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Everything posted by Frisbee

  1. Frisbee


    Lol well,let me dig up an article that puts the american army as an army that has more casualties from friendly fire than from enemy fire,and see how it gets labelled 'left extremist terrorist commie hippie bullshit' instead of the funny little piece of text it was.
  2. Frisbee

    Does the somalia mod

    *is very surprised people are still not getting the all-caps thing* And I do agree that there should be a modmaker maybe willing to devote his time to this :] But they still choose what to make themselves,so we can only give them a subtle poke
  3. Frisbee

    Most frustrating gaming moments...

    There is a grate so you go under the floor in that last laser room,i cursed a lot there when i was playing nolf.(underrated game imho)
  4. Frisbee

    Most frustrating gaming moments...

    Happily playing sonic&knuckles with a friend for half of the day,getting to the last level,and getting a power blackout. *grumbles* Or,more recently,playing emperor : battle for dune,building a good base,kicking the hell out of the enemy,snipers and kindjal in every infantry rock,minotaurs and mongooses marching to the enemy base(15 minotaurs and 30 mongooses) only to have my comp crash
  5. Frisbee

    Would you be willing to die for your country?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sam Samson @ Nov. 12 2002,23:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">about following orders: I agree that the ability to obey orders is paramount. if you can't obey you're not worthy to lead in the first place. authority which doesn't get any active respect through submission, ceases to be authority, and then you have anarchy which hinders all progress. but there's definitely a threshold where you have to refuse orders. what I mean is what they called "befehlsnotstand" in germany after ww2. so many soldiers had done things under orders which they said they didn't want to do, that the country faced a giant moral dilemma afterwards. germany changed though. they've been working this out. I personally like their concept of "innere führung", of being led in accordance with your convictions. (I have a friend in the german gsg. an officer, not an active commando. ) there's a time (very seldom, especially in the army of a liberal nation ) when you have to refuse. and then you'll have to be ready to bear the consequences. then you might not be dying for your country, but for your ideals at the hand of your country. (I imagine this is very hard to do for somebody without faith in God. ) <span id='postcolor'> Yeah it's very hard for me to have ideals as I'm a godless heathen... At least my ideals are my own.
  6. Frisbee

    Where did you got your nick from?

    I dunno,for some reason I got this name from a friend who thought it appropriate at the beginning of my internet connection (oh the joy). That,and he was sick of my first one,Blackbahamut,which I got registering for a forum and stuck with it till this one
  7. Frisbee

    Military Humor

    Well,I was talking with a friend of my fathers once,who was a belgian paracommando,he was a cook,but also a marksman and an instructor for rock climbing. One day he had to instruct american green berets,my fathers friend wasn't a tall guy,about my size.And the green berets were all guys he could easily fit into three times. When they approached the cliff they had to get up,he first went up to put the hooks for the beret's ropes to go through. When he got back down,all of the green berets said that he was nuts for doing that. The guy said 'What the hell,this is a hill,not even a mountain,what do you do when you encounter this in the field?' Americans motioned like they'd make a call 'We call base to have us flown up there' (note : this story was told in a bar,none of both parties were drunk,but it migth've been 'thickened' a bit )
  8. Frisbee

    Would you be willing to die for your country?

    I would fight if Belgium was ever invaded(unlikely). But it is easier to fight for your family,your friends,your beliefs,than it is to fight for a country. You'd only have to fight offensively if you were a soldier,which means folllowing orders and not having a choice. What I'd really hate is dying in a style like WW1,generals who are in mansions miles from the front deciding i should storm a well-entrenched enemy,being used as cattle.That's even more pointless than dying in a war like the gulf war.
  9. Frisbee

    Eidos interactive in very deep dewdew

    Well,let the people from congo complain,since well,they were depicted 'bad' in rainbow six.Let the eastern germans complain for all the old movies where they were stereotyped. Jeez,what a load of bs,it's a game,it's fiction,maybe with realistic settings but so what?
  10. Frisbee

