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For the movie, they were originally blue, but they had to change it to red because of the blue screen. Elsewhere, it can be anything from yellow, green, whatever as I understand it. Goes for every rebel fighter.
Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Screen 5 Screen 6 Screen 7 And no, I'm not involved.
I don't think the Comanche was a failure - it just got overweight.
Regardless, I didn't make the AH-64D for 1985. The first Longbows barely came off the production lines in 97, so if anything this would be for the more modern era opposition of the day.
Who said OFP was totally stuck and restricted to 1985?
the_shadow - For AH-64D NR: this setobjecttexture [84,"\fz_ah64d\units\82ndair.paa"] For AH-64D: this setobjecttexture [83,"\fz_ah64d\units\82ndair.paa"] thunderbird84 - I didn't really want to replace the BIS AH-64 in case some people tried the addon and didn't like it. Plus I'd run into problems with other addons doing the same thing. What you're seeing is probably because I used the UH-60 pilot animations for both the pilot and gunner in my AH-64 rather than the AH-64 animations already availible. It wouldn't be too hard to change though.
I knew I'd forgotten something.
I'm proud to announce that Public Release 1.0 of my AH-64D's is ready now! Changes: Arming bug (now arming menu is properly removed from chopper after it leaves a ammo truck) Fire geo lod fixed Poly count reduced to 7300 in main LOD Added shadow LOD Removed some MFD pages Added IHADSS display Added new rocket types: MPSM and Flechette Added randomized serial numbers on tail Added small space for user-defined unit crests on the sides Nav Lights can only be turned on at night Added green light strips for additional aids at night flying Chaingun now has a recoil animation and ejecting brass There are other changes described in the readme, but one of the biggest objects that I fixed was the critical hits - now if you take damage, you run a big risk of getting a system failure or system damage. I probably forgot a few new things, but thats all that comes off the top of my head right now. Some screenshots: AH-64D in sun Another AH-64D in sun IHADSS display AH-64D NR on runway AH-64D showing off Chaingun AH-64D's ready for mission AH-64D NR and AH-64D unmasking for attack AH-64D NR and AH-64D early morning Get the new AH-64Ds: RAR archive: here ZIP archive: here Enjoy!
Most of the time you can ignore that. Just hit apply and hit OK, then make sure it works in game. If it doesnt work in game, then the texture path really is too long - you can check the path and usually the letters at the end of the path will be all messed up which causes the error.
There are two main modes for the Hellfire: LOAL and LOBL. Lock On Before Launch assumes a normal missile profile, as currently - LOAL is the mode that arcs. Kyle Sarnik's AH-64 has the LOAL mode as far as I'm aware, I simply never bothered to try it on mine. gandalf - will do. Still working on improved textures right now.
Terribly sorry about that... I forgot to mention where I got the texture for that. Yes, I did lift it from the picture you took. It was a very nice high detail close up and better than any custom job I could do for it. If you don't want me to use it anymore though, I'll remove it.
Completely different model for the Lost Brothers AH-64s, so don't forget that either. It looked pretty wierd to be staring at the gunner's feet when aiming the gun upward...
I'll look into rocket type selection, that's not a bad idea. SM_Azazel - I have a idea for modeling the submunitions. I used to have the gunner view looking from the TADS, but I had to move it to just above the gun position due to the inability to slave the TADS to the gun rotation. There were a lot of wierd effects with the view set to the TADS position.
I stand corrected - the same olive drab color as everything else. Perhaps though, M261 warheads would be better? Anyone? (That's multipurpose sub-munitions for those not in the know)
Prototype 001 - Notice the M151 warhead and fuse on the far right? It's a glossy blue, isn't it? There's a difference between a cannon shell and a rocket, I'd think. ag_smith - The polycount for this thing is actually quite low when compared to other addons, but I would kill a lot of the polies if I had better textures. What kind of system are you running? I only ask because I've got a big bottleneck for my video card and I don't notice much in the way of slowdowns when using the bird.
