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Everything posted by FSPilot

  1. FSPilot

    Squad messages in combat

    Then people might start running around saying "DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" like in DOD. *shudder*
  2. FSPilot

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    Pull! If you ICQ them to me I'll put them up on my webpage.
  3. FSPilot

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    Introducing... The first set of pics from the OFP Stuntman team! http://www.angelfire.com/biz5/fsflight/ofpstunts/stuntpics.html Enjoy!
  4. FSPilot

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    ... DUDE! where can i get that gun?
  5. FSPilot

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    I think I missed this part, but whats a beogun?
  6. FSPilot

    What goes through your mind

    Denoir, I'm just interested, but which country's military are you in, and what conflicts were you involved in?
  7. FSPilot

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    Great! This is gonna be fun. I'm still working on more stunts to do.
  8. FSPilot

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    And I got you on mine, lets see how many other people we can get in on this.
  9. FSPilot

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    Count me in, who's up for the first stunt tonight? Â I've been working for about an hour getting this thing just right, made an MP mission and everything. I can convert it to regular OFP if needed. EDIT - my ICQ is 41125156 MSN and email is flyguy140@hotmail.com AOLIM is FSPilot8 Y! Messenger is flyguy140
  10. FSPilot

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    One more thing, you need to have OFP:R to work this. Â We can do it without resistance, but I'd have to redo the MP map. EDIT - Just so I'm not doing the same thing twice, nobody's ever jumped over 20 some buses with a satchel in the middle, right?
  11. FSPilot

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    Any of you guys want to help out? It'd only take like 5-10 minutes. I'm just really eager to do this, it'll be fun.
  12. FSPilot

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    Ok guys, I have an idea that I need someone's help to try. I really just need someone to either take a picture or blow a charge, either way, and I need to do it in a multiplayer game (you know, so you can watch and take the picture). Â Any volunteers? You MUST have the new Kawasaki klr 250 motorbike by SelectThis (download here) AND the ramp (download here). Email me at flyguy140@hotmail.com or reply here if you're interested. I want to do this ASAP, and all spectators are welcome
  13. FSPilot

    Is there a setpos tutorial?

    Sorry, but I'm not that good with triggers. I'm really just starting out at this.
  14. FSPilot

    Depleted uranium shells

    So why aren't depleted uranium shells included in operation flashpoint? I know the A-10 and M1A1 use them, and they're VERY effective against armored vehicles, so why not? Even if they aren't released officially, can someone make them as an addon?
  15. FSPilot

    How does setpos work?

    Whoops, didn't see this thread. xD Anyway, here's my problem. Â I typed in this setpos[(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),10] and it worked pretty well. Â I was putting an AH-1 on an LSD, and it worked flawlessly. My problem is, I forget how to great a trigger that only goes off when all of a group is destroyed, so what I'm trying to do is put it somewhere else, have the LSD move to it while the AH-1 is moving mud, then have the AH-1 come back to it and set off the trigger. My problem is that using the setpos command, it puts the helicopter in that point in space, not on top of the LSD. So basically, I have the LSD moving, but the AH-1 is standing still because it's just floating there in a point in space. Â Here's a pic. (http://fspilot.homestead.com/files/OPFpics/hovr.JPG) Can someone help me out?
  16. FSPilot

    Is there a setpos tutorial?

    Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I have a question. What I'm trying to do is put a helicopter on the pad of an LSD. I'm trying to use setpos to do this, but I cant' find out what to put in the [0,0,0] section of the script. I think it's the distance, in meters, from the lower right (correct?) corner of the map. If that's true, is there any way I can measure the distances that I need without just taking a blind guess?
  17. FSPilot

    Depleted uranium shells

    Which is more effective, HEAT or Sabot? And whats the difference. Since we're talking about tank ammo.
  18. FSPilot

    Depleted uranium shells

    So why does it take 2-3 hits to take out a T-72?
  19. FSPilot

    Scripting question

    Ah! Ok, I was just looking for the wrong command! Thanks a lot!
  20. I've been looking all over to find out how to do this. I couldn't find anything here, or the official list at flashpoint.com. Anyway, how do I set a soldier's combat mode to "safe"? I'm horrible with scripts, and I'm putting in "this setcombatmode;safe" doesn't work though. can anyone help me out?
  21. FSPilot


    Call me a gearhead if you must (ah ah ah, stupid joke) but I'd like to see some control over the gears in vehicles. Now I know they exist, as I can hear them shifting when I drive, but I think it'd be nice to have more control over the gears. Â You know, switch to lower gears when you're going up hills or climbing a mountain, switch to higher gears when you want to cruise or go fast. I know in stick shifts you have to use a clutch and all, frankly I think that'd be too difficult to do in a game (and IRL for me, but that's another subject ). Â So my idea is that you can just push a key and change the gear (maybe pgup and pgdn?). What do y'alls think? And I did a search, didn't find anything on the subject. EDIT - Oh yeah, and for those people who dont like this idea, it could be added as a toggleable feature (like super AI) so everyone should be happy.
  22. FSPilot

    Depleted uranium shells

    So why aren't depleted uranium shells included in operation flashpoint? I know the A-10 and M1A1 use them, and they're VERY effective against armored vehicles, so why not? Even if they aren't released officially, can someone make them as an addon?
  23. FSPilot

    Fuel for the motorcycle?

    Maybe we should try to help him instead of just telling him to reinstall everything. Can you refuel any other vehicles at that particular station, or the motorcycle at any other stations?
  24. FSPilot

    Super ai on dedicated server?

    Hmm, I've never run a linux server before, but as far as i know you should just be able to change them in the options dialog like you normally would. I don't think they'd change automatically. Just log in as admin and change them. Unless someone clicks off the AI, then that wont work.
  25. FSPilot

    Rulz r for foolz

    *doesnt read all that* *posts while he can*