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Everything posted by Frisbee

  1. Frisbee

    Building a small studio

    Stereo surround? (couldn't resist ^^; ) I agree with Bademeister. Especially on a limited budget you're better off getting a good stereo setup rather than one of those cheap "Home Theatre" sets composed of plastic boxes with flimsy drivers. (I know, I know, bigger is not always better, but there are limits) The good thing is that you'll probably be able to get second hand stuff easier and much cheaper if you go the stereo route. You've just got to weigh in the factors yourself, I mainly listen to music, a little gaming and a little dvd watching on my comp. I don't think surround sound is a big enough advantage for me to go for a set that is much worse in the stereo department (I have yet to hear the first cheap surround set that is able to come near my ancient inherited set there ). When I have a job and can splash out serious money for a surround set that also works well as a stereo set, then I will, but for the moment I don't yet consider surround important enough. Let us know how it progresses, I can only speak for myself of course, but it interests me.
  2. Frisbee

    Shuld i buy this pc?

    What kind of RAM? What motherboard, optical drives? And what do you mean with a wather cooler tower? Link, price? As said, an 80 gig HDD is a ripoff, 160 is a bare minimum IMHO. Good luck, I know how hard it is, looking for a new comp myself, but holding out for Nforce 4 most likely.
  3. Frisbee

    Us presidential election 2004

    Wow, like there were in virtually every country with at least a respectable muslim population? Heck there were people tied to terrorist groups in Belgium. *gasp* And Bush making the same critical mistake ten times in a row isn't throwing mud at Bush, it's just a sign of how incompetent not only him, but his whole administration is. But what can one expect, Abu, Abul, who cares about a terrorists name, right? Such a minor detail, he's a terrorist, he's evil and we should go kick his ass, there, all we need to know.
  4. Frisbee

    British Army launches running shoe

    They look just like the cool adidas trainers all the cool kids are wearing. I'm converting from skate shoes to sports shoes/sneakers/trainers/whatever you call em, those wide skate shoes are great for balance, but suck when your clutch and brake are close together. Retro is in! (and I like the look of the outdoor ones too )
  5. Frisbee

    An IQ Test

    Your IQ score is 136 Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ result. The questions are like first-grade math, Seen them in every other internet IQ test out there as well. Even think that the last time this same topic was started I got the exact same result.
  6. Frisbee


    I know! If I go to leuven and some people ask me where I live they don't even know where it is! Internet is scary.
  7. Frisbee

    The Iraq thread 4

    Oh, now they stepped up because he had the intention to someday, maybe, want to get his mitts on some WMD's. Lay off the crack woman. Funny how people can lie with a straight face, if anything we've got a comical Ali on the other side now.
  8. Frisbee

    Food for thought

    Belgium, great bourgondic-style cuisine, imho. Frieten AKA french fries, they may be called french, but they're national heritage here, stands for friten on every street corner really. (frieten with mussels are kind of our national dish of choice) Gentse waterzooi, a dish originating from Gent/Ghent, basically it's chicken soup with a lot of potatoes, vegetables and chunks of chicken in it, a bit of everything, mostly served as a main dish, despite it being a soup. Witloof (cichorei grown in a special way) and Brussel sprouts are also fairly well known. Of course, chocolate (pralines have been invented here for example), waffles and last but not least, beer.
  9. Frisbee

    Official Resident Evil: Apocalypse Thread!!!

    Jet Li, okay, Claire Redfield? Did she even know any martial arts? Our dog (who wasn't even a zombie dog survived being hit by a car without spinal injuries, so yeh. (That part just irked me, pay no attention to my ranting about ) Okay, Chris Redfield had been in branches of the military and law enforcement he couldn't have been at that age, but I mean come on. Personally I'm hoping Final Fantasy : Advent Children will be good, CG work looks yummeh.
  10. Frisbee

    Official Resident Evil: Apocalypse Thread!!!

