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Everything posted by FSPilot
People hate Bush for damaging our environment, which we wouldn't have to do if we had Iraq's oil supply. People hate Bush because they think he's attacking Iraq to gain it's oil supply. Make up your mind.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkLight @ Nov. 18 2002,21:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sniper rifles? Â Are that just scoped rifles or something? Â Cuz that sounds pretty unrealistic, and what about wind and shit like that, isn't it very hard to hit stuff with a sniper rifle then?<span id='postcolor'> A long-barreled and scoped paintball gun = sniper rifle I'm not sure, but I think they shoot faster and are slightly modified to reduce the arc. not sure though. as a side note, i'm heading down to the local (yeah right) airsoft store this weekend to buy my first gun. if they're to expensive there, i'll order one online.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USMC Sniper @ Nov. 19 2002,06:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Take that FSPilot, movies always have real guns just that they never operate realistically (eg. M16A2's on Fullauto).<span id='postcolor'> So how to you explain the robot war scene in terminator 2? Eh? Eh? eh...
I wouldn't look to an Arnold Schwarsengiaoinger movie for accuracy with firearms. LOL, sorry, couldn't resist. Can you give us a picture of this weapon in the movie?
But airsoft IS played on big fields. Airsoft guns have a higher velocity than paintball guns and therefore more accuracy and longer range.
Not really. Besides, we saved your butts in world war two. Ok, let's stop this flaming. We both need to use each other's military to beat the crap out of Iraq.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nolips71 @ Nov. 17 2002,23:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">the americans only called it the AV8b too save face and not make it look like they bought it off us <span id='postcolor'> Not really. Us bastard Americans organised your airplane like we always do. A stands for attack V stands for VTOL (I think, I'm not sure. Correct me if I'm wrong please) 8 is just it's number, and B I assume is it's model.
If anything big goes down we won't be hearing about it until after the fact. I don't know what kind of officer would tell everyone what he was going to do before he does it. I'm positive the terrorists watch CNN.
I don't think I understand these competitions. It seems to me like they're testing taxi drivers by putting them on a race track.
http://www.panicware.com/ Free pop-up stopper. Doesn't stop banner ads, but the annoying pop up ones. It really just stops any other explorer windows from being opened, but if you hold the ctrl button there's no problems. It's a small inconvenience, but more than makes up for it getting rid of the pop ups.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ Nov. 17 2002,09:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sometimes you Americans really surprise me.<span id='postcolor'> Please don't overgeneralize like that. I'm an American and I don't think that at all.
I just want to give airsoft a try. I liked paintball, except for the guns. They just looked dumb to me. A while ago I was asking around for realistic looking paintball guns, and I got discouraged and stopped looking. Now that I can have a full size MP5 and do generally the same thing as paintball, I'm hooked. Still have to talk myself into buying one though.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (wodnerduck @ Nov. 17 2002,07:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">run like rabbits slowly<span id='postcolor'> A 3 legged rabbit?
Good point. There are different objectives and rules for each different organisation. It all depends.
That's a pretty neat advancement. But what would you need a 500kmph torpedo for? You've got all the time in the world underwater, if they can't see you that is.
Methinks Denoir has a problem with the U.S. Anyway, back on topic. If the U.N. can be a watchdog for Europe then I don't see a point for NATO.
But who's going to keep all the ethnic cleansers in line?
I think yes. Even though the U.S.S.R. fell and Russia is doing more shrinking than growing lately, I still think NATO is useful. It's a peacekeeping force in a semi-volatile area.
I can't stand games like that. They're sacrificing realism and gameplay just to make it hard to beat the "boss". ugh If I wanted that I'd play megaman. Be like OFP, use realism to make it hard, not the other way around.
Hmm, Soviet aircraft, probably from the cold war, it has sort of a streamlined empennage so it reminds me of Sukhoi, similar to the EF2000... I give. After a thorough search of the FAS site, and a look at the clock, I give.
Uggh. If I keep looking at these guns I'm going to go out and spend way too much money on these things. I don't even know if there are places to play around Kansas. AHHH!!! Â screw the minigun! *goes into convulsions* edit - you can find more info on that mini gun here (http://www.discountairsoft.com/shop/itemvulcan.html) just look for it's picture some.
I'm more of a volunteer than a money giver. If I wanted to give money I'd probably want to get a list of expenses as well.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (AMDOpteron @ Nov. 16 2002,07:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">SHould I use the aluminium foil trick or use the REAL army style, hit the enemy with the butt of the gun?<span id='postcolor'> LOL I don't think that would set off the vest, lol. If you're up for some REAL fun. Play paintball. There are a lot of different names for it, but I know it by paintball. Anyway, aside from ballistics and, well, NOT dying, it's pretty much like a real battle. People can use grenades, even sniper rifles if you have the money. Personally, I think it's much more fun to play outside and with a more realistic objective. And I love telling this story too: It was just before high school graduation so my friends and I decided to do something together. We invited the whole graduating class (only 9 people, small private school) and a few other people, but only 5 (including me) showed up. So we went to the paintball place (fireball mountain, New Jersey), paid our dues, and got our guns. On the first round, 2 of the guns jammed, so they were out, then everyone on our team except me and Jose (want's to be a Marine sniper, he's made for this stuff) are left huddled together behind some firewood. I see this big guy running from cover to cover towards us. So I start to shoot at him. I haven't played paintball in a while, so I had to keep adjusting for ballistics and wind and crap. Anyway, he hides behind some wood like us. I keep shooting at him, thinking he's about to start shooting at me. Eventually he holds his gun up, so I stop shooting. "I got one! I got one!" i'm thinking to myself. Better than that, he stands up and reveals to me where he got hit. Right between the eyes! It looked beautiful too. A perfect orange splatter directly between his eyes. I couldn't of been happier.
One word: Mafia. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game. But it's really difficult at times.