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Everything posted by FetishFool

  1. FetishFool

    How many hours a day do you spend

    I usually go to work from 7 pm - 6 am. The rest of the time, I'm sleeping. I sleep for a good 9 hours. And the rest of the time, I'm out looking for a new girl to sleep with.
  2. FetishFool

    Who's the fattest male at these forums?

    A picture would seal the deal Your prize is a 2002 Mercedes-Benz CL600 diecast model made by AUTOArt. )) A $100 value!!!
  3. FetishFool

    Couple cannot enter stadium watch world cup cos:

    That's just wrong. They should have let the baby go in! Like geezus. I completely understand the situation that the parents were in. I might not have let a strange take care of my kid, but I would have done something equally as stupid, for sure.
  4. FetishFool

    Law/rpg launchers on soldiers' backs too high?

    In real life, LAWs are carried with slings. Or they're packed into a soldier's backpack. Small RPG launchers are carried the same way. Large rocket launchers are carried with both hands.
  5. FetishFool

    Die, computer die!

    How about over-night mail? Get a spare key cut, then mail it to someone overnight. It shouldn't cost a lot, since the destination is so close.
  6. FetishFool

    Die, computer die!

    Oh, and remember, since you live in an apartment you have a superintendant. If your superintendant doesn't have a key to open your door... Then TWO THUMBS UP TO YOU, BUDDY!
  7. FetishFool

    Die, computer die!

    Penis-twisting problem deserves a simple solution. Call a friend. Since you can see your computer, you can make sure that your friend isn't doing anything wrong to it. Like porn. Then you work with him over the phone, and sort things out. It's probably soemthing stupid like a firewall that's blocking you or something.
  8. FetishFool

    Who's the fattest male at these forums?

    Like, where's all the fat asses? I know that there has to be at least a few obese people around here. I think Major Fubar comes the closest to the Fattest Male at these forums.. But his ratio is only 150,000g:193cm. Which is roughly 777g/cm.. (5 lb/inch) That hardly seems overweight. Let's see a picture, Major.
  9. FetishFool

    Do you like healthy icecream?

    From grade 3 to present, my ex-best friend and his brother have a philosophy. Their philosophy is to gain weight until their bodies have stopped growing, which is about 19 years old, and then they will body build and become super muscluar. I don't say anything to them. It's been 7 years since they first told me that, so I figure that it's already too late for them to turn back anyways. BTW, one is about 18 years old now. And he's 400lbs+. He also wears a french artists beret. The younger brother is about 16 years old, and he's 300lbs+. He also is very ugly.
  10. FetishFool

    Really offtopic!

    You mean Shoreside Vale. The garage and save point is kind of hard to find. Drive around the HOME icon until 1 or 2 garage doors open. The save point is inside an apartment building. If you can't see a HOME icon, then look for the telephone where you get your missions from. Â Then take the road on the hill that goes North. Your save point is the first apartment at the top of the hill with two groups of 3 orange garage doors.
  11. FetishFool

    Who's the fattest male at these forums?

    LOL Yeah, being fat raises the necessities so much higher. But parents usually love their fat kids more. Maybe it's the cuddle factor. I remember seeing this fat white guy try to get into a go-kart. It took him 20 minutes to squeeze his fat ass in. When he did, everyone in the line clapped and cheered. Then his FAT son came. And oh geez. The kid was too young to ride by himself, so he had to get into the go-kart with his pappa. In the end, the kid sat in the arms of his father, and they had a nice ride. I'm 16 years old, 140lbs and 5'11". My waist is about 28-inches around. And my head is the largest part of my body.
  12. FetishFool

    Should i buy...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sid @ June 07 2002,19:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Please excuse my Idiodicness, but are thos supposed to be websites or what? lol, I'm pethetic...<span id='postcolor'> Search for those files on your favorte *cough*file sharing*cough* program.
  13. FetishFool

    Should i buy...

    If you're running WinXP as your OS, then you might not want to get SoF2 at all. Because there's a LOT of WinXP bugs in it. Like white walls. And memory leaks that lead to random crashes. Oh oh, and: *cough*Don't*cough*Forget*cough*The*cough*CD KEY*cough*
  14. FetishFool

    Should i buy...