    They had her karate-kick a zombie dog to death. Kick a zombie dog to death, by jumping off a wall. WTF? (I still hate those fuckers, try to run pas them but I'll gladly put them down with even my shotgun, wasting shells but I can't stand those dogs. ) It did properly recreate the whole atmosphere of the huge secret biological lab where noone knows what's going on. Have to see the second, if only for the facts that I love Resident Evil, and to see if they did the ravaged city mood good too. Thinking about it got me fired up to continue my RE2 knife-only game, I kinda let it hang when RE3 came out.
  11. Frisbee


    Putte hmmmm, no map, strange... Anyways, it's in the province of Antwerp and if you use that I'm sure it'll be okay, Belgium is tiny anyway. Great job on the map, kudos for all the work.
  12. Frisbee


    Starting my first year of college, aiming for a bachelor in journalism. (don't worry, I hope to get into computer or games magazines, I won't bother people with politically opiniated pieces ) Four languages to learn, I'll be very confused... Dutch (mother language), French (official second language of Belgium), English (heh...hehe : my real second language) and Spanish (a first for me). French and Spanish scare me. The other things are stuff like psychology and sociology, which I've had in high school, I'm pretty confident about those.
  13. Frisbee

    Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End

    I like your example, it's pretty much which policy I'd want any country to adopt as gun policy. Very nicely put. The part in bold replaced by : governement sanctioned hunters to keep wildlife numbers down if necessary. Gun ownership is a very important force, as history has proven time and time again. Personally I can only see the bad things that happen when a disgruntled minority member can use something as barbaric as murder to enforce his opinion. Case in point : Pim Fortuyn, fairly well known dutch right-winger, now deceased. I was no fan of the man, but if he can sway the vote of the majority he should at least get an honest chance to govern. Seriously, when every guy who could possibly disagree with the governement has access to weapons, I'd never go into politics. Why would you, if you can't make any change without being afraid of being shot by some idiot whose toes you stepped on? Sure, you could hide behind a huge barricade of security people, but that doesn't help much. Hunting => governement appointed, registered hunters. Shooting for fun? => Shooting ranges, registered guns, don't leave the shooting range. Perhaps the self protection argument is more valid in the US, with larger area's for police to cover and such, I don't agree that you can protect yourself with guns, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Thank you for putting the other side of the argument a bit into perspective for me.
  14. Frisbee

    Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End

    If an oppresive governement ever manages to take root in the USA, it will have the support of probably 70-80% of the people (initially). What dictator would alienate the maojority of his people? Noone would. Silly example (very silly indeed) : Bush comes in for second term, Bush sets up phone taps and extra registrations for all muslims in the USA, because they are a terrorist risk. Imam's get screened, and forbidden to speak if their views are considered "fundamentalist". The mill of propaganda does its turns, 70% of the people swallow it since they're still oh-so scared of terrorists. Muslims are pissed off naturally, but what can they do? Take up their weapons against the governement? As a minority? I'm sorry, I don't think so. Dicatorships will be based on popular support, and an advanced army. The people will not unite as one to crush the dictators with their privately owned weapons, many won't need to since they don't feel they're being hurt. If weapons are needed to overthrow the governement, it has often happened that army stockpiles have been attacked and used to arm a militia. (1789, Bastille, France, and I believe 1830 Belgium as well) Weapons are unecessary, the aggressor is less likely to use force if the "victim" does not resist, as denoir also nicely said. I can't really follow the logic employed here, if you're sane you can have any weapon you want? If you shoot for fun, leave your weapon at the shooting range, if you're a collector, demil them, if you want a functioning M16 for any serious reason (why doesn't a normal hunting rifle or pistol do what you want anyway?) I can't follow. Guns =/= swords/blunt objects whatever. A gun is a cold way of killing someone, indirect and pretty clean. It would take less resolve to "bust a cap in someone's ass, yo" then to swiftly separate someone's head from their torso with a fine japanese katana. But, in that I speak for myself, feel free to comment.
  15. Frisbee

