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Everything posted by EricM

  1. the spermwhale is #42 on the todo list
  2. Really ? I didn't see swastikas, only Iron crosses... Which I thought were allowed.
  3. Good work fellows. Will gladly pay for it, even if it's "just" Arma2 in WW2 setting. If done right and professionally, it could be a lot of fun. Dedicated people deserve rewards for their efforts. More stuff to play with while waiting for Take On, Carrier Command or Arma 3...
  4. EricM

    Screenshots nothing like the game?

    Set the fillrate/3D resolution at 200% and all at max, not playable here, but pretty.
  5. EricM

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    It seems someone cracked the camouflage pic "by hand", but I took the liberty to bring it into photoshop, quickly replicate the pattern and make a difference between the original image and the regular pattern, so that you only see the hidden message. http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/7374/camouflagedifference.jpg
  6. This. I don't care if you flame the game, it may very well deserve it, but personal attacks on this guy are uncalled for. He's doing the job he was told to do : a shooter on consoles using the ego engine. He even stated publicly that if you want a simulation, there's Arma for that. On thing I learned is to never do on the internet what I wouldn't do in real life. Do you know the guy personnaly ? Would you tell that to his face if you knew him ? Probably not, so behave. Anonimity doesn't supercede good manners. And if that's not enough, it's against the rules of this forum. Note : No I'm not related to CM, or Sion... It's just a question of education.
  7. EricM

    Realism VS. Arcade style fun

    Wait to fly low level with a good flight dynamics in a detailled environment a la Arma 2 and we'll talk about that. I'm sure there will be increased cockpit interactivity and more relevant instruments than in Arma (where fuel is the only thing you need to check, and even that is not really crucial), but it's better to have a good flight experience than a good system simulation, IMHO.
  8. EricM

    Engine discussion

    That's what I like about BIS : after offering us the best tractor, goat and rabbit simulator in (F)arma , we'll get the best Christmas tree cropping simulator on the market, bar none. Think outside of the box ! Killing aliens, zombies and evil north korean in Fakistan is SOOOO last season...
  9. Damn, I wish I had been told that before I bought and enjoyed all those sandbox games... Silly me... OFP & Arma Series, Mafia, Assassin's creed series, GTA...
  10. I love a good SP. You can have a more compeling story and experience, a nice showcase of the engine's capabilities, you don't have to wait for other people to be able to play, you can stop, pause resume the game whenever you feel like, you won't suffer harrasment from cheaters... Because it was bad in the original BF doesn't mean it can't be good now. MP is great, but it's not the only way to enjoy a game. Even a Battlefield game.
  11. EricM

    IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

    That's really a pitty this game runs so bad and consequently looks so bad for so many people, while Wings of Prey - it's little arcadish brother - is so stunningly fluid and gorgeous. Granted the terrain is much smaller, but that's what streaming is meant for, right ? or is this the über flight-model that's killing everybody's machines ? On the french forums, it's being nicknamed CloDo, which in French means "hobo". Not very flattering...
  12. Battlezone was pure gold... Great Story, awsome gameplay. BZ2 was prettier, but it didn't have the cold-war theme of the first one. Very enjoyable still. The mix of action and RTS was almost perfect : the way you could easily order units, build structures, group units together, jump in and out of vehicles, snipe your opponent, scavenge wrecks etc... is still unmatched. As for the brand itself, I don't think Activision is going to do anything with it anytime soon. But if BIS makes a similar gameplay, I don't care how it's called (Battle Command : Carrier Station 2112), I'd be a happy camper. Edit : I remember Battlezone was the game I played the most around 2000 while waiting for an upcoming game called Flashpoint 1985 : Status Quo, and then our famous OFP : CWC.
  13. Thank you very much for the answer Marek, much appreciated.
  14. Any idea if the announced Take On helicopter is the reason for Carrier Command's delay ?
  15. I was going to say that... Actually we already have PinP since PMC with video playback. So it's obviously Render to Texture for true "screens".
  16. They recently talked about going Steam only, now Seattle... My bet is it's Steam related.
  17. Am I the only one totally unable to follow the pace of the beta fixes ?
  18. I think they did a great job recreating Takistan on consoles. It has its flaws, but it looks ok and it seems to be a interesting alternative to all the COD clones, with a slightly more tactical twist to it. The voices and commands seem improved too. Too bad they got rid of most of the vehicles and editor. I'd be more concerned about the AI after seeing the Gamestar article. I probably won't get it, unless it's on massive sale on steam, but all the hatred is really uncalled for. Take the game for what it is : an average tactical shooter on consoles, and not what you wanted it to be: the uber free roaming battlefield simulator on PC. This ship has sailed. We now have Arma.
  19. EricM

    LA Noire

    This very much looks like the other side of Mafia... Funny to see all those actors from Mad men, Heroes... It looks great, but it shows how rigid the system is : you have to scan the actors 1:1 with even the exact haircut.
  20. The Frostbite 2 engine is really impressive... Dice released some presentations and it's really top notch... On top of their inhouse R&D, they licensed a couple of third-party middlewares for character animation and global illumination. It also supports streaming and destrutible environment (including terrain and whole buildings, unlike Bad company as it seems). I wonder how moddable it may be (or even if there will be an SDK or mod kit or whatever in that respect), but since UDK and soon Cryengine will be both offering free versions of their engines, it may very well be that Dice does the same...
  21. EricM

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78927

    - The AT switch is way too fast. - Reload is probably too fast too. I can probably live with the rest... but it never stroke me as a problem before.
  22. EricM

    Royal navy buys Hornets not JSF...

    Has it ? I must have skipped a few pages... Edit : Found it...
  23. EricM

    Royal navy buys Hornets not JSF...

    Since it's a topic about wild fantasy gun porn discussions... By all accounts, the Brits should buy some Rafales. They are built in Europe, they are multipurpose aircrafts and they are already navalized. Oh and they look good... (Don't shoot me...) Being serious now, I'm clueless about it, so bare with me, but has it ever been considered ?
  24. Since we havn't heard of any new plan for a DLC or Carrier Command, I can only assume that BIS has concentrated all its troops on another big project including all the guys at Altar and Black element.They still have to make all those artists and coders work after all, and they're not all bugfixing stuff on OA... Given that Carrier Command was also the basis for a new engine, maybe they have decided to push the development even further so as to make it the basis of the future Arma franchise aswell.... hence delaying the current game. Pure speculation there... But maybe we'll hear of a new expansion in the Arma Franchise as a consequence of the Carrier Command delay, or that Carrier Command will become something totally different that what was initially planned.