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Everything posted by EDcase

  1. No one has said anything about the new RCO 3d scope view being too dark? Couldn't find a ticket for it so made one up: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10009
  2. Tortuosit: I use the same as you. Hold-RMB for temporary optics and zoom too. (also assign 'Lock or Zoom' [Weapons] to hold-RMB) Tap RMB toggles permanent optics WITHOUT zoom for CQB Same problem that holding RMB to try and zoom then cancels the optics so I have to remember to use Space instead with this permanent optics mode. Space bar to hold breath AND 'Lock or Zoom' so I can zoom without optics. Another good tip is to make 'Throw' (grenade) double tap so less likely to be accidental. For those with TrackIR... Numpad '0' for recentre. I use it a lot.
  3. EDcase

    Arma 3 beta helicopter speed

    The 'little bird' (can't remember name in game) is the only slow chopper. I think they did base the performance near the real world equivalent helicopters.
  4. EDcase

    The more control, the better?

    Yeah, it was a kind of nooby addition in ARMA2 to have them auto activate. Should be manual. Make a ticket and we will vote ;)
  5. EDcase

    Dead Zone Folks: Why not use freeaim?

    Yeah, I actually saw that and tried it but it doesn't work well. Slow turning is not usable. MordeaniisChaos: I can't really imagine how it would work but sounds interesting
  6. Yeah, Im sure BIS got the message now.... They are undoubtedly working on it.
  7. EDcase

    Surround sound problems, DEVs take notice

    I have exactly the same Motherboard and headphones as you Tonci87 How are you connecting the headphones USB version or 5 separate inputs? (S/PDIF is not possible) I'm using the 5 inputs (so its real 5.1) and I also hear the distortion and VERY low direct voice of the intructor you mentioned. I also tried setting windows to 4 speaker setup and it does the same. For me the surround effect works fine except when the scource is close and that is an unfortunate design decision by BIS. They are still working on the sound system so they are probably aware of most problems. We should wait until the official BETA release (25th) as they will probably update it then.
  8. EDcase

    Dead Zone Folks: Why not use freeaim?

    Thats a separate problem of Deadzone that it doesn't work with TrackIR VOTE:http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=116 As I said, the problem with Aim Deadzone at the moment is mouse sensitivity in and out of the deadzone are VERY different. I made a small animation to demonstrate my idea described above
  9. First to congratulate BIS!!! It really is looking amazing... ...but taking a rifle from ammo box shows 11 magazines in the upper right info. (it still switches to the bloody pistol when you exit the gear menu) and going back to the new rifle it has no ammo.
  10. I don't think the recoil should reset back to fire position. The climb is there to make it more interesting and skillfull to stay on target.The problem is that the climb is a bit too strong when standing and should reduce with lower stances. Then it would be more effective while still challenging. I wonder how difficult it is to make the weapon resting work on all those rocks!?!??!
  11. THAT's a big part of the problem. Recoil is too high at least in lower stances where you should be more stable.Vote to reduce recoil with lower stances... I haven't tried the mod version yet. What about turning? Does it pivot on the resting position as it should? Then your body will slide left and right as you rotate... Presumably when prone you would have very limited lateral movement while deployed. Again, when aiming left and right your legs will be sliding a lot.
  12. Well its good to hear from a lady gamer who likes this kind of game. You are the second I've met. (still quite rare ;)) You must be tough to be a police woman, mother AND have time for games too :cool: Probably a few people bought the Alpha for the cheap price, tried it a bit and wait for the final release but most are playing various amounts. I think it was very brave for Bohemia to release an alpha with so many people giving their opinion. In the end ARMA3 will be a better game because of that so it helps everybody.
  13. EDcase

    Dead Zone Folks: Why not use freeaim?

