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FallujahMedic -FM-

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Everything posted by FallujahMedic -FM-

  1. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    ... and for those that think NATO is as strong as it once was, think again. Even now, the removal of ABM's is being debated, while other member states are reconsidering their positions within NATO as the economic crisis sweeps across the globe. It all sounds like a great plot for a book, but it's real life. Russia wants it's satellite countries back, etc. In other words, a NATO of the future may not be a very large force.
  2. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Future Price options for ARMA games...

    Since most console games and PC games in the US retail for around $59.99 I wouldn't have a problem paying that for Arma 3. In addition, if Arma 3 came with an iron-on transfer or large mission planning map or something cheesy like that, I would definitely pay $10-20 more for the "Deluxe Edition".
  3. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    OICW - a dead project, but has the capability to be resurrected
  4. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    I can see the sides dropping down and troops pouring out of it, sort of like what was featured in the movie I, Robot. His post #2 & 3 aren't bad either. Good future tech!
  5. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Railguns and coilguns - could a BI dev clear that up?

    EMP does not always require a nuclear device as a precursor. As Arma3 is to be set in the future, I would not hold my breath waiting for BIS to explain to you why they chose to use the term railgun or if they meant to call it a coilgun. They currently have the benefit of creative license. In the future many things could change.
  6. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Railguns and coilguns - could a BI dev clear that up?

    You are absolutely right. The only "real" benefit of a nuclear reactor is the lack of dependance on fossil fuel. It is basically a steam engine, but without the traditional boilers. The reason I said "On Nuc powered ships, these days only Carriers and Subs, it may be possible with LOTS of capicitors (condensor)" is because you can run the reactor at full power and charge the caps without having the negative side effect of burning too much fuel. BTW, love the Lake District, was recently in Windermere and Grasmere
  7. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Railguns and coilguns - could a BI dev clear that up?

    @Dragon 1. I'm not a Dev, so my opinion doesn't count. 2. You hit the nail on the head at the end of sentence #3 "not all people know (or care about) the distinction between a railgun and a coilgun (a Gauss gun, in other words)." Now, from what I understand, Arma 3 is to be set somewhere in the near future, 2025 I believe. Given that we are now at the end of 2011, that gives us what approx 14 years depending on how you measure it. Let us now compare that time span to current events. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been going on for almost 11 years now. With the exception of off the shelf tech has there been any significant leap weaponry design that has led to it being developed and fielded in such a short time? I say off the shelf because weapons like the MOAB do not count because it is nothing but a bigger smart bomb. The Predator/Reaper are nothing more than up instrumented / weaponized R/C planes. As someone who has spent 12 years in the Navy, with an 11 year break in service, I can tell you things don't change overnight. As far as powerplants go, the navy has been using the same Gas Turbines to power most of its surface ships since 1975. Even on the DDX project (Zumwalt) it was to be powered by Gas Turbines, unfortunately they can't produce near enough power needed to for the railgun to work in its current form. On Nuc powered ships, these days only Carriers and Subs, it may be possible with LOTS of capicitors (condensor). If we had a scientific breakthrough on the same level as the transistor, this would be a game changer. Anyway, I think what it boils down to is Creative License on the part of BIS. Something that I whole heartedly agree with. Why, because too many people like to complain. Like, "but the A-10 does 450 knots IRL not 440 knots" and crap like that. In this manner BIS can say, "Hey, the A-10 has gone through a Service Life Improvement Project. The USAF has replaced the engines with a more powerful and efficient engine. they have also reduced its weight and increased its strength by using composite materials." In closing, I think what I've been trying to say this whole time is that in reality, weapons of warfare don't evolve very fast. But when we have to ability to bend the rules just a little bit, they do. P.S. I think someone just got Railgun and coilgun confused, much like phaser/laser/taser.
  8. FallujahMedic -FM-

    What weapons/vehicles would you like to see in ArmA 3?