Thanks for the testing and input, fellas! I've got the Fire Geo lod fixed now... surprised I didn't see that before. Bonko the Sane - I've tested it as much as possible in MP, but only with a couple people and never on a dedicated server. It should run ok in MP, but the main purpose of this beta was to figure out how well it'd run in MP. You might notice the bird is a lot tougher in MP than in SP. WAH-64 - As far as I know, there are some massive differences between the AH-64D and WAH-64, especially internally. I'd be happy to do one, but I'd need some information on the cockpit(s) and loadouts for them. Shadow - The system MFD only registers when critical hits (like being hit by a RPG) happen. I've tried to find a way to get the systems MFD to activate when damage is reached or recieved, but this usually results in the entire thing running the damage script more than once per amount of damage taken. Some MFD pages are pointless because I didn't really know what to put in there. Mostly the MFD pages are eye candy, except for systems MFD. I thought about a ASE and TSD page, but both of those are a little too complex for me. Ranger44 - The blue color on the FFARs is because the HE Hydra warheads are a blue color: Hydra warheads gandalf the white - just fixed the missile deception script to work only when the helicopter's engine is on. Thanks! cornhelium - I'll have to look into that. For all intents and purposes, I used the laser designator as a target hand-off tool, but I'll check out DKM's 2S6M and see how they did it. [-HW-] Marco-Polo-IV - I can try to merge the pilot and gunner LODs and see if that helps, but the detail on the primary lods is the main reason for the bird. A question for you all: I gave the AH-64 the capacity to ferry two very vulnerable guys hanging onto the side, but does anyone think I should keep them?
Oh trust me, it's not going to be anything like the real AH-64s. I doubt they'll have much to say about it.
Assign the model a mass of 0, then reset the entire mass to a desired level. I'd recommend 2000-3000 for testing purposes. Although your CG looks correct, most of the mass is centered in the nose and below the fuselage, and OFP seems to regard that as unbalanced. Also, make sure that you've performed the "Find Components" function.
Agree there - the fancy ATGMs aren't too useful when your enemies aren't using anything better than squad of infantry and a jeep. This is why I like the 76 rocket loadout.
What he means is that the AH-64 is *qualified* to use the AIM-9, not necessarily that it *does* use it. Figuratively, if a weapon can fit on the hardpoints or be made to fit on the hardpoints, and can interface with the FCS, the platform can use it. Thus far, the AH-64 has most commonly been equipped with M261 pods and various forms of the Hellfire. Potentially the AH-64 can carry just about any offensive weapon in the book - but that's a lot of work to do in order to make it all look right in OFP. Thus, unless you want to go for the extra effort, combinations of Stingers, Hydras and Hellfires is the way to go. Personally though, I'd go for the option of Sidewinders or Sidearm missiles on the #1 and #4 pylons, at the expense of wingtip mounted Stingers. Given OFP's short engagement range however, the Sidewinder offers little over the Stinger.
Although I think it'd be best you started from scratch, with enough features and modifications, I'm sure you can morph the default AH-64 into what you'd like. BTW, my offer still stands, KyleSarnik - if you'd like to use the model I made or any assistance I can lend to your project. I'm sure theres a few textures I could provide you with.
The Heavy Gear - Gears & Striders Pack 1 has been released! Among other things, this pack adds 16 units: Assault Hunter Hunter Cheetah Cheetah Fang Grizzly Grizzly Destroyer Mammoth Brawler Mammoth Blitz Jäger Jäger Iguana Iguana, 2x MAC Spitting Cobra Support Cobra Naga Long Fang Naga Plus: New hit point system Status bar, with speed, armor, altitude & fuel indicators New weapon characteristics Autocannon magazine system And more! You may get it here. Picture. (Note: if you have any previous versions of the publically* released Heavy Gear addons, you must delete them before installing.) *Publically released addons include: Strider pack, General Purpose gear pack, Scout gear pack, and the Fire Support Gear pack.
Hey all - it's been a while since I've posted here, and perhaps the conditions have changed since I last checked it out. I'd like to know what a lot of you think about Sci Fi addons - it doesn't really matter the type, fantasy, whatever, but I would like to know what you expect. For example, do you expect a laser cannon to show a laser beam? Or expect a walker machine to have a walking animation? Alternatively, if you don't like sci fi addons, add why you don't and for what reasons.
Just for the record, if I do make a sort of exo suit or walker of that sort, it will have to fit within the bounds of OFP's default animations. By all means I could very well make custom animations, but I need more time to understand what makes cfgAnimations tick, what it can or can't do, etc. That "High MAC" stuff is rather interesting, and honestly, I can't say the lack of a walking animation hurts them at all. It is simply a bound that I've come to accept with OFP's vehicle class. The real question is, how much fun are they? Of course that always lies on each individual's opinion.
I don't know if I'd go that far... But I would make it a pretty hefty threat to MBTs at the very least.