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FallujahMedic -FM-

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Everything posted by FallujahMedic -FM-

  1. FallujahMedic -FM-

    The boozer!

    Slatts, Molson is lovely! I especially like Molson Golden. Robinsons Brewery has recently released The Trooper (see my post a few pages back), can't wait to try it, unfortunately the nearest pub that has it on draught is across the water (Wirral).
  2. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Music Recommendations

    Hard Rock/Metal from Poland! Thanks for recommending it zGuba! I'm a huge fan of Iron Maiden, Helloween, Sabaton, etc, so this was right up my alley! w8yZrbEvnso 7kVLdBN4tDE
  3. Looks Great Sav! Keep up the good work!
  4. FallujahMedic -FM-

    VILAS addons release thread

    The M88A1 looks really nice Vilas! Is it mainly eye candy or will it be functional in game?
  5. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Which of the 2 desktops are better?

    I dont see anything wrong with the video card (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB ). I base this on the fact that until recently I had an old GTS 240 and it was easily able to run everything on high. The only difficulty I ever encountered was on Chernarus with lots of objects while running FRAPS. Unfortunately, myself included, base "good card" on personal experience. Also, I think you could do better that $800 for that setup. I'm currently in the UK and have been looking at the same basic setup for about £330 ~$510 Canadian. Ours also include VAT which makes it a bit pricier. Also, http://www.wikihow.com/Change-a-Graphics-Card
  6. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Cessna 185 Skywagon - Light Aircraft

    Another quality add-on by Gnat! I can definitely see these being used in narco missions and for COIN ops ;)
  7. FallujahMedic -FM-

    The boozer!

    Gammel Dansk has a very Herbal(y) taste, but it is more of a liqueur. Its Scandinavian as well.
  8. FallujahMedic -FM-

    The boozer!

    http://www.ironmaidenbeer.com/ Robinson's Brewery and Iron Maiden have teamed up to bring us Trooper Beer
  9. FallujahMedic -FM-

    The boozer!

    Yeah, It was on the cover of Ringo's album Sentimental Journey. Its in Toxteth (Dingle). Ringo lived on Madryn Street, which would be to the right and behind the photographer. They serve Carling, Tetley, Strongbow and Guinness. The Caines brewery is just down the street, but you don't often see it in the pubs. Yet you can find it in Tesco. Daniel, While not a posh red, a nice chilled Lambrusco (£7 @ Tesco) is nice! I always get a bottle when I make an Italian dish.
  10. FallujahMedic -FM-

    The boozer!

    Headed to my local tonight (quiz night). Guinness, Cider or Lager? Hmm, Choices, Choices :)
  11. FallujahMedic -FM-

    COOP 8 / SP =RTY= Devgru

    Looking forward to playing this!
  12. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Drop a BMD as part of a supply drop

    I'm not sure about that myself, I've just used trial and error. I only knew the supply trick because I once wanted to drop a different kind of vehicle to the Humvee.
  13. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Drop a BMD as part of a supply drop

    As for the "as for" (see what I did there ;) ) it's a quick way for me to address something. If you have Downloaded the Domination game mode (such as the one here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16267 ) and un-PBO'ed it (tools like de-pbo do that), you will see that there are many individual scripts contained within. One of these scripts is what gives you the ability to request support. Specifically the "D-30/M119", "Humvee/UAZ" and ammo support. I am almost positive that if you replace the Humvee with the proper "name" of the unit you want delivered, it will do it. No need to add new parachutes or anything else. I say "almost positive" because I don't have access to a PC at the moment.
  14. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Drop a BMD as part of a supply drop

    As for the BMD, It may be possible to simply replace the Humvee in the resupply script with the BMD, just make sure you replace it with the proper name. As far as finding the correct script, I had to open each one to find it.
  15. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Drunk Script

    I vaguely remember seeing a script awhile back that appeared to make a player "drunk/drugged/ETC". Does anyone recall such a script or am I just remembering incorrectly? Maybe I'm confused by Celery's "Vodka".
  16. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Drunk Script

    Thanks Mr Burns, I'll have to track down that script from Gaia. Now to add some more blur (like G-force effects) and randomised remapping of the directional keys :)
  17. No, SB, Arma 3: Armaversum :cool: I wholly support this idea as well!
  18. FallujahMedic -FM-

    The boozer!

    Slatts, when you say "feck", I can't help but think of Mrs Brown, LOL Is there still opiate based Ouzo out there? I prefer beer to spirits, though I have had some strange and tasty stuff. Gammel Dansk is one. I live less than a 1/4 mile from the Caines brewery, yet havent had any, lol. I prefer the products of Wychwood brewery. Hobgoblin is nice, but may leave you with a headache the next day.
  19. FallujahMedic -FM-

    New Iran’s New Arash 20mm Shoulder Fired Anti-Material Rifle

    Interesting way to mitigate the significant recoil. Much in the way the Lhati 20mm used skis. Though this might have also helped in transport. The Denel NTW-20, seems a much more refined model.
  20. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Music Recommendations

    Why didn't I see this thread before? Firewind - Mercenary Man
  21. Oh, this brings back memories! I can remember constantly checking on the site and seeing the TV with the static on it....
  22. FallujahMedic -FM-

    HELP Gtx690 :(

    Lvxian, What Mr. Hopper was trying to explain is that this is an ALPHA, which means it is not a finished game, only a work in progress.
  23. Been following this for awhile now. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences and frustrations, it gives the rest of us hope!
  24. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Small Token DLC : Chernarus 2 - Open [ ? + Wishlist ]

    I would rather pay for it as a DLC (£5 - £10) for Arma 3. Though my biggest wish is to see previous content/DLC updated and ported to A3, but thats another story.
  25. FallujahMedic -FM-

    Civilian mission idea - input appreciated

    Undeceived, Sorry for the VERY LATE reply. The answer is Yes/No. I was making good progress for awhile then the opportunity to emigrate to England presented itself. Currently I'm without a PC, but have been using the old MK1 pencil & paper to compose various storylines. Depending on the time frame, the missions may be saved for A3.