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Posts posted by Electricleash

  1. It would be useful to have a 'Reset to default Loadout' option either in Arsenal or under the object Attributes menu.

    So for example:

    Place an engineer in EDEN.

    In Arsenal you create a new loadout for him.

    You create your mission assign tasks/waypoints etc.

    Then later you decide, for whatever reason, (Often because you can't add NVG's, weapon accesories etc. to backpacks and Vests) you want to revert the unit to it's default editor load out.

    Currently the workaround is to place an engineer, in Arsenal you save his loadout then go to your previously placed unit and load in that saved loadout in arsenal.


    On a side note can the Moderators pin this topic thread please? :)





    Added: An Apex control preset is now available for weapon switching and commanding of units (we’ll be experimenting with more controls improvements here; info in a future SITREP)


    This is all well and good, but without the ability to save/load, export/import your personal control configurations presets, I'm not really too keen to test this out and then have to go back and re-input all my controls to how I have them now.


    It would be great to have a method of storing and recalling (and possibly sharing) our controls layouts, beyond copy and pasting the ARMA3PROFILE file.


    EDIT: Unless I've completely misunderstood what this means...

  3. Experiencing a crash related to Tasks, though It may be 'End Game' centric:


    Starting a new LAN MP game End Game Feres.

    On the initial map briefing screen (before joining actual play) if you click on 'Unassign' from the 'Establish FOB' map task, the game will crash.

    Reproducible every time.


    Crash report below:




    Further testing appears to show that anything related to Assigning and Unassigning tasks will cause a crash.

  4. Thought I would repost my initial feedback from General Discussion here, now that there's a dedicated thread.


    Tasks have transitioned to engine nicely (at least as far as SP is concerned).

    Just need to be able to reposition the 'Journal' UI element.

    Make it available in the layout settings, as it's currently sitting on top of the vehicle info bar.

  5. The 'Official' filter tick box doesn't seem to find any of the official arma servers.

    According to the Servers part of the Arma website at the tiime of testing, it should have picked up those that were online.


    Unless I've missed something.


    Each time I've tried to test rc multi, there were no servers under the official filter, to jump on.


    Edit: On a side note, the 'Connect' button on the servers area of the website, doesn't seem to work.


    Edit 2: Ok so just tested again the 'Official Servers only' Filter only seems to work under the 'Internet' tab once you've already favourited the official servers.

    So somewhere the two tabs (Favourites and Internet) are getting confused about which tab the 'Official Servers only' filter applies to...

    If you can work out what the hell I'm talking about I'll be impressed! ;)

  6. A bit late to the party, but I too love the virtual arsenal's integration with the Eden editor. Can't tell you how much time that saves me switching back and forth between the virtual arsenal, notepad and the editor itself. One thing I find missing is the ability to change options with regard to a character's identity (I think), e.g. patches, face, and voice. Will you add this functionality later on? 

    They are already there, as stated above under the unit attributes tab, at least the Identity/faces/voice set are, not patches though.

  7. Agree, really fantastic so far! RC branch is a stunner in general.


    The one thing I notice hasn't been tweaked yet as far as levels go, is distance air crashes/explosion when a jet or helo impacts the ground; it is currently very faint.

    I suspect that these sounds come under the 'vehicle sound' enhancements, which I believe are due for implementation at a later date.


    It is indeed hard to tell what's been configured and what's been an oversight.

  8. Done.




    Yep, this has been the case for quite some time. It doesn't seem to matter where you are or what time of day it is. edit: Guess Raz meant more detailed coords...

    I think it may have to do with whether the gate 'post' is in the players monitor view or not.

    There's a part of the gate model that if it is outside the players view the whole gate is hidden.

    I haven't noticed it occur with the gate closed.

  9. The best feature of today's dev branch wasn't even mentioned, or has the Arsenal function already been added earlier to 3den? (right click on a unit to access)

    It was in yesterday, but it's not fully implemented; the units loadout reverts to default when the mission is previewed, both in-game and upon returning to the editor.

  10. The new font works ok in game, for example within the confines of the action menu and in the Eden editor. Whether it's an improvement... hmmm... not sure.


    However it really doesn't work for things like the Main menu, the options menus, generally anything to do with brand impact.

    It gives a sort of 'squashed' feel that doesn't echo the wide open feel of the Arma sandbox.


    Personally, I thought the Purista font that's been used up until now was just right, and considering it's a core element of all promo material up until now, the departure would make for a radical and possibly expensive change.

  11. @Electricleash - hi mate! I'm afraid you may have fallen victim to a bit of a major error I made today - I uploaded an old PBO which had an error right about where you are in the campaign! Sorry! It should be sorted now!


    Regarding the mission titles in the map screen, I'll check that out - should have a fix tomorrow. As well, Coleridge's comment about the hat - that's a bug relating to the old PBO. It should happen once, if you pick up an enemy hat - and that's it. Should be sorted now! Let us know if you spot anything else - I'll look into your post, point by point, and see what I can do :D



    EDIT: Just uploaded a fix for the mission names via Steam Workshop

    Cool man, will give it another run through when next I get a chance.

    • Like 1

  12. Really enjoying the addition of the new content, really adds to the uniqueness of the campaign.

    Switched back to main branch to give this a proper go.


    General Notes:

    I noticed that the mission names in game i,e. in the Map screen are shown as M_04 etc. instead of the actual respective misson name.

    I think tension music should carry on regardless, loop or restart until the next music cue. Currently, when the music finishes there tends to be this noticeably quiet void.








    Mission Specific:


    Roads End:

    Nothing noticeably wrong, though the music issue I mentioned is particularly evident here. Loved the gun case addition!


    Essential Requisite:

    No problems, though I notice you've disabled use of the MG on top of the first base... darn it! :P that was my go-to move for dealing with the reinforcements.


    Approaching Thunder:

    I liked the addition of fire barrels at the fuel station in the early release of this mission, just wondering why they were removed?


    Options None:

    Had a show-stopper just now, where the task to destroy the advancing tanks failed to complete.

    I think also if the tanks are disabled, which friendly AI often manage to do, this should also count as destroyed.


    It's currently a bit of a faff trying to get hold of the kit (mines etc. ) from the tables around Knight, general ARMA action menu frustration.

    I think the AP mines aren't particularly useful here as, in my experience, the AAF troops rarely get anywhere near the town.


    I think removing the Claymores altogether would be a good idea, as the vanilla implementation is practically useless.

    If they were indeed, movement activated or the player could choose the order in which to set them off, (some mods allow this) they might prove useful but as it stands they are dead weight, and one more item to sift through when setting up the mission.


    There's a comment made by Coleridge at the beginning of the mission: "I feel pretty stupid wearing this", which threw me. I picked up a cap in the previous mission where he says "I hope no-one sees me wearing this", is it something to do with that? I'm not sure why he would feel that way about a cap.


    Anyway that's as far as I've got so far. Going to give Options None another run, see if I get caught by the show stopper again, maybe it was a one off.


    Edit: Tried it another couple of times, and it gets stuck at the tank destruction task.




  13. Likewise affected, playing through Kyds 'Resist' campaign (which is now technically a mod) Usually playing for about 15-20 minutes before it happens, reloading from saves a few times, the game grinds to a halt within the space of about two minutes.


    It doesn't just affect the mission:

    When quitting to main menu, the intro scene in the background is also affected.

    Once the game is closed back to desktop, the PC still takes half a minute or so to right itself.


