at least until I try to run the beta patch and get a vertex shader VSTerrain error. No combination of video setting allow the game to work right. So if I understand correctly the sprockets download is corrupt from the get go??? I want my money back !!!
  2. FIST 506th

    Error compiling vertex shader VSterrain

    I am having the exact same problem as you...unfortunatly your solution did not help me. I downloaded my original version 1.05 through sprockets.. when I tried to patch using the sprockets verification I ended up with errors on many different files and it needed a missing .dll file. So I then used the Logic Base option and the patch installed flawlessly. Now I get the VSTerrain error when trying to run the program. CPU: Intel Core2 Duo 6300 Memory: 1GB Video: Duel NVIDIA 7800 GS OS: XP Media Center