    Yep, I see what you mean there. BUT that will be VERY hard to control because you won't know where your front is. You will see the normal optics picture and look around but you won't know which direction you will go when you press 'W' In real life you can feel the twist and know where your legs are pointing but not in the game. Imagine you are turned to the left and suddenly your are under fire. You will have a nightmare trying to run for cover as you have to find out what direction forward is. Then also how do you turn if your torso moves separately? The good thing about Deadzone is that it gets away from the 'gun stuck to head' of all other fps games. It allows you to do CQB much more realistically. (On max is too much I agree) But in reality you can move the weapon independently a bit. What about... How about as you move the weapon around with your upper torso and arms (like Deadzone but weapon stays more centred), after a short delay your hips/legs turn to match the angle so that you would end up facing the same direction as the weapon? Its hard to explain and visualize :( It would also help with the question of inertia and turning speed in the other thread because you would be turning your torso as you move the mouse and your hips/legs would follow after a moment. Perhaps the speed of turing would control how fast your legs follow the movement.
  14. EDcase

    Dead Zone Folks: Why not use freeaim?

    Make it maximum to get the full effect. (Note: I dont know many people who use it at max) When you move the mouse your weapon moves very fast Then try and turn your body.... ....really slooooow Example. (I am moving the mouse the same speed on my desk all the time) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYK8pBr2IN0 Thats it really. Its just a case of changing the mouse sensitivity lower in the deadzone and higher outside so they are more even.
  15. EDcase

    Dead Zone Folks: Why not use freeaim?

    Ah, I see the difference with Deadzone and what you mean about having the weapon move away from your centre sight picture. (Thats why I never used it at max) But what you describe wouldn't feel much different in 1st person??? (without Deadzone) You can bring up the optics and move around in all directions. How would that be different being able to rotate your body separately? Essentially the problem is controlling 2 things with one mouse. Weapon direction and body direction
  16. EDcase

    Dead Zone Folks: Why not use freeaim?

    Could you explain a bit more how you see this free aim working and how its different from Aiming Deadzone? The main problem is having the freedom (and realism) of separate torso animation but also having the control to turn the whole body without running out of desk space. I used the Deadzone in ARMA2 where it worked better but I never had it at max. It was about 1/4 so that I could aim at more distant targets without the whole view changing. (That made fps better too) I don't think you can have more rotation freedom than maximum Deadzone because if you fired a weapon twisted like that you would fall over.
  17. Thats basically what the "Aim deadzone" does (when it works)
  18. Yes, we'd like weapon resting and bipods to work but to be honest its not going to be SO amazingly different from what we have now.
  19. ...and NOT pulling out the damned pistol every time you pick up a different rifle :mad:
  20. Yep, we'll wait and see what happens...
  21. Actually I think you seem a bit confused with HDR. Normal images have high contrast with very bright skies and dark shadows. High Dynamic Range images actually REDUCE contrast so bright areas are brought down and dark areas are lightened. What ARMA did originally was do have ADAPTIVE HDR to simulate your eyes adapting. That meant that when you were in a dark building and looked outside a window or doorway it would look very whited out. As you kept looking it would adapt so the outside would look normal and inside would look darker. The problem was that the brightness detection was over the whole view rather than the centre. This meant that if you were in a wood looking down it would be fine but looking up a bit to just see a tiny amount of sky would make the whole view go dark. We probably will have to keep talking in PM tho as we're hijacking this thread
  22. It doesn't matter how they are generated. Since the 3d scene is rendered in realtime it can be made to LOOK like that. (It seems that's what Darkleader wants ;))
  23. LOL, I'm not trying to attack you sorry :D (ignoring perspective, the pics were to see lack of contrast and lighting. HDR just makes everything flat) Its more of a discussion and finding out what you want it to look like. It seems we have very different ideals for the visual experience ;) You must have some freaky eyes to see the world like that :cool: I'm all in favour of adding 32 or even 128bit logarithmic encoding for you but I would like BiS to try and and balance the sky brightness a bit for the rest of us too.
  24. Yes, I understand that your eyes and brain compensate for a wide dynamic range but do you really want ARMA to look like this!?!?! http://acornphotography.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/rustytruckhdr.jpg http://media.smashingmagazine.com/images/fantastic-hdr-pictures/hdr-76.jpg http://hdrguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/hdr-sunset.jpg ...because thats the way its going