    Cornershot? Yeah, saw it on the wishlist. I know I've seen it generically posted on here, but I wanted to specifically reference the F/A 18 E/F Super Hornet http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/military/fa18ef/index.htm which will be the US Navy's primary Attack aircraft leading into A3's time reference. Also, Greece is considering replacing some of its aircraft with the latest version of the Super Hornet (fits nicely into the game world).
  9. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Damn, why do you beat me to the good stuff !! :rolleyes: Tulx, as far as the GTA reference goes, my response is "ish". As in "GTA ish". More like "Oblivion ish" though. Where the populace went about their daily lives and reacted to the events around them as needed. The Chernarus Electrical Grid http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10676 is an example of something that can be included in game to improve the immersion and life like feel of the game.
  10. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Joey Ramone... Hey Ho...Lets Go! :) I didn't throw much into the mix for ideas, but this is what I have: Game Play / Engine -deeper color palette -virtual populace (not a huge map W/ no civilians or infrastructure) Make the place look “lived-in†autonomous population with jobs, homes, bus stops ability to Entrench/Fortify position external vehicle passengers (non-scripted) crawl out/into windows for stealth or when pinned in a bldg. set fire to buildings true downforce effect on trees (bending trees) destroyable lights (street lamps etc) sneak in shadows (hide in culverts, ditches) why does a 6 ton helicopter lose vs 500 lb tree? Content Denel NTW 20 (20mm Anti Materiel Rifle, 2 man carry) prevents use of UBER sniper weapon. Must be used as a team, limited ROF, ammo count. Very effective when used properly. Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (USMC) getting in line with the future appeal HIMARS W/ SLAMRAAM better SAM coverage Douglas A-1 Skyraider, true close air support without all the "tab-fire'ing" OV-10 Bronco same as above Waverunner/Jetski come on, tactical surf ninjas on waverunners :) Tear Gas, Pepper Spray, Riot Gear ... the way the world has been going lately. Besides, gives the ability to play a new gamemode "Occupy Lemnos" I have other ideas, but this is just a start. I'm not much of a big "gun" guy. I don't need to have every gun out there, but its the odd things I like to see, like ambulances and tow-trucks, etc.
  11. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    First off, let me say WOW! When there is no arguing or complaining its amazing the ideas we can come up with and some of them are OUTSTANDING! I'm not sure whether my suggestions will fall into game play or engine, so I'll just call the topic Game Play / Engine -deeper color palette -virtual populace (not a huge map W/ no civilians or infrastructure) Make the place look “lived-in†autonomous population with jobs, homes, bus stops ability to Entrench/Fortify position external vehicle passengers (non-scripted) crawl out/into windows for stealth or when pinned in a bldg. set fire to buildings true downforce effect on trees (bending trees) destroyable lights (street lamps etc) sneak in shadows (hide in culverts, ditches) why does a 6 ton helicopter lose vs 500 lb tree? Content Denel NTW 20 Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (USMC) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expeditionary_Fighting_Vehicle HIMARS W/ SLAMRAAM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIMARS Douglas A-1 Skyraider OV-10 Bronco Waverunner/Jetski Tear Gas, Pepper Spray, Riot Gear I have other ideas, but this is just a start. I'm not much of a big "gun" guy. I don't need to have every gun out there, but its the odd things I like to see, like ambulances and tow-trucks.
  12. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Include High Quality User Made Islands with Patches?

    I understand completely where you are coming from, though I wish it would include other mods as well sometimes. I've had great ideas for missions, only to find out that it would require 8 different add-ons to work and most people would be too lazy to download them. It's almost like a BIS "endorsed" or "blessed" island. It has their quality "seal of approval". For those that say, "well, I can download an island on my own, why do I need to download it with a patch", let me suggest this... If I were to give 20 people enough money to each go to the store to buy a soda, what are the odds that they will all come back with the same soda? Now apply that to islands, what are the odds that 20 people will go out and download Lingor or Thirsk on their own, but what if it were included in a patch? hat would change things wouldn't it? Just food for thought.
  13. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Physics for vehicles

