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FA Dalai Lamar

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Everything posted by FA Dalai Lamar

  1. FA Dalai Lamar


    Thank you Yaciek! Been praying for these for a long...Long time! Hey from what mod is that soldier capturing your behind the lines pilot? Is he one of yours too? Love to get my hands on that addon too! Lamar
  2. FA Dalai Lamar

    RH M4/M16 pack 1.0

    Haven't seen the RH model of the M16a1 Â M203 but yes the real original a1 with launncher did look slapped on...a1s were eventually brought to the m203 standard, but the original a1 with underslung tube was much different looking. http://images.search.yahoo.com/search....i=UTF-8 Lamar
  3. FA Dalai Lamar

    Jonny´s Marines

    Negative...Bates does not make Vibram...Vibram soles are made by Vibram....They come on any brand of Hiking boot commercially available...Asolo, Montrail, Merrell, Scarpa, Lowa, Sportiva, Danner, Vasque....Vibram is a company speciallizing in providing soles to any and all boot companies...Trust me I know I am in the boot business. Lamar
  4. FA Dalai Lamar

    1.09 beta patch troubleshooting thread.

    MP5 error on start up...When I run Arma with the patch I get an error message saying  : "bin\configbin/Cfgweapons/Mp5a5/Burst is not a value" When I get in game the Mp5 will not fire and will toggle only between single and auto but will not fire. Anyone else having this? Lamar
  5. FA Dalai Lamar

    Alien addon

    I really hope someone releases the mech addons and the halo Marines from OFP. Those would be sweet! Lamar
  6. FA Dalai Lamar

    Rellikki's stuff

    Has Relliki gone missing? I haven't seen a post in weeks! Was drooling over the prospect of more units. Lamar
  7. FA Dalai Lamar

    MK-77 Napalm

    Typed AI fire "AT_Mk20Launcher" into the activation field on a waypoit and nothing happened. Am I being dese or do enemy forces have to be present. Is there anything else I should do. These are probably one of the prettiest effect addons i've seen in a while! Lamar
  8. FA Dalai Lamar

    MK-77 Napalm

    any suggestions on how to get the Ai to use these....Tried Ir lock=1 but to no avail. Dying to get the ai to use these beauties! Lamar
  9. FA Dalai Lamar

    Rellikki's stuff

    Just went to Ofpec and found that the RLK was indeed mine...Bro you can have it. I have not released anything since 2001-2 on my own. Mostly I have been teamed with someone texturing or scripting (just helping Out). Please by all means take my tag. I would love to help out with anything I can. I have done some model editing in O2 texturing and config writing (haven't figured out new O2 yet). Please before you have to re-release everything and people have to redo their sqms just use the RLK. I will withdraw the claim to RLK if need be. Lamar (RLK=my initials)
  10. FA Dalai Lamar

    Rellikki's stuff

    RellIkki Actually before you undo all your hard work and have to re-release everything...I think that RLK tag was mine buddy. I signed up for it long ago! If it was Ofpec it was mine from long ago and you can have it as far as i am concerned.... That is if it is indeed mine. Lamar
  11. FA Dalai Lamar

    Rellikki's stuff

    I swear to god I love you Rellikki! You units are my most used and favorite. The field cap has been my most missed uniform piece ever (that and SLA Holsters for their makarovs). I cannot wait to use your units. One request can you make a propper field officer unit for the SLA with a holster and beret or field cap to reflect the RACS and US Officer. Man keep up the awesome work bro! Lamar <---setting up RLK Fan Club!
  12. FA Dalai Lamar

    Attach Satchels to vehicles.

