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Everything posted by FlipeR

  1. FlipeR

    Human attributes

    IS......IS THAT YOU WOLF??? You're still alive!!!! Yippiiiii!!! Where have you been all this time??? We have a lot to talk my friend! FlipeR
  2. FlipeR

    How to define attributes in o2

    245x256 Â You hopefully ment 256x256! Will we get it for BETA test? FlipeR
  3. FlipeR

    First pics of  predator

    I moved teh screenie to a new site! Now it should be visible! P.S.: The one who GUESSES what (WAS) that on the pic get it in MLOD format:) FlipeR
  4. For rockets you have to position 2 points in Memory LOD - I dont remeber the names but they can be seen in UH60 MLOD model! Open it and under memory LOD search for raket* or similar or just click on every selection and watch closely the background models FFAR launchers! FlipeR
  5. FlipeR

    How to define attributes in o2

    Right! Texture size must be numbers of power square of 2! 16,32,64,.... up to 512x512! Thats the limit! FlipeR
  6. FlipeR

    Todays work :)

    Airwolf: according to Suma and Marek -> NO, the wheels of a heli cant be retracted! Why? Dont know... FlipeR
  7. FlipeR

    How to define attributes in o2

    If you want to define the point where the crew gets in the vehicle, you make a VERTEX (simply press "Insert" key on the keyboard) and name his selection "pos driver"! If you want the vehicle to be accessible from both sides, you make TWO vertices (one on each side) with the same selection name - "pos driver"! For passengers (in UH60 for instance) its the same procedure but different selection name - "pos cargo"! Hope it helped! FlipeR
  8. FlipeR


    Its not a PROBLEM!!! Its a FEATURE OFP engine (thanks God) doesnt change the inclination angle of a buiding if the ground is inclined - immagine that PillBox inclined by 25°  And PLEASE make that picture SMALLER!!! FlipeR
  9. FlipeR

    P3d model format?

    I sent the files today - now lets hope for a positive result.... FlipeR
  10. FlipeR

    First pics of  predator

    Uhhh? I dont know - I can see the picture without problems... Here is the direct link: HalfPredator.jpg
  11. FlipeR

    How to define attributes in o2

    Araon: I still dont know what the Fire Geometry LOD do!?! FlipeR
  12. FlipeR


    Nice done PSC! I'm a fan of Russian hardware so I'm offering you my help for the .CPP code! Also if you dont understand something about modelling I'll help if I can (know)! P.S.: You should consider making the BMP-3N - the navalised version of the mighty BMP-3 for Russian Navy!!! I plan later to build the whole BMP3 family so we can collaborate... FlipeR
  13. FlipeR

    Background texture...

    Ummm...it worked for me! Try using textures of sizes 128x128 or 256x256 (or a combination of that two values) - I used 128x256 for my Predator model making and TEXTURE MAPPING (very easy when you learn how to do it) and it worked perfectly - you can see the results in this thread! FlipeR
  14. FlipeR

    Dkm mod has....

    Its VBS1, I'm sure... I checked the screenies! FlipeR
  15. FlipeR

    News and stuff

    It will be *SCREENSHOT ONLY* showout or we'll get a chance too see the surprises perform in our O2light and Buldožer? FlipeR
  16. I'm with Viper - for G3 and UZI - we split that box like brothers, right Vip And I always wanted to take a trip to New Zeland - specialy now when Antichrist is paying it.... FlipeR
  17. FlipeR

    Todays work :)

    Antichrist: it cant have the A10 or Su25 fligt model - we dont have their MLOD models to see how aicraft LODs structure should look like.... Waiting for BiS class sample models.... FlipeR
  18. FlipeR

    P3d model format?

    We ALL HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM!!! I wont release anything until I find out how to overcome it.... Suma & Maruk - ANY HELP please?!? FlipeR
  19. FlipeR

    Desertstorm: first work

    Why dont you both make the M109?? And then let others decide the winner.... Competition is always welcome! FlipeR
  20. FlipeR

    Todays work :)

    Nice work Keg!! A question: you made it inside O2 or in another 3D modelling proggy and then imported it into O2? Asking because I still dont get the O2 system of applying textures....3D Studio is my home... And just a thought about the plane - you should reshape the nose! Will you post it somewhere so we can see the hierarchy and LODs of airplane models? FlipeR
  21. FlipeR

    Little problem whit external viewer

    Anybody can help??? FlipeR
  22. FlipeR

    Bis: non-linear mapping and non-planars

    While waiting for the answer Gimbal, could you briefly explain me what Non Planars and Non-linear mapping means!?!? I'm a beginner in 3D modelling field! TNX FlipeR
  23. FlipeR

    Measurements in o2?

    Simple and functional TNX Araon FlipeR
  24. FlipeR

    P3d model format?

    Suma: I never claimed I did it!! I only beleved to what you said Later I tried that but as Keg - with crashing results! But I'llkeep on trying... FlipeR
  25. FlipeR

    Little problem whit external viewer

    Yeah here is night too:) When I added the -noland command it went bright - BUT now I dont have textures on my models!!!! WTF? And why O2 always runs Buldozer at startup??? FlipeR