    *cough* SOF-II.nfo SOF-II_cd1.bin SOF-II_cd1.cue SOF-II_cd2.bin SOF-II_cd2.cue *cough* -Sir! I think Mr Caitiff is talking in code, sir! -No, Jimmy. He's just a moron.
  15. FetishFool

    R kelly

    Negro Negro Negro Negro Negro Ha! I said it more. I don't think it was the word Negro that sparked the arguement. But it was the "Go back to Africa" statement. It's not wrong. But it has very little relevance.
  16. FetishFool

    Should i buy...

    I never played SoF2 MP. But the single player campaign is really horrible. Enemies spawn a few meters in front of you. And you can barely hear their foot steps. And they got the ammo names wrong. The AK74 apparently takes "5.56x45" ammo. And the M4 takes some other kind of mysterious ammo. I say just download the full game. It's not worth shit money.
  17. FetishFool

    R kelly

    [edit] Nevermind
  18. FetishFool

    R kelly

    There's a very logical explaination for that, Advocatexxx. In California, there's a law that protects celebrities. And about bribes... Bribes are fun. If a guy offered to give you $70 000 to release him from a child pedo suit, wouldn't you?? I mean, damn. It makes getting that new Mercedes so much easier.
  19. FetishFool

    R kelly

    16 year old girls are just so damn cute.
  20. FetishFool

    R kelly

    I don't think that Kelly was arrested for sleeping with this girl. The FBI have been trying to bust Kelly for pedo-sex for a long long time. This girl might have been 1 year underage, but it's enough to put him in prison for all the other accusations as well. It's like guilty by association. Think about it. SEVEN counts for directing and SEVEN counts for producing!?! Pfft... The girl might have only been 1 year underage, and lied about her age. The judge was obviously aiming for a big <span style='font-size:22pt;line-height:100%'>GUILTY</span> before the trial even started.
  21. FetishFool

    Most beautiful exotic car

    <span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'>Pagini Zonda C12 Sport</span> (Street Legal) More pics at: http://www.modena-design.it/zonda.htm#eng The sporty character is highlighted by the engine. The Zonda C 12 is equipped with a Mercedes-Benz engine; a 6 litre 12 cylinder engine with 394 HP and 570 Nm torque at 3800 RPM. Thanks to the development of great dimension, carbon fibre, multi- task components like the rear bumpers melted in the banner, their number is reduced and the overall weight of the bodywork is about 60 kg. The Pagini Zonda C12 is fast like a Ferrari, but reliable like a Mercedes. Estimated price is +$600 000 US.
  22. FetishFool

    What makes a hero?

    If everyone has a gun, then why do you think that anyone would strike in the first place? The first guy would get shot by the second guy, the second guy would get shot by the third guy, the third guy would get shot by the angry momma trying to get some sleep in her apartment across the street. Then the angry mother will be in risk of getting shot by someone that thinks she's a sniper. And it goes and on and on. End result: People think FIVE times before trying to commit a crime.
  23. FetishFool

    What makes a hero?

    A nice anology to the the world's situation regarding the US is: Consider the US as the car jacker. And the heroic man as any other world nation. The car jacker won by shooting the unarmed man. What if the man had a gun, too? And what if the car jacker knew that there was a man with a gun near that car? Would he have approached the car in the first place? Hypothetical situations are grand, aren't they.
  24. FetishFool

    What makes a hero?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Longinius @ June 07 2002,02:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Its an odd world... Another heroic man died here in Sweden today from wounds he recieved when trying to stop what he thought was a carjacking. In fact the man stealing the car had just robbed a postal office. As the "hero" tried to pull the robber from the car he got shot in the gut and died in the hospital this morning. I just wonder how I myself would react in a situation like that. I sure hope I have the awareness to not risk my life over such a simple thing as a car. All though, I can understand why the man did it. He was probably fed up about the rising criminality and decreasing police efforts.<span id='postcolor'> There'd be less crime if there were more guns in more hands.
  25. FetishFool

    Whats the lazziest thing youve ever worn?

    The laziest thing that I've ever worn are a pair of briefs that I used to wear when I was 3 years old because I was too lazy to look for a pair of proper boxers. I then went on like that for the entire day. I used my dog to take out the garbage, and I used the balcony to take pees when I didn't want to walk all the way to the washroom from where the TV was.