    Your Favourate MMORPG

    Hey! FFXI? Well, I play it. Lubbing it too. It eats time like a...time sucking-vortex thingie. The money issue is a moot point, you can spend so much more time on it. (I finish a normal game in what, two weeks?) Been playing FFXI for three months or so, and all in all I've payed the price of a normal comp game + ~20 bucks. Still not bored. For those $10 a month you get a server that hardly ever lags, even with the thousands of people on it, constant updates with new items and quests etc... The company makes oodles of money too, but hey that's capitalism for ya. 10 bucks is what, 7 or 8 beers in a month? For me it's worth it. (even though I might quit now that I'm starting college, can't have my real life suffer )
  16. Frisbee

    Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End

    People are idiots, people elect officials based on promises and good faith. Officials (hopefully) aren't as idiotic as normal people, officials try to do what's best for normal people, witht the power people have democratically given them. Representative republic or something like that? True democracy is impossible for a nation today, it was done in Greek city-states like Athens way back when. (Via a rotated city council, but even then : no women or slaves, naturally) The US is nowhere near closer to the "real democracy" dreamt about here than any other nation in the world. You're sick, you go to a doctor and follow his advice, you don't decide for yourself, and I doubt you'll go ask ten random people in the street. (I think this was from Plato or Socrates, not sure) I'm sure the rag-tag bands of militia will be able to overthrow the tyrannical governement when it's needed, they always look so fit in those documentaries. (before I get the "all americans aren't fat! all americans aren't rednecks! stfu and go watch some more fahrenheit 9-11 you america-bashing idiot!" over me, this was just poking some harmless fun ::):) Seriously, a tyranny being born in a country where there's full freedom of media? If you even tried something like that the (if there's still a free press agency out there) press would be all over you. If it does happen, it will be the Hitler way, gain popular support and find ways to democratically get dictatorial powers, by popular support, then they just have to allow full-auto weapons and other heavy weapons and they'll have the support of those with guns who could harm them.
  17. Frisbee


    Typical. Great idea Albert. Maybe you could have a little list pop out when you hover over a pin that represents several people?
  18. Frisbee

    Copenhagen - London bike trip

    Not many "bad neighbourhoods" that I know of, there are some in Brussels, Antwerp and Mechelen. But it's nothing where people would drag you off your bike and steal your change. (I think ) That, and since the cities are fairly small, those "bad area's" are small as well, and thus easily avoided. It would be great to see your route, I know at least some interesting sites. Oh yeah, I live near Mechelen, sort of between Antwerp and Brussels. If you pass near here I'd love to pay you a beer. If I lived alone I'd offer you a bed for the night as well, but I think the parental-units might disagree. Good luck with the planning.
  19. Frisbee

    Copenhagen - London bike trip

    Since I live in Belgium, I can only really speak for Belgium, but we have some superb biking paths. Especially along rivers and canals, they're quite popular. (smooth asphalt or such, racing bike friendly) In the Netherlands biking is very popular, so I bet that there'll be even more biking paths there. (the regular roads are very well suited for bikes in most area's too, wide spaces for bikes separated from the road for cars) 2 : Ehm, Holland and Belgium are known to their inhabitants as "ons kikkerlandje" (our little frog country ) so it does tend to rain a lot. Anywhere before november should still see you with decent weather though, if the weathergods are willing. Autumn is ussually a nice season actually, september-oktober should do nicely. 3 : Don't quote me on this, but I think the wind comes mainly from the sea. 4 : Every nearby town I know has a bike shop, I know some laundromats (only absent in the really backwater rural towns) but towns are closely linked anyways, town next to town. When in Belgium : Try the beer ! Duvel, Kriek, Palm, Lambik....etc. I'll be happy to try to answer your questions, but I'm not much of an experienced traveller myself (not on the organising side anyways, I'm only 19), but I'll try my best.
  20. Frisbee

