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Everything posted by Fork122

  1. Fork122

    Spetsnaz Mod work in progress

    The Shilka looks amazing, good work
  2. Fork122

    The Iraq thread 4

    I missed Over There but recorded it on an old VHS tape, I'll probably watch it this afternoon. Edit: Anyone who still want's to watch the pilot episode, it's replaying tomorrow (Saturday July, 30th) on FX at 10PM Eastern. Yahoo! TV
  3. Fork122

    Operation Flashpoint Inspired Fan Game

    I'm not sure if I'm gonna buy Armed Assault, this game is gonna take up too much of my time Edit: The games sound isn't working? Is it my soundcard
  4. Fork122

    IF you would be a hacker (fiction)

    LMAO! I especially like the NGPCG Press Release : I also thought the button for "People" in BI Inside was funny:
  5. Fork122

    New physics  or same as always?

    Has been fixed already in FDFMOD. It was also fixed in JAM so I don't think we'll need to worry about BIS not including it.
  6. Fork122

    We have a Sukhoi on OFP2!!

    I think both U.S Marines and Army (including Army SF IIRC) are supposed to be playable in OFP2. You've seen all the Russians in the pictures, they'll probably be flying it, but I also wonder what role they will play. From all the interviews I have gotten the impression that you're handling an insurgency in a foreign country. I thought we were fighting Russians "No one's sure at the moment soldier" "Are they going to use nukes?" "I told you to..." -------------------------------------- Game concepts tend to morph all the time, even when the devs are trying hard to stick to a coherent vision. Idea problems, technical difficulties, too much greasy pizza or... something. It's always possible that all the missions may get scrapped and redefined. It happens too many times in many projects. So I'm saying that your guess is actually as good as anyone else's. One idea that could be that you are fighting mercenaries. That would be wierd. "Hasn't anyone like, spoken to them?" I think it'd be hard to balance out an insurgent force with the US Army and USMC. A US vs. Russia scenario just makes sense.
  7. Fork122

    We have a Sukhoi on OFP2!!

    I think both U.S Marines and Army (including Army SF IIRC) are supposed to be playable in OFP2. You've seen all the Russians in the pictures, they'll probably be flying it, but I also wonder what role they will play. From all the interviews I have gotten the impression that you're handling an insurgency in a foreign country. I thought we were fighting Russians
  8. Fork122


    JAM makes it so AI cannot see through smoke. I'd like to see a fix to prevent players from turning off cloudlets in MP. It sucks in a game to throw smoke and have a player hit you right through it
  9. Fork122

    Game physics

    I really doubt that you could fit enought sandbags in a jeep to protect the crew from a landmine or IED type device. This site (I found it on google, still checking information) suggests that a bullet could only penetrate 15 inches of sandbags. I assume the British Army would have done their research with their Lee Enfields back then ( I think it was SMLE Mk.III?). So if WWI small arms fire can penetrate 15 inches of sandbags, how can sandbags piled into a jeep stop the effects of a roadside bomb? The only real purpose would be to stop small arms fire directed at the crew of the vehicle.
  10. Fork122

    what would you like to see in OFP2 ?

    ArmA Thread discussing firing from vehicles Medic Thread Civilian Thread Inaccurate Fire thread Etc,etc,etc... A good thing to remember on the BI Forums is unless your idea is really original or out of the box, someone probably already discussed it Welcome to the BI Forums
  11. Fork122

    Team Yankee

    Nice looking trenches, the textures blend into the ground very well
  12. Fork122


    I had that happen to me with FFUR. Just reinstall like Placebo said, but make sure to back up campaign and user missions. I don't recall if the uninstaller deletes those, but better safe than sorry
  13. Fork122

    Who is playing WWIIOL ?

    With Battleground Europe is there still going to be the monthly fee? How much is the fee for WWII Online? It looks like such an amazing game, but I don't want to spend my money each month
  14. Fork122

    US DoD Game Developer Community

    Full Article From the DOD Game Community website: Both VBS1 and Operation Flashpoint are listed on the site, and it makes sense with both the games focusing on realism. I was suprised to see some games like Medal of Honor on the list though, what would that teach the US armed forces? That if they hop in a machine gun 50 Germans will always appear and run right at it I think it's a good idea for game developers all to work together and share ideas, and BIS might get some good ideas and help in their upcoming games
  15. It's got really nice textures, good job Edit: How many bullets does it take to kill a tank with one of these?
  16. Fork122

    addon problem

    From the Avonlady's OFP FAQ: I'm not sure if that would fix it or not, I don't know too much about configs myself
  17. Fork122

    Predator Spyplane

    Looks nice, a Predator would be a nice addition to OFP
  18. Fork122

    War against terror

    Did they say who was shooting? I wonder if the terrorist was firing or if it was a police officer. It sounds like they had somebody hiding in some hospital, CNN Headline News was saying armed police were entering the hospital.
  19. Fork122

    War against terror

    I think it was just an attempt to scare the people of London. What is an "Amber Alert" in Britian. Here in the US it means a child has been abducted...
  20. Fork122

    War against terror

    MSNBC just said that they were just detonators, not bombs. The one witness said it sound like popping the cork on a bottle of champagne. Edit: They just said that Tony Blair is going to speak in 30 minutes.
  21. Fork122

    WPS mini mod

    Nice textures
  22. Fork122

    Who is playing WWIIOL ?

    WWIIOL looks like an awesome game, but I don't have the money to pay each month
  23. Fork122

    New screens

    I love all the pictures too, I actually like the last one the most Good work finding us more screens
  24. Fork122

    Damage models

    I've been hit in WGL before and not bled to death
  25. Fork122

    Damage models

    OFP1 already has this in WGL Mod. In WGL if you get hit you start blacking out, breathing faster, blinking, etc. That all goes on until either you bandage yourself, a medic helps you, or you bleed out. Also WGL has engine malfunctions.