    PuFu, I understand that VBS is not a game. I also understand that this is not the thread to discuss it in. As for me the gamer, I had always dreamed of tractor-trailers or the ability to load vehicles onto a flat bed, or the ability to load a vehicle onto a landing craft, or FLIR, or articulated vehicles. These options were first available to VBS. That is what I meant when I said "There were always features available to VBS that weren't available to Arma in the past." Respectfully, FM
  14. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Physics for vehicles

    I wonder how much of that will make it into A3 though? There were always features available to VBS that weren't available to Arma in the past.
  15. FallujahMedic -FM-


    I once had an idea for a mission where in the beginning a civilian was chased through the woods by wolves and attacked. Unfortunately, I would have had to use the Alsatian and there was no "bite" attack. I'm sure it could have been done through scripting....if I knew scripting ......... Anyway, animals could add a little more depth to the game if used properly, thats all I'm saying :)
  16. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Physics for vehicles

    I have to agree with ICEBREAKR on this one. All too often I see posts on the forums or see conversations on Skype that shoot down potential game improvements. The responses range from "what more do you want" to "it's not that kind of game". In previous versions of the games we used to play rock/paper/scissors, but with tanks and lightposts. Most times the lightposts won. Then there were landing lights that would destroy a vehicle, etc. I guess what I'm getting at is that when we point these things out to the devs, they tend to get fixed. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so to speak.
  17. FallujahMedic -FM-

    ARMA3 on Mac?

    As an actual Mac owner, I can speak from experience that a Mac works great for playing Arma or Arma 2. Yes, I initially paid more for it, but it has lasted longer than any PC I have ever owned before (and thats been quite a lot). To really burst a few bubbles, its a second gen Mac Book Pro (2008) with a core 2 duo @2.33 GHZ w/ 3gb RAM. Not a fancy gaming rig by any standards, but definitely a STABLE rig. It wouldn't surprise me to see someone running A3 on a newer MBP when it becomes available.
  18. FallujahMedic -FM-

    will arma 3 have more unique enviromental distortion

    I always did find it odd that after a full scale battle, there were no traces of it left when all the troops moved out. No tank tracks or burned grass. Luckily we do have destroyed bldgs, knocked down trees and dead bodies.
  19. FallujahMedic -FM-


    Whalen, I will give you the benefit of the doubt with regard to your first sentence. Maybe you misspoke. As the game is now, it is already possible to fly much like a wingsuit. One only has to HALO and adjust their roll / pitch to move side to side and increase or decrease their forward momentum. View this as an example z1UK5y9uxa4 All that would be needed is a new uniform addon (much like a gas mask is handled in ACE) The properties of the item would need to be changed to improve flight characteristics (less drag or increased lift). I do not think the concept is impossible or improbable at all. Though I did vote "yes", I believe you poll is flawed. An absolute "yes" or "no" is not necessary. But would it be cool to see in a futuristic mil-sim...yes.
  20. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Visitors for Arma2

    Wow, awesome stuff IceBreakr!!
  21. FallujahMedic -FM-

    arma 3 Full vehicle embarking animations?

    When I saw the title of this thread I thought the OP meant actual vehicle embarkation. As in driving a vehicle into the back of a C-130 or loading a tank onto a landing craft, that sort of thing. Ah well, I can dream right?
  22. Is there an updated "How to" for v 2.6 ? I'll be the first to admit that I cant edit for crap :(
  23. I cant seem to find an exact match to my query, so I apologize if I've posted this to the wrong thread. Is there a current version of Domination 2 for Isla Duala? I've seen the Bsilenced edit, but that was for the older version of Domination.
  24. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Where did you buy Arma 2?

    https://www.mynavyexchange.com/ and at http://www.bestbuy.com/ . I purchased Arma Gold at http://www.walmart.com/
  25. FallujahMedic -FM-

    how can i add arma2 oa to arma 2?

    Buy Combined Operations (Arma2 + OA). As for using a cracked version, you're not likely to get much support in this forum. Don't be surprised to see this thread locked.