    Al Q'Ikea terror attack in Saudi Arabia

    Bernadotte, I completely agree. I liked the way you could see the stuff filling up his appartment. Most of my furniture is second hand actually, and I love it, my computer desk is from a company that went bankrupt, and it's loads better than those cramped "multimedia" desks where you don't have space for your mouse. The only comparable crushes I can remember is when I went to see Metallica and Rammstein in the front rows, a lot of girls fainted, it was hot and being in between all those smelly people who you ussually find in multi-day festivals must've gotten to them.
  21. Frisbee

    Us presidential election 2004

    Party members signing deals where they or their (Ex) companies benefit. Giving up freedom for so-called safety. The president being bullied around to follow the ideas of his mainly christian-conservative financers isn't something that appears democratical to me, he doesn't represent every american, just his financers. Sounds like some communistic tendency to me. (all in all, a lot of this is "standard" in politics. but that doesn't take away the right of people to bitch about it. ) But, in all honesty, I don't think I'll ever understand US politics. There is no left it seems, and even hardly a centre party, you have a centre-right party (democrats) and a right to sometimes extreme-right party (republicans). I mean, there's no sign of any form of progression. Bush : Constitutional ban on gay marriages. Kerry : no constitutional ban, but not in favour gay marriages either. Ooooh an idea riddled with controversy... Anyways, the party financers and the powerful lobbies will always have more of a say in the appointing of leaders and their agenda than silly normal people. Conservative people are afraid of change, but one day they'll have to change, just because they see that the world is passing them by. But then again, this conservative feeling is also felt by most people in the US, so it's a normal representation, the US hasn't been doing all that bad for itself with this spirit, this probably won't be changed. Can't say I like it though.
  22. Frisbee

    The Iraq thread 4

    Quite clever, no social security to speak of, a seriously lacking educations system and few efforts to improve the fate of those who do not belong to the invite list for the white house's christmas dinner. Then you give people a way to go to college, join the armed forces and we'll pay for you. Only the poor people have to go for this, since anyone of the top can not only afford college, but could almost buy their kids a degree. Noone'll miss them right? The American Way. A draft, but then again, not a draft. Yeah it does suck to pay so much taxes and not be forced into the military in pinko commie europe, heh.
  23. Frisbee

    Athens Olympics 2004

    Ah, field hockey has such sucky sticks! I played street hockey for about three years, I hate only being able to "push" the ball forward with a wrist shot. Where's my slapshot gone damnit? And yeah, Belgium has one gold medal now, the honor is saved, but we used to do a lot better. (but we can't complain with our size)
  24. Frisbee

    Hostage cownapped by militants

    Wow, wait, people didn't get kidnapped before Iraq? [/sarcasm] There was vandalism in Brussels here too, and all in all, if you put something you call art in a street, there will be *ahem* comments like this. Oh, and we had one cable-car thingie painted by a grafitti group, it looked awesome, might try looking for pictures later. Grafitti artists don't get any love for their skills, if some stupid cows get publicly applauded I'd be pissed/jealous too. Oh, and if I were a store owned in a city, I'd lend my wall to a good grafitti artist, if needs be pay him/her, you're gonna get it plastered on your walls anyhow, so better something good looking, right?
  25. Frisbee

    Help me understand.

    Up until a while after 9/11, I was a blind America fanboy, brainwashed by Hollywood, and still unaware of it. Then came 9/11, everyone and their (speaking) dog said "Let's kicks those SOB's asses!". (I sat and watched live coverage, and did indeed hope the culprits would get what they deserved) Then Iraq, US doesn't want to go after guys who were responsible for 9/11, but instead go line their pockets? Big eye-opener that was. All my reasons have been more eloquently stated by Albert and denoir, I'm gonna make like Pathy and mooch off them. (Oh and Pathy, jolly good show (:p) explaining the economics, the USA is not the wealthiest, but perhaps (one of?) the most influential nation in the world)