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Everything posted by fumo

  1. fumo


    Are the nukes remnants of the previous Apartheid-regime or younger? I just know that South Africa was forced to build theyr own Weapons and Vehicles because of the embargo against the Apartheid, so i can understand that a paranoic regime would also build some nukes to "prevent" a foreign invasion by some "righteous-world-Paladin" :). And... Not only the whole world, but i think the own citizen itself would stand up and blaim theyr governement for such an act of terror (today it's hard to differentiate between "act of war" and "-of terror", sick world isn't it?).
  2. fumo


    Thanks Placebo :) I guess South Africa? It's the only african Nation with enough ressource for a nuke, still guessing :).
  3. fumo


    So, where is now the international police (US Army) to denied theyr right on nukes like they did with Iraq, Iran and now North Korea? Why can Israel have some and spread threats around and others not? You now recognize the double moral of the USA? ;) Isreal is theyr partner, so they can have nukes, others aren't and mustn't. EDIT again: I've reported the post asking to be transfered in off-topic section. I think it have discussion potential :)
  4. fumo


    World war 4? Have i missed a war in the last time? :p Sorry for that joke ;). Seriuosly, if Isreal attack the nuclear plants in Iran, who have done the first nuclear strike? Israel then just haven't build theyr own bomb, but use the plants as "static bomb".And why should they attack Iran? Haven't they enough trouble with Palestina and have time to waste with other conflicts? I really don't think a governement would be again so dumb to use it. Edit: Saved american lives? The hole pacific was under US controll, Japan hadn't anymore a chance to even see an american citizen. How should they be a threat? And no, you are not an american, you have just registered right now to tell me that? ;) And which nation do abolish theyr nukes? France or Germany? (the other three nations with permission to have nukes aren't abolishing anything).
  5. fumo


    i'm sure that are american sources. Japan had tryed to contact the USA more than once while the hole summer of '45, USA just ignored theyr kapitulation and hidet it from the medias. But even if they hadn't try to kapitulate before. Nothing, i repeat, NOTHING can justify a nuklear bomb. For me there's no difference between Eisenhower and Hitler. But that's going to much off-topic here :).
  6. I hope BIS will just laugh about this idea. They develop and make money with games, not with licences. Think about where that would lead. The modders, who have to purchase the ArmA-Freak-license, have to pay much money and invest theyr freetime to develop mods and give they for free away? Or will we then have to mess with payware like MS: FlightSimulator? Then a player who maybe want to buy those payware addons have also to buy an advanced gamer license to be able to play it, so they have to pay more for the game AND to buy the addons? You know what i mean? Then the question wouldn't be anymore "What is the value of a decent Simulation Engine?", but "Who want to make money with a decent Simulation engine?".
  7. fumo


    Then you maybe should ask it in the mod discussion forum instead of here. And i don't think that a nation will ever use nukes again, just some freaky terrorists maybe. It simply make no sense to devastate a area like USA has done in Japan. And the trouble about North Korea atm is just a new PR strategy by the USA, not realy a threat to the world.
  8. fumo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    You haven't play the campaign, right? :)
  9. This list is a bit longer. But a sonic boom would realy be a nice feature ingame :)
  10. To be honest, i believe in your mission will be nothing inside created/scripted by yourself. All is copy&paste from here by someone with much more patience ;).
  11. Wiki faster then write a hole post :rolleyes:
  12. Check the taskHint command :)
  13. fumo

    menues not opening.

    I'm not sure if i really have understand your problem, but it seems you expect that a menu or dialog will open when you press F1-F7. Right so far? :) If yes then there is no dialog that pop up by pressing the keys, it just select which funktion will be applayed. You have to doubble klick somewhere on the map and then the dialog will show up. I hope this is helpfull, if i haven't understood the problem, then sorry :). Greets Fumo
  14. That's hidden the 3D editor and just like the guy write on his video, it's still WIP and a bit buggy. As WIP there will be no support for it atm and nobody could help you. Use the standard 2D until BIS unlocks, patch and explain the 3D. Greets Fumo
  15. fumo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    So much trouble around the phrase with the survived headshot... I can remember some situation where myself or someone else have survived a headshot in OFP and ArmA too, it really don't happen often, but it happen. I don't know how it's handled in ArmAII, hadn't so much luck since now :). Also i know two or three people that had really survived a headshot, not in a game, on the streets.
  16. fumo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    It's not realy so, a quote from one of the Videos: "Every Marine has a first aid kit and can use the pad to fix things up, but it don't actually heal you, you just stop bleeding out."
  17. fumo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    :eek: It's by Bioware (developer) not EA (Publisher) ;)
  18. fumo

    how can i save and pause

    Yes i've try it, but it don't work because you have to choose a faction and that isn't possible in SP mode. To save the status isn't possible too.
  19. fumo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I haven't agreed to nothing, i just call it OFP because the most do it so, but i know that's not correct. To say BIS know how to call theyr product correctly can't be true, you remember "setdammage"? ;) While "Op" is the common abbreviation for Operation, in every language. So he hasn't create his own messy abbreviation (still with two "b", not "p" ;) ), but "we" do it with OFP.
  20. fumo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    They have the damned right to call it Operation Flashpoint, who don't like it should blame BIS. They have sold it. CM is just acting logical, they have a trade mark with a lot of fans and like every company they want to make money, so they sell it. That's kapitalism, and in this world kapitalism is legitim.
  21. fumo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    CM have a lot of coder that are payed to do the math, what have you? A hobby mathematician isn't realy thrustworthy, sorry. Still with your UA example you don't prove to be better than they. But keep complaining and avoiding the sun ;) middle-class regards Fumo
  22. fumo

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Everyone that have complained the graphic in ArmA2 had to hear "It's just a preview version, wait for the release version to judge." So the same for OFP: DR. Wait for release before meaning the graphic could be poor!
  23. fumo

    MAG- New Game

    "It's not ArmA and it's not developed by BIS, so it's crap!" At least this will be the most represented opinion you will get here ;). The idea sounds nice but it seem far from release, let wait for more infos to build an opinion.
  24. fumo

    F-22 and US-101 Cancelled

    That's sadly true :(