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Everything posted by FSPilot

  1. FSPilot

    Real life photography/photo editing

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>>100kb</span> Just walking out of class when I see this wierd bird taking off. Â I got my camera and drove to the end of the runway they were using to get some pictures. Â It's a Cessna CitationJet 525. Â CJ1 or 2, I can't tell. Same jet, N525AD (obviously). Â I estimate they're about 100-200 feet AGL and maybe 200 feet down range from me. Â Notice the blue tipped vertical stabilizer (up-and-down part of the tail). Â There was a very small drouge chute trailing behind it, don't know what for yet. Same jet, taxiing in to gas up apparently. Â They stopped just after taxiing off the runway, got out, and removed the drouge chute for some reason (maybe to not damage it during taxi?). Â You can also see the airports relatively new tower in the background, it's one of the most high-tech in the region. Â They use it as a testbed for new systems, pretty cool stuff.
  2. FSPilot

    Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War

    I can't say the same for the multiplayer community. Why, just tonight I was taking a student up on a cross country in an F-15 when we got blown out of the sky by some MiG-29 for no good reason! Simply apalling! Seriously though, I haven't had very many good experiences with multiplayer. If I put the time in to it and joined a squad maybe I'd have more fun, but I'm just not in to deathmatches against everybody with an internet connection. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just need something more organised and realistic.
  3. FSPilot

    Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War

    So why would they have an F-15 (land based) on an aircraft carrier? Anyway, if what you say is true I'd say I'm half-and-half. Â At least it's not insultingly unrealistic. Â The graphics look above average (models, terrain: great. Â clouds, effects: average), realism isn't bad, but it's not good. Â And gameplay seems to be pretty good. Plus those A-6Es, *drools* Â
  4. FSPilot

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Nice pictures!
  5. FSPilot

    Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War

    Are those F-15's in an aircraft carrier? Â I just lost all interest in this game.
  6. FSPilot

    Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War

    If this was a PC game I'd be all over it just for the A-6E.
  7. FSPilot

    Team America- World Police

    I think the movie makes fun of both mindsets of people, plus all the standard south park-ish humor. Â I loved the movie because it was funny in a lot of ways, not just because they killed a lot of terrorists. I went to go have a good time with my friends, not to expand my mind with the director's opinions of U.S. foreign policy. Â I get the feeling you guys are taking this comedy a bit too seriously. Also, the puke scene was a whole lot worse than the sex scene.
  8. FSPilot

    Playing Movies Disturbance :-(

    ^what he said^ It's a power saver feature that cuts down on your energy bills and probably helps your monitor last longer too.
  9. FSPilot

    Real life photography/photo editing

  10. FSPilot


    That's one thing I have been doing right. I always stretch before and after running, makes things so much easier. Also doing stretches and maybe 5 warmup-pushups will help out my pushup score too.
  11. FSPilot

    Russia may canonize soldier

    I really feel sorry for him. I don't understand how somebody could remain strong after everybody had turned their backs on him.
  12. FSPilot


    I'm actually already starting to enjoy it. I just need to find a more scenic route than the mall parking lot. Something about running past IHOP and Chilli's early in the morning just doesn't motivate me.
  13. FSPilot


    There aren't any hills anywhere near I live so I'll have to do the speed thing. And I'll start doing 3 miles instead of just 1. I was really just doing 1 until I got back in shape to go longer. Pushups I'm working on just like running, just doing them a lot. Situps have never been a problem for me, I could do situps all day without turning red. Don't know how, I never made a point to do lots of situps when I was young. So if I keep this up I should be squared away. Thanks for the advice guys.
  14. FSPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    I saw an interview with a Florida voter on yesterday. She was voting for Kerry becacuse she did not agree with Bush that Iraq should be rebuilt as the Iraqis were behind 9/11 attacks. She said: "Did the Iraqis help us rebuild the World Trade Center?" Â Did you see that on the daily show by any chance?
  15. FSPilot


    I don't mean to nitpick, but is there any other kind of fat? Overskin fat? I think that would be especially easy weight to lose. Anyway, how do you find what pulse zone you're supposed to be working in? I looked up my max to be about 185 for my age/weight range, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean I should redline my heart at 185 for 3 miles. What's a good range to use?
  16. FSPilot

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Or Kansas.
  17. FSPilot


    Anybody got any advice for me? I'm trying to get my run times down and my pushup scores up. I've been running a mile every other day and doing pushups when I'm not running. I don't eat unhealthy (I wouldn't say I eat healthy though, ) and I'm trying to get my scores good for the military.
  18. FSPilot

    How many forum members does it take..

    And denoir to post a statistical analysis of who thinks the light bulb shouldn't be changed, should be changed, or should be changed to the new "white-light" bulbs.
  19. FSPilot


    If that's a six pack then I've got a keg.
  20. FSPilot


    Remember that there's a difference between dieting and eating healthy. Don't think that you can go eat burger king every day just because you're not on a specific diet. If you eat healthy and keep working out (try to do an all-around exercise routine too, not just situps every day) you'll eventually get the muscles you're looking for.
  21. FSPilot

    Real life photography/photo editing

    How color blind are you? Â In the US at least you can still get some certifications with a SODA (Statement Of Demonstrated Ability). Â For color-blindness they basically stand about 20 feet away and shoot you with a colored flashlight to see if you can tell the difference between colors. They probably do something similar if you don't live in the US. What kind of sniper/spotter team carries a blaze orange sack with them?
  22. FSPilot

    Team America- World Police

    If you lived almost exactly in the middle of nowhere you wouldn't say that. <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>DON'T JUDGE ME!!!</span>
  23. FSPilot

    Team America- World Police

    I might go see it just for the puppet porn.
  24. FSPilot

    Real life photography/photo editing

    I didn't know the 4-H club had uniforms. just kidding, lol
  25. FSPilot

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    You are .dll You are dynamic. Â You are constantly in danger of bringing down the house, because you don't play well with others. You are TRSDOS. Compatibility is always an issue with you. Â You feel the world has passed you by. Â Time has not treated you well. (edit: nice, forgot about the HTML thing)