    F-15e (strike eagle) preview pic

    I retract that comment,just looked back on the things I knew of the gulf war,they carried sidewinders there as self defense. But in a war situation they'd hardly be used for escort,since their LANTIRN makes them more useful to ground attack. I wasn't saying that it COULDN'T carry AMRAAM's,just that it wouldn't be carrying as its main armament in an actual conflict. And yeah,it was a stupid comment looking back on it,sorry,have to refrain from commenting at 4.00 am Sorry
  11. Frisbee

    F-15e (strike eagle) preview pic

    AMRAAM's? On a STRIKE eagle? Sure it can equip em but that's not the point,if you want realism : strike eagle (F15E): ground attack normal eagle (F15C) : air to air In a real conflict strike eagles would be too busy to bomb the crap out of everything to consider their alternative capability. (Hey,they were too busy to use their LANTIRN for the british tornado's in the gulf ) nofi (Edit : Oh,and it looks great so far,though the pics i saw were a bit darker,but the were small,low quality ,so don't bother to listen )
  12. Frisbee

    Artillery shell shot down by laser!

    Full battlefield automatisation would be bad. A war is pointless if there are no soldiers fighting putting their asses on the line for a cause they believe in(or in most cases command) Fully automated war would just mean huge wasted resources.War'd be started quicker by stronger states since they don't risk any lives. But yeah well,this is a good defense system,would be interesting on a tank (I think I've been watching too much gundam wing)
  13. Frisbee

    Missile attack in yemen

    Belgium did capture some AQ members and is now preparing them for trial(or prepping them for transfer to the international court),so the cia didn't have to send a drone here to blow up cars. Hope the Yemen governement agreed... Anyway,they could've captured them just as easily (I think) fly in with helo,put a .50 in the engine block,land and keep them under shot,fairly sure they'll prefer surrendering to being hosed with 5.56 NATO. But they're not getting trials anyway so what would be the use?
  14. Frisbee

    Are you a hunter?

    It just points out how boring the life in the australian outposts is,school by radio,imagine that....
  15. Frisbee

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    I agree fubar,just disbembarking in midair ain't a stunt.
  16. Frisbee

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    Hm,I see people bailing motorbikes and not much more. (Antonov stunts were cool though)
  17. Frisbee

    Are you a hunter?

    Yeah that's what i meant,it's better to shoot them. Sorry that it was unclear.
  18. Frisbee

    K9 units

    Mohaa had dogs too.
  19. Frisbee

    Are you a hunter?

    Yeah,Australia has a problem with that.Seen documentaries on that,a tidal wave of mice if you opened a barn door. And let's face it,you poison em or you shoot them,works out the same way.
  20. Frisbee

    Amd question

    Spacers are useful with heavier heatsinks like a zalman,swiftech or alpha PAL.It stresses the core less. Also useful for watercooling blocks,they're heavy too.
  21. Frisbee

    Army working on three-year sandwich

    It depends i think,we used to have this chocolate 'koetjesreep' when i was a kid,and it always had that white on it,but it was really,really good. So i don't think it really matters
  22. Frisbee

    Raptor and other fighter types

    Well my pet plane is the A10 and it'll shred all your weak and sensitive fighters with a good old 30mm burst.[\sarcasm]
  23. Frisbee

    Russian helicopter crashes in chechnya

    4--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Exodist @ Oct. 30 2002,024)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Assault (CAN) @ Oct. 30 2002,01:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">SEE THIS !!! Any coments ?<span id='postcolor'> I can't beleive that stuff is on FAS.org, I've seen those disturbing videos countless times on the net, and I can't beleive how human beings can do that to one another. I'm glad people value life where I live. Tyler<span id='postcolor'> """"I can't beleive how human beings can do that to one another"""" It's "fighters for freedom" as say big part there....<span id='postcolor'> Noone here said they were freedomfighters,noone defended them either.
  24. Frisbee

    K9 units

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ExtracTioN @ Oct. 30 2002,01:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Who said it is not possible it is possible with the new animation tool you can make new animation and a dog<span id='postcolor'> Noone,But OFPInternals haven't released it yet I think.
  25. Frisbee

    Outflanking me ? i dont think so !

    Or instead get one of these snazzy little things with that parhelia