    Hey anyone figured out a command to get ai to attach and detonate this....This addon is just perfect for an insurgent or assassination mission....Ooo the possibilities!!!!! Lamar
  13. FA Dalai Lamar

    USMC 2003 style

    You might notice that those are not BDUS in those photos...they are Chem/Bio suits (check Zipper at colar and smootehr finish of the material...Our suits were not yet made in the new camo in 2003 (or now for that matter)...Early in OIF you couldn't be without one (Note all have Gas mask bags at the side...Some could even be seen in 2003 in a borrowed DPM Chem Suit (For some reason the Brits had lots to spare and you can see that even in the first gulf war too). Usually the combos I have seen where the regular uniform is concerned is the new Uni marpat with an old woodland or 3 color desert helmet cover. They never make enough damn helmet covers. the Soamli debacle is also testament to this as the 6 color helmet cover was mixed with the 3 color uniform. Just thought I would elaberate. Lamar
  14. FA Dalai Lamar

    3rd Version-Skaven's Racs

    Skaven PLEASE! PLEASE! bring back that uzi with the wooden stock back in pack #4. I loved that gun bro. I know it wasn't you favorite but please, please bring it back. Your pack is one of my most used addons. Lamar
  15. FA Dalai Lamar

    BMD-1 Released!

    Any plans to do a sweet BMP-1. Vilas made a nice one but the turnout functions don't work and you have to have all 4000 of his addons to run out. Your textures are incredible btw. It's funny but I actually use your new camo job as a RACS vehicle because the patterns is so similar to their other vehicles. Please do re-release the Green one if you ever get around to it. Thank you for all of your hard work. Dalai Lamar PS: No disrespect to you VILAS I love that addon pack I just wish I did not have to have everything at once.
  16. FA Dalai Lamar

    A-10 with GBUs

    Can someone make a harrier and an A-10 with the GBUs that can IR lock for missions that don't use a laser designator. Lamar
  17. FA Dalai Lamar

    Unable to load file

    Hey guys help me out with this...Deadmeat gave me permission to edit his Police Addon pack for my own purposes (I did help texture a small portion of it). I Just got O2 up and running and I cannot load his models...I used Xpack and to no avail...I get an error message saying Unable to Load file: Load error....Someone please help a newb in modeling! Dalai Lamar
  18. FA Dalai Lamar

    Unable to load file

    negative on the config and original model alteration...Just a straight conversion of the original into Mlod. Thank you for your help on this Chris! Lamar
  19. FA Dalai Lamar

    Unable to load file

    Thanks for the reply! Ok dlded Odol explorer and loaded the models into O2...now the models are like glued to the ground with some of the textures going every direction...I am new to O2 what is causing this? Lamar
  20. FA Dalai Lamar

    Bushfires Mod

    Any news on the old bushfire mod....God I still visit your site and drool over the screens....Gos those vehicles are jsut ripe for a Tonal mission! Lamar
  21. FA Dalai Lamar

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    thank you a million times over madmedic. Got the goods working and my armor division is up and rolling. Thank you for your help I really do appreciate it. Lamar
  22. FA Dalai Lamar

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    @madmedic....You are the man for figuring that out....Ok so event handler stuff in the init field throws me...How exactly did you splice that in there...I did everything else eactly right but every time I try to start flashpoint it says something to the way of "flashpoint encountered a " instead of something.....All those quote marks and brackets are confusing as hell. Any help on how to insert this in the current event handler would be great. Lamar
  23. FA Dalai Lamar

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Quick Question....I know the debate about editing other peoples addons, but this is for personal use and I don't play multiplayer...I do however use all Combat addons and wonder if there is some way to change the Combat init in eventhandlers to fix the blob faces for the gunner and driver for the heemmit and Hummvs...Would it be possible to create a driver with a set face...What would I put in the config. I have already done this with previous Hyk U infantry but am unfamiliar with the Llama head problems of config editing. Lamar
  24. FA Dalai Lamar

    Uaz 469

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Been waiting for this forever they are beautiful....I corrected the pk flash model textures which are in the CSLA/SVD file and there was one bug with the passenger side seet anim....The config says cargo act as Cargo when it should say ManactasUAZcodriver....Otherise the man is riding on the windshield.....everything else is perfect. Lamar
  25. FA Dalai Lamar

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    HEy just wanted to point out one bug i found...the Marpat guys are missing blood textures....I will look at the config and try to find it for you...also any plans from anyone to come out with a crewman for these bad boys? Lamar